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Showing most liked content on 02/07/2010 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    ok so for folks who dont know there has been a recent breakthrough .. with some drivers been extracted out of htc hd roms now call recording is possible on windows mobile devices .. as i always believd call recording is not limitation of windows mobile but its a limitation by the phone manufacturer the ICR ( in call recording ) cab file works by installing necessary drivers and .dll files on your windows registery it allows for recording calls both ways without having to have speaker on . it records calls internally also recording calls using bluetooth handsfree can be done .. with few tweaks it works on htc kasier /tytn2/tilt on cdma devices it works on htc raphael ( sprint touch pro ) /htc diamond sadly i tried a lot on htc mogul ...tried all types of cab files ,registery tweaks,/soft resets i was able to get "start recording " option in my dialer menu ... i was able to record call for 30 secs and then my mogul rebooted .. same thing happens when used with vogue . this gives me hope that it might be tweaked to work on mogul.. but for htc touch pro /diamond users this thing can be made to work for sure read these threads for all info http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=474920 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=493118 to use icr u either need a third party all like vito auido notes or if u want to record from the dialer u need to have a dialer with call recording option ( hd dialer )
  2. 1 point
    Yes ! go to reliance world and put a complaint , ask for a same number on ruim, for that you will require one photo and a photo copy of address proof. and may be a photo ID copy.
  3. 1 point
    just visit webworld they will blacklist ur rsn ( rsn of the ruim card from which 8830 was programmed) so ur esn will be blacklisted , hence 8830 wont work now they will give u a new ruim card
  4. 1 point
    ^ Yes, get a new UIM card for the same no. It will block your previous no. Just go the webworld and tell them you have lost your phone (it fell somwhere etc., otherwise if u say stolen they will ask for police report); take your Photo ID and Address proof; and transfer your that no. to a new ruim.
  5. 1 point
    ^ 100% its not properly activated...
  6. 1 point
    what i meant was does it give swtich off tone when u call ur hero from other no also do u get area notifications again n again ?? wat i wanna get is that if all this abaove things happens that means somehow the radio goes dormant from time to time and disconnects though this still doesnt explain ur messaging issue but i think its not related to rom
  7. 1 point
    nope , its possibe that it might be missing radio thats coz baseband (radio) is same on version 1.29 as well as 1.56 which is they havent upgraded the radio there r two versions of hero one with google tradmark on back cover and one which htc trademark on back cover both have different radio versions one who has upgraded to version 1.56 can downgrade to 1.29 there is a guide posted for the same on xda @sumit well just let me know somethings when u leave ur phone idle for long hrs of time does it gives an engage or switch off tone to the other caller until u restart phone if this happens then its a radio issue most probably one more thing that could work in ur case is a ##786# as it will completely wipe and reset the radio but it will have dire results first it will restore meid so u wll have to reprogramm the phone secondly u will have to use cdma workshop to feed ppp settings as qpst wont write it thats the last resort