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RIM Guru
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Everything posted by raccoon

  1. Tata Indicom And Samsung Hero

    Hey ....thanks, I did see that plan, but I guess thats bundled with a mobile... But the tariffs are great. Tata is doing its best to confound me with all its plans and contradictory info given by CC, salespeople and their hubs, etc, etc. Every single person seems to have a different info ....lol! As for mobile tariffs coming to par ...I guess corporate plans do come pretty close to this...
  2. Tata Indicom And Samsung Hero

    Oh ok. Guess i missed that page ...thanks for pointing it out. But for obvious reasons the Tata plans still seem much better ...esp. since there will be no rental ...and the night time addon pack!
  3. Tata Indicom And Samsung Hero

    I just saw the RCL tariffs ...and I dont see them anywhere close to the tata plans??? In fact they are quoting Rs. 1.2 per 45 seconds etc ....preposterous! I can call (m-m) from my cell or BSNL landline at Re. 1 per min. I'll go for a new landline/walky option ONLY if its cheaper than that! Whats more Tata has lifetime incoming offers with Re. 1 per 3 min tariff, etc. So no rentals at all! Damn cool!! And I dont need colour walky and all ...hell I dont even need CLIP ...if it costs extra.
  4. Tata Indicom And Samsung Hero

    Anuragz, I know we are in different circles, but do you have any suggestions/ideas about Tata landline/walky? Am seriously thinking of buying one as they are giving Rs. 1.2 / 1 per 3 min tariffs! And further 30% reduction with night add-on pack. Since most of my calls are to intra-circle GSM mobiles, it should result in a significant saving for me.
  5. LG RD 8000 Chocolate Phone

    They actually refunded your money?? Thats amazing! And in my case, Nokia refused to even replace my GSM 1112, even though it was defective out of the box ...and has now undergone 3 repairs (under warranty, of course) in a month! Refunds and replacements aside, most dealers ...esp. Reliance Web Worlds dont even have working models of phones to check out before buying! They expect you to be satisfied with dummy models! And thats something thats totally unacceptable! Considering the scenario, getting a week long trial period, sounds like a utopian fantasy...
  6. Help Me Decide To Go For Netconnect Or Not !

    There is no possible reason to purchase both ...choose between a data card or a mobile phone. As Arun mentioned, data cards usually give better speeds than mobiles. And I dont think anybody here would recommend Netconnect over a normal broadband connection, unless you absolutely need the mobility afforded by a data card/mobile.
  7. Tata Indicom And Samsung Hero

    As of now, in my opinion, Tata is the way to go. They have much better tariffs ...and users say the network is getting better (wouldnt know how the network is in Delhi, though). Tata also has a scheme where if you buy 2 fones, calls between the two are free (with some limit). I dont recall the details... you can check it up. Not sure if its available in Delhi though. Voice clarity is good ...as it is with CDMA phones (depends on which handset you use too) ...but its the texting part where they let you down big time. Not sure about Tata, as I'v never used it ...but RIM I would never recommend to anyone to who texting is important.
  8. 6275 - Enquiry (planing To Buy So Help Me Out)

    Yes, I know the differences between the two. But in my experience, with RIM and my old RD2030, there was a time when the RIM network here had really gone to the dogs, and also when on the outskirts of the city, where signal strenght is very poor, etc, id say (very roughtly) it made for around 20% difference in batt life. So my batt was good for never less than around 48 hrs, at least (moderate/avg. use). Also, one has to remember that a batt which gives less than 24 hrs talk/standby time when new, will give significantly less as it ages!
  9. 6275 - Enquiry (planing To Buy So Help Me Out)

    Granted that batt life is also a function of signal strength, but even if its bad, batt life cannot (and should not) be that low! Here in Poona, both RIM and Idea have pretty good coverage and usually the signal is quite stable at most places in the city. Outside the city, Idea rules hands down. Airtel, i'v discovered has a really sad network, with the signal fluctuating from 1 bar to max in seconds, even if you are sitting with the phone in exactly the same spot! Also, wonder of wonders - the Airtel signal sometimes totally goes off the air in case of power failure! Obviously, call drops are also way more frequent with Airtel. And Iv tried using both my GSM handsets on both networks. While batt life is definitely better with Idea than Airtel, the differences is not exactly huge! No personal experience with Tata, but Im told they now sometimes have coverage where even RIM and Airtel dont!
  10. 6275 - Enquiry (planing To Buy So Help Me Out)

    How can you guys live with a phone whose batts dont even last 24 hrs (Im assuming moderate usage)? Besides, there is a small risk about talking on the phone while its being charged! Recently there were few cases of cell phone batts exploding while recharging. While the incidences may be few and far in between, its best to avoid have the ph near you when its being charged.
  11. New Nokia 2865 Cdma

    Well, if they dont "entertain much" you have the option not to entertain their shabby products! I told them in my last mail to them that I will never touch a Nokia product again ...and do my bit to discourage anybody else from doing so... And do you really think they have inadvertently left out such basic security features? Impossible! A phone lock is present even in most basic models! I'd assume they think their customers (more precisely Reliance-Nokia customers) are imbeclies... & shouldn't have any need of a ph lock, & the like...
  12. Motorola A1200 Motoming (gsm)

    The connection is obviously using EDGE...
  13. Sos-nokia 2865 Not Available !

