I've bought two Sprint LG G2 on Craigslist, US from some one who claimed himself as Sprint Employee & the phones were GSM unlocked. Almost after a month and after sending the Christmas Gift worth of Rs.9,300(Customs + Shipping) to both Chennai Customs Officials & DHL , I finally have this bad boy in my hand. Today I tested its GSM capabilities(to see if the seller indeed unlocked it for GSM or not) as well as Reliance CDMA OMH. Thankfully both are working wonderfully.
My Observations: 1) I noticed it has better signal reception than any other phone or HTC One (which I also tested briefly & posted my findings in this thread) both in GSM mode as well as CDMA RUIM mode. I live in very poor network coverage area, the only 3g signal that I can see in my area is Idea, so tested it with Idea, it is getting signal strength around 85dbm which is excellent considering where I live(how poor the network coverage I'm in) & I also have Reliance Netconnect + data card, which gets very poor reception(after complaining multiple times, Reliance technical team said that I'm edge of EVDO coverage) but this thing hovers around 79-87dbm which is too good considering where I live.
2) There is no 'Roaming' triangle symbol on this phone(which I've reported in HTC One case in this thread) while using Reliance RUIM, so people who do care about cosmetic things feel happy that in all ways it is perfect. The network name while in Reliance RUIM Mode it shows 'Reliance' in some weird characters(only R & e shown correctly), it's not that it effects the functionality but just mentioning for the sake of it.