You are debiting tax system simplification & thread topic is " E-Commerce Websites Compliant With Indian State/Center Tax Laws? " I am talking with current tax system, which we have to follow and I am clear about my wish : not to lose any employments of local residents due to unhealthy competition.
You see, any MNC like Amazon or wallmart can put tiny amount (for them) and they can spoil local business.
Why Amazon USA collecting state tax while delivery on particular state address.
In my view is fraud, they are supporting anti tax practice and arranging deliveries.
Uniform tax system (GST), Govt is planning but accounts must be on computer system for smoother flow, online work etc. which is currently not suitable for Indian condition, in Hyderabad, in day time 4 hrs. power cut applicable, Industries need to close 3 days in week due to power shortage.
All the best.
I am not debating whether e-commerce websites are compliant with current laws or not. That has already been answered by many more knowledgeable members, and to me it seems the jury is out on it - and there is no conclusive proof that e-tailers are engaging in fraud
Let me explain my earlier post. I just happened to spot in the OP that you plan to file a public interest litigation against unfair trade practices of e-tailers, so I responded. Because the irony is, that this PIL, if filed, will not be in public interest of the consumer
This leads to the crux of the problem - India has archaic tax laws, and due to non-uniform taxation imposed by states the situation is in a mess. Why should a resident of WB have to arrange for a waybill when someone from neighboring OR does not need to? GST aims to do away with it - but as you rightly said, GST is not yet implemented
Your post itself highlights more pressing concerns which merit PILs - 4 hourly power cuts for example. We have seen examples of good-intention-ed but misguided PILs in India (e.g. based on a single PIL the HC banned tinted glasses in all cars - without taking into account the pros and cons clearly)
Edit - also there is a MNC vs local business debate that you have brought into the argument. I will not debate it, but historically competition has been good for the industry and for the consumer - in all industries. India is a mature enough economy now and non-essential FMCG
local businesses do not really need underhanded protection
Anyway, we can agree to disagree. All the best to you also