    They had announced their intention to pull out of CDMA quite sometime back ...as they see it as a shrinking market, and also they have too many patent disputes with Qualcom.
  14. Block Unwanted Calls

    Case 2 is far better, in my opinion. The caller can never be certain in that case, what the status of the number is. Its possible he may thing that the number has been de-activated ...and may eventually give up trying to call. Also, with operators like RIM, who dont report the status of the phone correctly (ie. if its engaged, switched off, out of coverage area, etc) the caller will be kept in a state of ambiguity regarding the status of the number. As for the reporting, even BSNL, which I had used for few months about couple years ago, did not report the status of its phones correctly (dont know if that has changed now). Idea and Airtel report it correct ...Idea is the most accurate.
  15. Block Unwanted Calls

    Very well said! As I think I mentioned earlier my Nokia 1112 has a "number screening" facility. But from what you describe, the implementation sure seems inferior to Sony Ericsson's, as the only thing it does is to keep the ringer from ringing when a number in the screened list calls.
  16. New Nokia 2865 Cdma

    Well, support.services@nokia.com is the id where I got replies from, but have never been able to send mail to that id! And I tried at least half a doz times over a week or so. Strange that its working for you. Maybe they had a protracted problem with incoming mail at that time... And yes, they do repy fairly fast. But the replies in themselves were of no use at all ...at least in my case.
  17. New Nokia 2865 Cdma

    AFAIK, there is no email address. You have to write to them thru the form on their site. You can do so here. Whats funny (& irritating) is that even if you reply to the repy sent by them, it invariably bounces! It seems you have to send all your correspondance only thru the above form. They do reply in a day or so... but the actual resuts, of course, are another matter...
  18. Local Intra-circle Calls May Be Cheaper

    Not just the standard tariffs, they also give real lame bonus offers too. The only benifits they have given me (been with them for more than 3.5 years) is the very ocasional bonus local on-net talk time ...which is almost totally useless for me. And robots are far away ...I wish they would AT LEAST give all the details on their web site properly. But they dont even do that. But then most other operators are also not bothered about this either... RIM is not all about paying premium for a less than mediocre experience!
  19. Local Intra-circle Calls May Be Cheaper

    Well, I guess Bombay has higher tariffs in general... But how can they ignore pre-paid users when statistics show that 80% of subscribers are in the pre-paid catageory???
  20. Local Intra-circle Calls May Be Cheaper

    You guys dont seem to be aware of the tariffs in Mah. circle. And I'm speaking only about Mah. circle ...I'm not aware of tariffs in other circles. Most operators here are charging around Re. 1 on base plans for pre-paid. Use of STVs bring the calling charges to 50 paise. (Some STV charges: Idea: Rs. 27 Idea-Idea @50 paise, Rs. 57 Idea-mobiles. Airtel Rs. 49 Airtel-mobiles @50 paise, etc, etc). With RIM the the use of STV (or Rs. 360 voucher) brings the calling rate down to nothing lesser than 80 paise/min! And lets not forget SMS charges - RIM charges the highest for the crappiest SMS experience! Please also note that all other operators are offering higher talk time than RIM. Airtel for eg. is offering Rs. 211.5 talk-time on Rs. 350 voucher. RIM gives a measly Rs. 160 talk-time on Rs. 360 voucher. Just compare all this with RIM. RIM has the priciest tariffs now! Can give lots of other comparisions... those intrested can check out the details themselves.
  21. Local Intra-circle Calls May Be Cheaper

    Dude, my complaints are completely justified, cus I'm talking about Mah & Goa circle ...not Bombay! Here in Mah & Goa most operators are offering 50 paise tariffs for pre-paid. For on-net calls, its MUCH lower. I dont know what Bombay pre-paid tariffs are ...but I have a friend in Bombay who pays just 30 paise/min for Hutch - Hutch calls! But hes on post-paid. Dont know if its available for pre-paid.
  22. Local Intra-circle Calls May Be Cheaper

    Great news... hope it is implimented! But I doubt if RCL will pass on the benifits. Remember they are still happily charging Rs. 1.79 /min for a local m-m call on their base plan for pre-paid! If I remember correct, since the last ADC cut, all other operators reduced charges, but RCL has stuck doggedly to its tariffs. I guess RCL believes offering cheaper (Classic) handsets is way more important than offering competitive tariffs!
  23. Free Unlimited Storage On Yahoo Mail

    Only thing good about Yahoo is its spam filter! Everthing else s**ks! Esp. the picture showing capability ...you have to actually download every picture individually to be able to view it ...howzzat??? And its often damn slow! Gmail rocks!
  24. What Is My Real Speed?please Help

    Where do they say its "capable of 1152000 bps"? Besides being capable is different from what they are promising which is again different from what you may actually get. The 1152000 bps u'v mentioned seems to be the port speed or something. AFAIK, RIM promises something like 115 or 145 kbps on its phones (perhaps somebody here will know the exact speed ...and will post). Considering that, the 15 - 17 kBps you are getting seems close to what you can get. Using a download manager or whatever cannot increase your speed beyond the max. speed possible ...ie. if your input bandwidth is already saturated.
  25. Reliance Gsm Roll Out?

    Why are you in a hurry for their GSM service? Haven't they tortured us enuf with ther CDMA??? Are you masochistic? Anyway, AFAIK, they haven't been able to get the licence ...nor is there enuf spectrum to go around...