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Showing most liked content on 04/11/2014 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Got to see the newly launched Samsung Galaxy S5. Phone feels smooth and damn fast, that was my first impression. Took a few snaps, thought ill share here. Phone Specs Home Screen Pull Down Notification Same as above in Edit mode New Soft Keys Settings Menu in main menu looks more like Nokia theme. New Back Design Back Cover, See the black lining, Thats a rubber seal which prevents water from entering in case the phone is dropped in water New design battery, rest all look like Note 3 NOW WAITING FOR OUR TEAM TO GET THE CDMA VERSION
  2. 2 points
    I am not trying to be little Nilkeni. I judged him in the fact that he put across very important project for national security but when political system understood implications on illegal migrants and their vote bank they gradually watered down project and reduced it to merely a identity card for proof of address and DOB. Later they tried to portray it as essential tool to get subsides. While all these drama nilkeni had no courage to put his feet down and say I HAVE NOT COME FOR SUCH STUPID PROJECT.
  3. 2 points
    Got one message by Whatsapp recently... Against Sonia, there is NO AAP candidate... Against hero of 2G scandal, there is NO AAP candidate... Against Son of FM PC, there is NO AAP candidate... Against Mr. Salman Khursid who ate money of poor handicapped people, there is NO AAP candidate... Against Adarsh scam legend Ashok Chavan, there is NO AAP candidate... Against Owais Siddique who is known for hatred speech against Hindus, there is NO AAP candidate... Now you should judge that Mr.AK is fighting against corruption and anti-national elements OR working agents of Congress to divide votes of BJP.. I am sure everyone is aware that AAP is team B of Congress, but just posted it to give another reason...
  4. 2 points
    @kshah I don't wish to defend Aadhaar or NN on his pet project since i don't possess thorough knowledge on its pros & cons. But on the Bangladeshi immigration/citizenship issue i would take this opportunity to digress from the main subject: 1) Aadhaar doesn't provide citizenship, like the way a passport does. 2) Anyone who enrolls for Aadhaar needs to provide credible ID & Address proof. Im sure local goons/politicians help Bangladeshi slums dwellers not only in obtaining these docs, but also for getting water & electricity connections. Will withdrawal of Aadhaar stop all this? Anyways, loopholes are always found in every system & one must look at improving.. But what really excited me about Aadhaar was that someday a mere fingerprint at a crime scene, may throw up a face in CBI offices (straight out of Hollywood films!) Therefore, there is tremendous scope for surveillance in future, apart from the mere document it stands for today. With regards to criminality in politics, i accept that talking about candidate crime records is fashionable & mere symbolism, as there are many many more MLAs & MPs who are perceived to be criminals & corrupt by nature but don't have a record at any Police station. This is because outsourcing of crime in India, started much before BPOs became a reality. And yes, its unfortunate how laws in India are misused.. Thanks again to the law making parliamentarians, who ensure adequate loopholes in each law. Therefore, im against blind voting for local candidates cause many of these MPs finally have no voice of their own. They only toe their party line & whip, while voting in the Parliament. They're in politics for 'better' reasons! Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  5. 1 point
    Sprint Moto X & any Moto G Flashed to Reliance CDMA FINAL Photo Tutorial Updated:- 08/04/2014 New Method Works 100% Follow easy to use , Modified Photo Tutorial http://www.slideshare.net/hambarde/moto-g-ver3final _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tested on Verizon and confirmed to be working on Boost model. 1) First we need working wifi connection on phone 2) Then an APK from this link >> http://www.mediafire.com/download/i038c12rrdcbtlj/SPCUtility.apk 3) Allow this MSL app to use WiFi, 4) It gives you SPC, [Works on Verizon and Boost both] [Also works with sprint Moto X] 5) for boost Moto G and Sprint Moto X ##diag# works, but dose not work for Verizon. 6) For verizon Diag , Turn off mobile, remove usb cable, and Press both vol key + power button. 7) As soon as you leave these keys , one menu will pop-up. 8) use vol down keys to select BP Tools then connect use cable. 