Drivers for all MOTO G are same, no need for new drivers, you should have Reliance PRL and DATA dump for your phone's meid.
Nothing more is required.
Just did this two days back, your phone will be rebooting from Home screen or after few min of full boot.
This is due to Radio / Modem, I was on same stage while downgrading.
even if you install custom rom it will do same. (reboot)
you need to flash 4.4.4 modem partition on this.
download this partition table updater file :-
put phone in Recovery [twrp]
Push this zip file to /sdcard/ , or if you are luck you can get MTP drive for sufficient time. just copy it to phone.
Flash using TWRP
Download this rar file,
which content radio dump from 4.4.4
Extract IMG file and push it to /sdcard/
then using DD command in adb shell you can restore radio partition.
ADB shell will work in recovery , you need TWRP for that.
here is command for DD from ADB shell.
dd if=/sdcard/radio_firmware.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/modem