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Showing most liked content on 03/26/2010 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    in nv mode you forget to put prl or disable the prl option.............
  2. 1 point
    ^^^^^^^^^^ there are so many if and buts you have to check following things for that 1) is your c810 works without ruim, if not you have to make it run without ruim : Yes !! I mean signals come but phone asks to insert RUIM card,So how to make it run without sim please explain. 2) is your c810 esn is register in reliance database, if not u have to change it : May Be it is registered but how do i know about this, and if not then how/from where i can put registered ESN. 3) is your c810 have NV for writing number, if not you cannot do anything ... the end ! : Yes it has 3 Engg. modes : RUIM ONLY , NV ONLY, RTRE Mode , I have tried to write nam settings by CDMA workshop 2.7 , it worked but phone without sim doesn't work. No signal in NV and RTRE mode without sim. Signal do comes in RUIM mode but it asks to insert sim in all modes. more if and buts are there, first check above 3 then we can go a head
  3. 0 points
    Isnt this the only dual SIM cdma handset with a full qwerty keypad? Or are there others?
  4. -1 points
    Isnt this the only dual SIM cdma handset with a full qwerty keypad? Or are there others? MR. Hitesh You might be Ritchie Rich to afford Such Stuff of Blackberry But G-Fone 588 is for those who cant afford BlackBerry n Quite Comprmise with Quality Just for CDMA+GSM and Looks of it.