Okay, we're going to say this one last time:
Body distributes fat through out so u just cant take it out from abdomen (without surgery) it will go off as it was deposited Abdominal is worst kind of obesity
If body fat level is high, you aren't going to have visible abs, no matter how much you train them. To get 6/8 pack your body fat %age should be less than 15 models with abs have 10, below 8 and u will damage your organs
Can't see your abs? Fix your diet.
But there's a caveat. Just because you can't currently see your abs doesn't mean you shouldn't train them. After all, you hopefully plan on seeing them one day, right? And skipping any muscle group, especially those that involve the very core of your body, is a recipe for poor performance and future injury.
How to restore:
Check your diet
Do lot of cardio (that keeps your heart rate up for 20 min continuously) min 30 min a day 5 days a week
lift weight (this increases your white muscle fiber) so u spend more energy) 2 - 3 days
do big compound exercises like deadlifts, squats, and pull-ups bring the various ab muscles into play. That's cool, you should definitely be doing those.
But that doesn't mean you should skip doing effective, direct abdominal exercises. The men and women with the most admirable physiques sure don't. Neither should you.
ask me again when you have walked 4Km daily covering in 25 min or less for 4 days