Finally got WiFi tether working on Boost Moto G. For this we require following things. 1- rooted Boost Moto G 2- SQL lite editor installed. ( its paid app . but there are ways to get it free ) To root your phone, you can follow my bootloader unlock thread in Motorola section. Now ones you are rooted and ready with SQL lite editor installed. Open SQL lite editor and grant root access. Then scroll down to OMADMClient_Sprint_Data service Then you will see OMADM.db Select it. Then below screen will come Select first option runtime data After than you will see list of entries like below. Look for tether option and select edit from top pen button.
After clicking edit . change 1 to 0 as shown in below screenshot.
To Then just click save and reboot the phone. And default WiFi tether will work !! Sent by Moto G on Reliance CDMA