9) then press vol up . Phone will boot normally with DIAG turn ON. 10) for Boost ##diag# require SPC, which you will get it by SPC apk. 11) now PC will search for drivers (even latest moto driver pack dont have drivers for this) 12) attaching drivers for moto g DIAG. (install it manually) 64Bit Drivers | 32Bit Drivers 13) Use DFS, send SPC. and Put phone in Offline-A mode 14) then you need to change phone and min number to any 1234567890 to change PRL 15) till that time PRL wont change, 16) From DFS you can write AKey. 17) But for data need to use DUMP file, 18) you can use CW nv item write and write DATA DUMP, use free NV Item writer from CW http://www.cdma-ware.com/workshop/nv-items/NV-items_reader_writer.rar (get CW3.6 Dump after registration) here also need to put phone in Offline-A mode before writing DUMP to phone 19) after writing all above, go to DFS and change Min and MDN to ZERO so you will be ready for activation (*228). 20) As you always do - Hit Like UPDATE :- If phone is on 4.3, then you should first update to 4.4.2 then do above steps, other wise you need to redo data settings and might have to flash PRL again. Here are official drivers from Motorola http://www.mymotocast.com/download/MDM?platform=windows I have not tested it but hope this works. These official driver dont work, use above 32bit or 64bit drivers Update : 19/03/2014 1)32bit Drivers mention in point no -12 are tested on WinXP 32bit and on Win7 32bit 2) 64bit Drivers are tested on Win7 & 8 64bit. 3) After factory reset, Min and akey stays as it is, But need to re-configure DATA and PRL. 4) One Click update to 4.4. for boost works perfectly from fastboot mode. Link [and it takes only 10min to update from 4.3 to 4.4.2] 5) Need to reconfigure PRL and DATA after one Click update [same as updating on Wifi] Update 25/03/2014 Photo tutorial [Drivers and Sending SPC] LINK removed, use link on top Update 08-04-2014 (use link on top) Photo tutorial [ Till voice and sms configuration] Data config will be updated sooooon...... LINK removed, use link on top Update :- 14apr14 Getting many msg about not finding software for using tutorial so here are all the software required Dfs demo http://cdmatool.com/downloadFiles/application/Setup%20DFS%2014.03.26.0.zip Nv writer 3.6 http://www.cdma-ware.com/workshop/nv-items/NV-items_reader_writer.rar Spc apk http://www.mediafire.com/download/i038c12rrdcbtlj/SPCUtility.apk 32bit drivers moto g & x https://www.mediafire.com/?ic25458youq1xd9 64 bit drivers https://www.dropbox.com/s/ucr03xx6esqtcdc/DroidX_Diag_x64.rar Moto G MTP Drivers For Win XP SP3 [Modded by Me] https://www.dropbox.com/s/37hpk21lc26h78i/wpdmtp.inf Sent by Moto G on Reliance CDMA DroidX_Diag_x64.rar
  6. 1 point
    Can you reset the cookie using "Mark Community Read" link at the bottom of page and then check for new content in the days after that? Added
  7. 1 point
    for restoring softbricked devices and jtag repair , i can suggest aman to whom i had sent a bricked gsm galaxy nexus. He got that repaired fast and was very supportive. His contact details are as below Aman Kumar mob: 9713498282 email: aman.aks07@gmail.com
  8. 1 point
    Some how I have a feeling and believe in feeling that nandan nilkeni is another MMS for Congress and ADHAR project shows that. Without any intention to defend politicians with proven criminal background, in given legal system giving criminal label for 5 to 10 years is a joke. If you are a husband and if wife files 498A person will be behind bars for 1 day to few weeks and will remained labeled as criminal till aquitted. We must keep in mind that our political system is gift of our collective mindset. We need to work towards development only. Eventually we will be able to take care of everything. What we are doing is distributing poverty in name of subsides, welfare schemes and other pro poor policies. There are people critical to gujarat model but only seeing is believing. Here due to extensive industrial qnd agri development to remotest area farmers have became rich and their children are studying for engineering or medicine. I must mention that 80% of people whom I meet are not the one who like to take risk and grab opportunity and for them life is still same. Only difference they have is their virtual wealth has increased. But they still have to sell their piece of land to cover expence of daughter marriage. Now instead of 5 lakh for a piece of land they get 25 lakh and they spend 25 lakh on marriage instead of necessary 5 lakh hence they remain at the same place. outsider meets these 80% and in my opinion they will remain like this until they are ready to accept challenge of changing times.
