The document has been posted before by the mahaguru kshah in his post no. 71, which I am posting again but with link to download 700p_tools, download them, they are self explanatory, but try them at your own risk... (also the cdmaupdater in the 700P_tools is the one with the old prl, download the new one separately)
- use usb cable to connect 6265 to pc as bluesolil BT adapter is one of the worst I have seen; even I have one which I have dumped
- to see nvbackup file u will need resco explorer (attached in the aforesaid document)
- copy the prl files by palm quick install only to main memory and not to memory card. they will be visible only by resco explorer, but you will be able to see them under "All" under application as CDMA Up... rest procedure is already given.
- try to change name at your own risk only after reading the attached document to first make the nvbackup file and then editing it by hex editor and then restoring it... I will not be responsible for any mistakes you make in that procedure...