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3 pointsFollow me on this Topic http://www.google.co...of-EVO-and-Hero PLEASE DONT try it now ........................................ wait for some more time ADB recovery hack This hack, if executed successfully, should allow you to deploy an unsigned update.zip to a device running a current (Android 2.1+) version of recovery. This hack is for power users only right now, and is not as simple as unrevoked is. We are working on expanding the race window. Launching ADB in recovery Currently, we don't know how it happens, but sometimes ADB starts while the system is booting in recovery. (We believe it to be a race condition at present.) On the host, run adb shell in a loop.On Linux, syntax will be something like while true; do adb shell; done[*]Repeatedly reboot your device into recovery mode (if it comes up normally, adb reboot recovery). If the shell repeatedly says error: device not found when in recovery mode, press vol-up and power at the same time, then reboot and try again. If the shell repeatedly says - exec '/system/bin/sh' failed: No such file or directory (2) -, then ADB is running in recovery mode; congratulations. I just got ADB running in recovery mode! Now what? Read through all the steps first first. It's not long, but there are some timing-sensitive parts. Download http://www.unrevoked.com/incredible/busybox adb push it to your SD card: adb push busybox /sdcard/busybox Download the following two files:http://www.unrevoked.com/incredible/payload-update.zip http://www.unrevoked.com/incredible/ota.zip Keep these two files in the folder you'll be working with. [*]Press volume-up and power at the same time A menu should appear. Select update.zip by pressing power.It should fail.[*]On the host, run adb push ota.zip /sdcard/update.zip[*]On the host, prepare at your command prompt but do not press enter: adb push payload-update.zip /sdcard/update.zip[*]Select update.zip at the menu again by pressing power. Approximately half a second after it starts, press enter to run the second command! If the timing was right, it should verify the legitimate update, but update with our hack, printing a message like “unrEVOked for Incredible”. Congratulations! Post-hack tasks Some things you may wish to do: If CityID bothers you:you@host$ adb shell$ /system/bin/su# /system/bin/rm /system/app/CityID.apkAll gone! Once you have rebooted the system, you will probably want to install the Superuser Permissions apk. Get it from: http://www.unrevoked.com/incredible/Superuser.apk
2 pointsFriends, Since long I wanted to start this discussion and today is the day, I have taken this topic because: According to WHO every fourth diabetic in the world is an Indian. According to WHO projections, the 30 million to 33 million diabetics in India will go up to 40 million by 2010 and 74 million by 2025. WHO has issued a warning that India will be the Diabetes capital of the world. Many of our family friends are diabetic and many more will become in time Treating diabetic is a lifelong affair it's not single shot you have to follow it on daily basis Nearly 95% of all patient that I come to know who are literates too, don't know anything about the disease, and are surrounded by myths. I shall try to cover all topics which are necessary for diabetic education - I shall request members to read and catch hold of a single diabetic patient and inform him so as we have at least some awareness about the disease. please post your queries along I shall answer them as I have time. Topics: Definition by WHO: Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Hyperglycaemia, or raised blood sugar, is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of the body's systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels. Source Definition Explained: Body requires energy to do all most all functions, this energy comes from glucose (sugar in broad term) any food we eat has to be in glucose form of has to be converted to glucose. this glucose then get absorbed (transported) in cell for its utilization (to get energy) this uptake of glucose is facilitated by Insulin. Insulin in a hormone (complex Chemical) produced by pancreas, so if pancreas is damage or there is no insulin or there is diminished insulin sensitivity of cell for glucose uptake, there will be excess sugar in blood, this forms basis of diabetes. Image for explanation let's have some queries in this then we shall have diagnostic criteria (Next to come).