  9. 1 point
    The folks at Dropbox have announced that they’ll be bringing Mailbox, the popular iOS email app, to Android devices starting today. The app features swipeable gestures, much like the standard Gmail app, only adds a few tricks as well. Users can actually snooze emails, removing them from their inbox, only to return at a later date. Eventually, Mailbox will become smarter, knowing exactly what kind of emails you like to snooze/archive, doing everything automagically. When viewing emails, they’re put together in a sort of handy conversation view, making it easier than ever to quickly to scan and get the gist of the convo. Mailbox is only available in beta at the moment (Google Play link isn’t quite live just yet), but if you want to sign up, hit up the source link below. [Mailbox] [Source]
  10. 1 point
    ^^ play store link is active https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mailboxapp Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
  11. 1 point
    ^^^^ First of all let me thank ACS aka Siddarth ji to express his views openly. I once felt where this topic may lead or this thread may close sooner than later due to the heat that may be generated in this topic. BUT its going smoothly till now and very happy to see everyone is polite to express their views and giving counter argument... OK... Now let me explain my views in the same manner as ever... Let me tell you a small MULLAH story, which I dont remember fully, and may not express it like an expert, but I know the Moral, which is pinned in my mind for long... Once King wanted to select a person for higher rank and he want him to be very very humble and noble person. Mullah on knowing this started wearing fishnet over his dress and when someone asked the reason, he said "I was once a fisher.. I will never forget my old job, especially when I am in good position now".Everyone wondered how much humble he is and the news reached King and Mullah was appointed for that post. After that appointment, he stopped wearing fishnet over his dress. When everyone asked "Oh Mullah, where is your fishnet?". For which he replied "I got the fish.. Then what is the need for fishnet??". Few people who understood that the fish he mentioned is Big_Officer_POST, wondered about his knowledge and trick. AK is just like the Mullah in that story.. WHOLE India is angry over ruling party's bad policies and corruption. He roared as fight against corruption, cleaning up the politics, revealing scams of Vadra, all scams of Congress, this and that. Now he is big enough to be familiar with many people. The "fight against corruption" is the fishnet. The fame is the fish. Once a person known to tweeple and FBians only, is known as saviour of aam aadmi. Thats why he throw the fishnet now. If he is really against corruption and DO NOT want corrupt person to win, he should be standing in Rae Bareli right? He is NOT against corruption... He is against MODI only... ============== ACS ji, its NOT just the Cong support in forming Delhi Govt, that I am calling AAP as Team B of Congress. To be precise, I have already clearly told the second and important reason. Has he RECENTLY blamed SONIA and Pappu as bad as or even 10% blames against Narendra Modi???? Everybody knows what is the condition of Guj 12 years back and NOW. Do you think any other Cong ruling state has flourished like this? But still he keeps on telling lies that it has not developed showing a abandoned Govt Hospital as proof (Later the real pic of shifted Hospital was shown). Hyundai chairman said around the whole world, only in Guj he didn't pay bribe to setup factory. He is clearly NOT against Congress (after getting the fish) and crystal clearly against MODI. So what is wrong in calling him a B Team of Congress? Are you believing that he is soo busy calling every one as liars and chors that he forget to blame real liars and chors now??? ============== Regarding Dharnas... Its not just 3-4 days wasted.. He has wasted almost 10% of his ruling period in Dharna and everyone including him, knows its useless... What if he become PM? Dharna on gate of Supreme Court? Election Commission office? US Embassy (reg FDI) ? Acting is NOT an activity. With great power comes greater responsibilities. He has wasted a good chance given to him and NOT looking like a responsible person. Quitters NEVER win... Another thing, I don't like in him is that he is again following the divide and rule policy of Congress. Guess who is he supporting in J&K issue? ------- Ruling party has done too much harm to the system and economy that even if GOD came down and rule India, one year will NOT be enough for him to clear this mess.. Thats why I want a stable and GOOD Govt in Centre. Vajpayee has kept the TamilNadu - SriLanka fishermen problem in control. Vajpayee was a good ruler, but his hands are tied up all due to instable Govt and lack of own party majority. The same situation will be as useless as current Govt. AAP is not going to form Govt anyway. All they can now do is NOT allowing to form stable Govt, which I don't like ===---==== Reg Yediyurapa:- Yes, he is a very very bad guy. BJP has once thrown him away, but he has reduced the votes going to BJP, big enough to get failure. Thats why I think Modi is forced to allow him. If Yediyurapa is standing as PM candidate, I will never vote for BJP as a whole. But the one who is standing for PM candidate is a worthy candidate. He has proved that he is a responsible person and an able administrator. He is anyday better than AK and Pappu... You are asking to see the few goons in candidate lists. I am seeing the good LEADER. I am NOT asking to vote for the goons of BJP. Let me be more clear now. I am saying that EVERY VOTE TO A PARTY thats not BJP or its allies is a vote to Congress. If the MP candidate of BJP is not a good guy, USE 49 O, instead of voting others incl AAP (This is the other reason for Congress victory in karnataka, first being Yeddy). That will be a sign to BJP to place worthy candidates and may encourage them to NOT bend to guys like YEDIYURAPPA. Please do not give a chance to congress victory. Thats what I am saying again. ------------- As I said earlier re-election is OK, if we have a chance to bring stable Govt (like in recent Delhi polls). But Congress is soo rich and can do anything to buy get all other MPs support except BJP to form Govt, if none got majority and run Govt for five years FULL. See what happened when Communists left, last time? They bought got support of all other parties in no time. Even AAP may support them saying funny reasons in future. ==== I am NOT saying BJP is good, but better than all others and Modi is the best for now. Especially since all the bad fellows are against him is a good proof for that, imho... The total reply by ACS ji is good, except his remark on Kiran Bedi, who has done soo much good to India and NOT like talking too much and very very little action like AK. And before framing me as BJP cheer boy or anything, let me explain, till date I have not given vote to BJP and I am just a small businessman doing printing business in Sivakasi, with NO political mark in our dynasty + I am mad enough to tell whats in my mind in public forums without fear...
  12. 1 point
    Don't have answers to your query but making some educated guess just to make you feel happy that someone replied. I think none of the gurus can answer conclusively unless they have the handset in hand and check out the possibility. Most of the gurus may not get the handset in hand because of shortage of buyers for blackberry Z10 except die hards like you.