For CM9, and Verizon Stock ROM to work with CDMA OMH:
Replace radio of XT883 into XT862 ROM using Fastboot. Install Safestrap if you want to flash CM9.
After flash the ROM in Safestrap (Don't ask me how to safestrap, Google it), replace the /system/lib/ & /system/etc/ppp/peers/pppd-ril.option with xt883's, edit /system/build.prop, changes:
ro.mot.eri=1 >>> ro.mot.eri=0
ro.cdma.nbpcd=1 >>> ro.cdma.nbpcd=0
ro.telephony.gsm-routes-us-smsc = 1 >>> ro.telephony.gsm-routes-us-smsc = 0
ro.cdma.home.operator.isnan=1 >>> ro.cdma.home.operator.isnan=0
find, and append these 2 lines below that: = 1
reboot,then in dialler input *#*#4636#*#*,select Phone Information -> CDMA Only (PRL)
Remember most custom ROM are Rooted. For Stock ROM Google for Moto_Fail or Droid 4 exploit and use them.