@addybtech welcome to the forum
First a bit of gyaan, the key to tinkering with anything is reading - all the questions are already answered in great detail by @Hitesh in his various posts. Of course since you are new you probably are not able to understand them, but what I am trying to say here is, read up and try to learn - the joys of being able to tweak yourself are great!
With that out of the way,
The rooting guide is here - http://www.rimweb.in/forums/topic/36771-how-to-unlock-boost-moto-g-boot-loader-and-install-recovery/ follow posts 1 and 2 then 27
Once rooted, go here http://www.rimweb.in/forums/topic/36863-how-to-remove-hands-free-activation-and-bootloader-unlock-warning-on-moto-g/#entry310017 post 4 on how to freeze the OTA app (use the same app as given in post 1)
Hope this helps