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Showing most liked content on 01/21/2010 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    OK so here is a simple to do guide to get 1x data on palm pre for reliance and also for tata pre requirements 1) palm pre running webos 1.1 or 1.2 ( u can just use update program on pre and do OTA update which is safe) 2) palm pre DIAG drivers 3) root acess 4) qpst 2.7 1) connect ur palm pre to qpst now i m tired of mentioning it again and again on how to root a pre for programming here i m writing it in simple steps a) install palm sdk on ur pc http://developer.pal...ter&sdkdownload make sure u have latest version of java on ur pc c) once sdk is installed its very simple to gain root access on ur palm pre enter developer mode to do so from ur keyboard type konami code it will show developer mode icon , turn it on d) go to startmenu --run --type cmd e) it will open up command prompt f) just type following then type the following now it will show root@castle:/# ←[J now just type done it will ask u for pre drivers and direct to to location where u have it g) now just go to qpst and connect to corresponding com port 2) setting data in qpst when data isn't provisioned on palm pre , u will just see signal bars and battery indicator thats all see this pic of my palm pre without data http://img230.images...7/imag0006z.jpg 1) open up qpst 2) press read from phone , it will ask for spc code , put in 000000 or whatever spc u have 3) go to mip tab and in "mobile ip behaviour" select "simple ip only" 4) u will see user profiles , click on profile 1 and press edit 5) it will open up profile 1 edit screen , clcik tab profile enable 6) in NAI write xyz@sprintpcs.com 7) teethered NAI xyz@modem sprintpcs.com 8) check rev tunnel preferred 9) make primary HA HOME HA AND SECONDARY HA ADDRESS 10) press ok and click write to phone see below two screenshots from my pre to get an idea http://img169.images...01oct020004.gif http://img101.images...02oct020004.gif 11) now go to ppp tab u will see an option of username and password, go to UM and AN TABS and write username and password , in this case i wrote it as username - UTS@ relianceinfo.com password- i4gE7DW ( u can put any other username password) click write to phone 12) now press read from phone tab and make sure all settings are there 3) setting up data on handset 1) from ur phone dialpad dial ##evdo# ie ##3836# and select 1xrtt http://img401.images...8/imag0019a.jpg 2) from ur phone dialpad dial ##data# go to browser and zero PRIMARY /SECONDAY NCG and ports done now reboot ur phone if all settings are configured properly ur data will start working u will see a 1x sign next to signal bars ( 1x sign indicates data is activated , if u dont see1x sign it means ur settings are not proper) see pic of my handset after data got provisioned http://img101.images...72/imag0008.jpg pre drivers.rar
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    I want to know if anyone has tried successfully HSD setting on Samsung Corby. I called up CC on * 355 They told me to create a new profile from MENU>SETTING>APPLICATIONS>BROWSER Then in settings give dialing number as #777. username and password as Phone number and leave all other settings as blank and choose the newly created profile. Then they told me to dial *228 and after 4 hrs you can use your high speed connection. On doing so the phone says "your number is already active" and after 40 secs a message comes on screen"Programming unsuccessful" and call disconnects. On connecting( in wap browser or as modem on laptop) the nothing happens, the initial connection shows EV but immediately switches to 1X mode and I can't get the speeds. Has any one successfully been able to get speeds over 2 mbps or even 1 mbps for that matter tks
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    In most China phones engg menu there is an option for High Speed Sim, If you enable that option you phone will not work at all, many user have bricked their phone by enabling this option. So what ever you do, don't enable this option. ! And only recovery from it is to flash SAME firmware to it. So before doing anything writer down your software version, build date and time. Any one wants support regarding this I am here to help !
  7. 1 point
    High speed sim card is developed 5 year back, by Gemalto this is to increase the speed of communication between handset and sim card by 20x. It is an usb technology (USB SIM CARD), from which we can get upto 12mbps data connectivity between sim card and hand set. Currently used technology is almost 20-25 year old, which is base on smart card reader. Some countries are ready to adopt it. some are using it. But still High Speed Sim is not implemented due to major mobile manufacturer like Nokia want to sell their own technology which they call “Multi-Protocol Interface”. More info HERE