Feel really sorry for you that you have to go through this harassment.
Actually you should have never paid them despite legal proceedings threats as this are just threats. They actually never launch any legal proceedings because of the following,
-The lawyer's fees are always higher than the amounts involved which in the case of telephone bills are never more than a few thousand.
-This will be a Civil Dispute and it takes years in India for a Civil Dispute to be resolved.
They just engage Lawyers who usually draft and send legally threatning notices and this Lawyers are paid by the no. of notices they send.
However i can understand people who do not have much knowledge of Law are always aprehensive about this legal things.
Now you writing e mails to them will not work. It will get lost in their complex maze and will never lead to a resolution. I do not know what is the amount involved. If it is very substantial, approaching a Consumer Court is one option but then since you are a senior citizen, the hassles would be too much.
As per Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, every Telecom Operator needs to have the following structure in place for addressing customer grievances.
1st Point of Contact-Customer Helpline.
2nd Point if the grievance is not resolved-Nodal Officer. (This are designated for each circle)
3rd Point if the grievance is not resolved at Nodal Officer.- Appellate Authority.
Thereafter you can lodge complaint with TRAI also.
I suggest the following course of action to you,
-Make a complete set of documents including your request for termination, termination letter signed by them, subsequent bills received by you after termination, Lawyer letter, Your payment details, Receipt etc..
-Draft a detailed representation in chronoligical order which finally should say your grievance in the matter which in this case will be the amount of refund which you are asking.
Send the same to Nodal Officer of Reliance Comm. for Gujarat Circle. The Contact details are,
Mr.Sudhir Bhaduri, Reliance Communications Ltd, Reliance ADAG House, 100 ft. Road, Prahlad Nagar Road, Ahmedabad- 380051.
Email : Rcomnodalofficer.GJ@relianceada.com
Telephone No. 079-30331424
Fax No. 079-30331502
You can also personally go and meet him and give your documents and grievance.
The timings are from Monday to Saturday (excluding public holidays, 1st & 3rd Saturday and national holidays) between 9:30 am to 6:00 pm.
If this is still not resolved, following is the detail of Appellate Authority of Reliance Comm. for Gujarat Circle.
Mr.Chetan Madhani,Reliance Communications Ltd, Reliance ADAG House, 100 ft. Road, Prahlad Nagar Road, Ahmedabad- 380051.
Email : Rcomappellateauthority.GJ@relianceada.com
Tel. No. 079-30331523
Fax No. 079-30343546
Hope you get a resolution and do post your experience.