1 pointOK so here is a simple to do guide to get 1x data on palm pre for reliance and also for tata pre requirements 1) palm pre running webos 1.1 or 1.2 ( u can just use update program on pre and do OTA update which is safe) 2) palm pre DIAG drivers 3) root acess 4) qpst 2.7 1) connect ur palm pre to qpst now i m tired of mentioning it again and again on how to root a pre for programming here i m writing it in simple steps a) install palm sdk on ur pc http://developer.pal...ter&sdkdownload make sure u have latest version of java on ur pc c) once sdk is installed its very simple to gain root access on ur palm pre enter developer mode to do so from ur keyboard type konami code it will show developer mode icon , turn it on d) go to startmenu --run --type cmd e) it will open up command prompt f) just type following then type the following now it will show root@castle:/# ←[J now just type done it will ask u for pre drivers and direct to to location where u have it g) now just go to qpst and connect to corresponding com port 2) setting data in qpst when data isn't provisioned on palm pre , u will just see signal bars and battery indicator thats all see this pic of my palm pre without data http://img230.images...7/imag0006z.jpg 1) open up qpst 2) press read from phone , it will ask for spc code , put in 000000 or whatever spc u have 3) go to mip tab and in "mobile ip behaviour" select "simple ip only" 4) u will see user profiles , click on profile 1 and press edit 5) it will open up profile 1 edit screen , clcik tab profile enable 6) in NAI write xyz@sprintpcs.com 7) teethered NAI xyz@modem sprintpcs.com 8) check rev tunnel preferred 9) make primary HA HOME HA AND SECONDARY HA ADDRESS 10) press ok and click write to phone see below two screenshots from my pre to get an idea http://img169.images...01oct020004.gif http://img101.images...02oct020004.gif 11) now go to ppp tab u will see an option of username and password, go to UM and AN TABS and write username and password , in this case i wrote it as username - UTS@ relianceinfo.com password- i4gE7DW ( u can put any other username password) click write to phone 12) now press read from phone tab and make sure all settings are there 3) setting up data on handset 1) from ur phone dialpad dial ##evdo# ie ##3836# and select 1xrtt http://img401.images...8/imag0019a.jpg 2) from ur phone dialpad dial ##data# go to browser and zero PRIMARY /SECONDAY NCG and ports done now reboot ur phone if all settings are configured properly ur data will start working u will see a 1x sign next to signal bars ( 1x sign indicates data is activated , if u dont see1x sign it means ur settings are not proper) see pic of my handset after data got provisioned http://img101.images...72/imag0008.jpg pre drivers.rar
1 pointReliance GSM GPRS setting for Apple iphone it is very easy, in the settings-> general --> cellular date networks --> apn name = rcomnet no other setting is needed. switch 3G off and data roaming off. but before subscribing to a GPRS plan please do read the following customer experience. I, had subscribed for Reliance GPRS 299 unlimited browsing and unlimited download plan on March 4, 2010 & started using internet on my Apple iphone. I was shocked to see my bill now where in Rs 1400+ and 299 have been billed towards GPRS Charges as well as unlimited GPRS plan. I contacted the customer care for waiver of these 1400/- as i have subscribed to unlimited plans. Reliance customer care informed me that since apple Iphone has not been registered in the Reliance Phone database, so they will treat apple iphone as a computer and hence will continue to charge me GPRS charges even with unlimited plan! Is this not unfair on the part of the Reliance to charge me for net usage on my apple iphone at the same even with an unlimited plan. I have a same GPRS plan from vodafone & Airtel on my another apple iphone sets and i am being charged correctly without any additional charge. High Net Individuals please check all this before going in for a Reliance GSM connection. Anyways, if you are feeling cheated already, have patience wait till may 2010, then have your number ported to a better service provider like Airtel. I am also keeping my number 8000000048 on low usage till this happens.
1 pointGood initiative... I am marginal and proper exercise saved me in time... daily exercise routine is the best fight back...
1 pointthis is a perfectly working updated 2.1 file.. posted it so people having problems can compare.
1 point1. Fill SID / NID pair in System tab 2. Change service option to IS-707 from Pre IS-707 in DATA tab 3. in MIP tab delete all proxy and IP addresses to it should connect then BTW how come QPST reads every thing without error?
