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Showing most liked content on 05/08/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    At present it is showing 30th June (default) - which may change to 3rd June (28 days) after some time & shall be auto renewed twice there after. Please keep check on My plan & let us know the changes if & when it occurs.
  2. 1 point
    आप तो ऐसे ना थे पर क्या करें भ्रष्टाचार एड्स से भी ज्यादा संक्रामक है. AAP to aise na the par kya karein bhrastachaar aids se bhi jyada sankramak hai. Corruption in political environment is highly contagious - precaution is always better than cure. Waiting for Kejru's blame game script....
  3. 1 point
    I wonder why some people are still complaining regarding Jio' pricing & also frowning against the withdrawal of unlimited night (2 AM - 5 AM). Those who have recharged with ₹499/- & above got 100GB Flat for 90 days & those stuck with ₹303/- Summer Surprise 1GB/day can always recharge with Booster-pack if needed. I think they are the one who never complained while 1GB 3G data used to cost ₹251/- for 28 days. How can we be so GREEDY? Why can't we be rational?