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Everything posted by santhoshavanoor

  1. Password Protected Dvd

    Is this is ok for you?
  2. Password Protected Dvd

    Do you want a program that can provide passwords to DVD's? If you want to decrypt a DVD, then use DVD 43. Use DVD 43 software to decrypt the copyrighted DVD's. You don't want to do anything, once DVD43 is installed, it will run behind and it will decrypt the DVD. Then burn with any DVD programs. thats all, DVD 43 is a free software.
  3. Induction Cooker

    Good one for a price of 2400 rs. You can adjust the temperature so you can use it for different purposes like boiling of water, rice cooking, etc.
  4. Google Voice

    Whats the problem with IpKall? Before 5 months we can get the number directly once we registered. But now they are verifying and issuing number to us. I have registered with IPkall before and got 2 numbers, which is expired because of not using it. so I tried to register and today I received a number starting with 360-xxx-xxxx.
  5. Induction Cooker

    It is really cheaper Mr. Petar. What about the quality?
  6. Induction Cooker

    Power rating between 1800W to 2000W is affordable, but induction cooker have some settings example: for boiling water, cooking rice, etc. And offcourse the !!!WARRANTEE!!!!
  7. Induction Cooker

    I think your pressure cooker is aluminium bodied one. Induction cooker will not work with aluminium utensils. Try with new type of pressure cookers which have steel bodies.
  8. The All New Rimweb!

    That's Nice.. Now our forum looks like cool and professional Thanks to administrators and moderators
  9. Is it true? Tsunami Again On 22nd July 2009 !

    That can be a rumor because I think we can't predict the earth quake, but may be it can happen at the time of eclipse as per their studies. I have contacted the metereology Department here in Bahrain International Airport, they informed me that until now they don't have any type of warning for Tsunami, but for next 3 or 4 days the wind speed can become 35 km/h.
  10. Cinema Hall

    """" It happens only in India""" Hmmm.... Not only in India, everywhere in the world.....
  11. Ramesh, Did you tried with another DVD-RW any make?
  12. Cinema Hall

    Thanks Kunal... That's very quick, Thanks Mr. Ramesh. Actually the Food chain services in India cheating their customers. Here in Bahrain with KFC they charges 300 fils for each cup of soft drinks, and we are forced to buy their cupped soft drinks if we are eating in their shops. For a 330ml pepsi bottle costing only 100 fils, they are charging 3 times more. If we ask them to remove the soft drink from the menu, then they will deduct 200 fils only, Ha ha what a mess. So we are opting to buy drinks from super markets.
  13. Thats nice to hear that Sony is responding quickly. Try and post your experience as per sony's comments.
  14. I'm not saying that Reliance is too bad, but want to say that in previouse years they have good customer relationship team to solve the problems. Now They are not caring their CDMA customers. On last April 2008 I have opted for NJ199KL plan for my reliance mobile and it seems very good tariff for me. But suddely I noticed from my September 2008 bills, they have changed my tariff without informing me. I have contacted them thru email, they replied that they have discontinued that plan. But how and when? Still in their website it is showing. I informed them about this but no reply. Now you will ask me why are you keeping reliance number? Because I want to keep the mobile number and I have purchased Spice C810 last year once I got promises from reliance that they will improve the network coverage in our area. Anyway, once I have reached in India on October, I want to visit to Reliance world and may be I'll freeze my mobile until MNP to be introduced. I have Airtel, Hutch and Idea numbers also. Now I'll try TATA Docomo also.
  15. Burning Speed is depending upon the DVD-RW type. I just experimented to write files to DVD-RW, and the task completed successfully. See the attachment. I have used TDK DVD-RW, 4x, single sided disk and Burning software is Nero Express 7 which is coming along with the DVD drives. And you can see the burnig took approximately 10 minutes for 3GB data. I erased the Disc and it took approximately 15 minutes for a Full Erase section. I haven't tried with other DVD-RW's, may be your DVD-RW have some manufacturing errors.
  16. Cinema Hall

    Please don't use short forms of English, it is very difficult to understand the words. Those who sending sms's using short words can know the meaning quickly. But try to avoid using short words in the forums. This is not sms's. Complaint to Consumer forums, then may be they will take action. This is happening not even in Cinema halls, hypermarkets, Star hotels, even in "Airports". Airport restaurents charging 50% additional with the normal prices.
  17. Science And Technology

    Really impressing article in our beloved Rimweb. Thanks to Ramesh & special thanks to Kumaar Shah. Keep posting like these articles. Thanks
  18. I haven't used DVD-RW with my LG drive until now, but I'll try today and inform you later. But did you tried with other DVD-RW with your LG drive? Or you can flash your LG drive with your new driver and may be everything will be ok. But take care when you doing the flashing of DVD drive.
  19. I'm waiting for MNP, then I will choose TATA Indicom/Virgin/Loop which one have best range in our area. Good Bye and Thanks to reliance for giving me promises for more than 4 years that they will improve their coverage within 3 months, but nothing happened.
  20. What's Your "typing Speed"

    64 wpm - English
  21. Google Voice

    You are right Mr. Mathew, but I can't understand how google is giving PSTN numbers? Did they have their own switching center that have approved by TRAI? Ya, we can send free sms's to any phone numbers in world now, there is too much web free services, but have been limited to number of sms's per day.
  22. Google Voice

    If you want USA number, there is too much website offering this and we can make free USA calls with the dialer they are providing, even from mobile also. GIZMO5 is one service and they are providing USA number also. Just googling "Free VoIP, then you can get more results. One site is giving the service providers list. This is the address: VoipNow. If we have somebody in USA we can call them free. I have registered with Gizmo5 and received one USA number, and tried to call from Bahrain whether it is working, but call was not connected. Then I drop this type of ideas and free services.
  23. Tata Docomo Postpaid Plans

    Really nice plans from TATA Docomo. Now we need to see whether Reliance will also come to the same lane.
  24. !!! AMAZING!!! The Economic Times + Reliance = The ECONORELI Times??? Once Reliance started their mobile services 2003/2004, their offers are little bit customer effective. But now a days they act like they don't want new customers and they are not improving their network coverage. Before they have good customer care service team, now I think you knows....
  25. Tata Docomo Launched

    Really a good news to Indian customers if TATA Docomo will continue to give them per second billing life long. Now we want to get full talktime for all recharge coupons even without the amount range. I'm waiting for MNP to get rid out from Reliance CDMA to use my mobile number, cause reliance is not improved their coverage areas in our village as they advertised. They are cheater and promised me they will do it once they installed GSM Tower, but nothing happen, still saying that they will errect new antenna. I lost my faith on Reliance. I hope TATA Docomo will give wide coverage to indian villages