Since buy and sell section is necessary in any given forums, especially like RIMWEB where options for CDMA handsets are very few. Hence buying handsets and tweaking to use on network of choice is absolute need.
Incidently, Sadik recognized requirements long before any other forum member - therefore we have options to choose few of best available handsets in market. It was very thought ful on admin side to give him special slot. As he proved himself to be reliable seller. At times with dissatisfied customers too. Which again I think is necesssary to keep seller in check.
I have been observing that now a days there are more posts about buying and selling as well as tarrif than technical discussions. Before couple of years, the way rimweb was going, I was sure that one day rimweb will be like howard forum where people discuss deep technical stuff. Which educates and inspire noobs to experiment and become expert. However that dream now seems to be distant with more and more crap posts about selling handsets, RUIM, SIMS.
I request members who thinks like me to pressurize admin group to form a policy about post quality. Also some ways to encourage technical discussions. I dont say technical means pure and dry technical, it could be tweaking of handset or new tips and tricks or new softwares on phone and reviews ..... so on.