1 pointthere is option in hero about phone>>system updates>>> but i think it will goto sprint site to update all that which u dont want. i just clicked it for curiosity sake and then when i saw it updating i cancelled it. prl?? from sprint site works here?? In software Information PRI Version Showing 2.20_003 PRL Version Showing 00010 Anything More?? i think it might be related to PRI Usually when the radio updates so does the PRI try loading the sprint PRL latest see u can get it from www.colarado.com
1 pointattaching qspt screen shots.. only the relevent ones.. the rest are either blank or just sound n screen settings..hope this helps.dont botther about the mobile numbers etc as i have changed those. baseband radio no?? how to find that?
1 pointDATA not working. Was on 1.56 prior to 2.1 update. Phone details: Baseband Version: Software Number: 2.27.651.5 Browser version: WebKit 3.1 PRI Version: 2.20_003 PRL Version: 00001
1 pointHi Friends, I would like to clarify these offers out of my own personal (bitter) experience and wish to caution everyone regarding these unlimited plans. Please read carefully: Depending upon your handset (mine is Nokia 5800 Xpress Music)you will have 2 diferent kind of settings stored in your mobile e.g, R Connect and RWorld Wap... right? On the Rs 99 browsing plan you are only allowed to browse internet using your inbuilt crappy browser for as much as you like but not allowed to download anything (you can if you want but it will be charged). Messenger, Gmail etc is considered as data download and will be charged. On the Rs 299 plan, you are free to do anything... use messenger, browse, download an attachment from your gmail etc free of cost... Here comes the biggest and hidden catch.... You should only do all this using the RWorld WAP setting and NOT R Connect setting. Any internet activity done using the R Connect setting is CHARGED SEPARATELY..!!!! Irrespective of which plan you are on!!! I am telling you out of my experience. last week I subscribed to the Rs 299 plan and started using internet access, Push email etc left right and center using the R Connect setting thinking that it doesn't matter which setting I use as it is unlimited.... i got billed Rs 1500 for 1 week usage...!!! After speaking to CC guys, then they hesitantly told me the real deal. I have now deleted the R Connect setting from my phone altogether to avoid even accidentally using it and have left only the R World WAP setting active for all internet related activities. Don't worry, you can still do most of the internet related activities using the R World WAP setting. I have tested the following: Browse Using Opera Use Gmail App Use Google Maps Facebook Apps Twitter Apps and generally a lot of other things. What you can't do is (please correct me if I am wrong.... I would love to be proved wrong as I am looking for a solution): Cannot use any of the Push Email Apps or any email kind of clients 9Nokia Messaging, Emoze, Profimail, Seven etc). They simply refuse to connect using the R World WAP setting. Cannot use Fring Messenger App. This also refuses to connect through R World WAP setting. Please feel free to share you experinces and any solutions that you may have for the above things I said. But please remember.... Try to do all internet access ONLY through the WAP setting as the access point. STAY AWAY from R CONNECT Access Point Regards, Satish
1 pointGo through this post http://www.rimweb.in/forums/topic/24211-reliance-unlimited-rs-99-299-offer-clarification/ Rs 99/- and Rs 299/- vouchers can be used only for connecting net via rcomwap APN. rcomnet is chargeable Rs 0.60/- per min irrespective of plan.
-1 pointsFor running on tata need update with new tata firmware and for running on relaince need update with relaince firmware ........ but New generic firmware for ec325 is avialble . Just update with generic ec325 firmware and run any ruim .....tata mts or relaince ...
-1 points
-1 pointsGreat Job Sunny; baseband is the radio version only. All others may follow kshah's advice; also fill the first SID/NID pair in systems tab with 14655/65535 value... and username and password in Um tab as shown in the screenshot above corresponding to your reliance data plan and data should work...
-1 pointsi tried matching settings with sunny with sid and nid filled in but did not help. @dkaile and muffadal, under the MIP tab in user profile sunny has both the first and second profiles enabled with ip addresses. i have only first active with a blank for the second one, which on editing shows NAI as sprint. Is it of any significance. Just a noob question.Pls dont screw me for this.