Current price of 42" Toshiba 42RV600 is listed at 46,990/- on EZone Online, So i believe will be around 43-44K in shops and Hyper City.
However just seen an ad in newspaper by Vijay Sales for another Toshiba 40" Model 40AV700 at 39,990/-.
Website Link for 40AV700 http://www.regza-asi...on/AV700_40.asp
No Audyssey EQ, No Regza Link , No S-Video Input, No Headphone output,1 less component input are some of the diffrences of this model compared to 42RV600 alongwith 2" less screen size.
One more interesting thing for Toshiba LCD is low power consumption. My 32" Full HD Toshiba has just 88 Watt power consumption, one of the lowest in comparison.