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RIM Guru
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Everything posted by raccoon

  1. New Handset Lg Rd 6330

    RIM sure is working hard to get even more fame for its ugly handsets...
  2. New Handset Lg Rd 6330

    No LMS in this either???
  3. Invites Thread

    If I remember my chemistry correctly, the letters s p d and f stand for sharp, principal, diffuse, and fundamental ...and stand for the orbitals of electrons. Can't think of any other meaning...
  4. Invites Thread

    Abhay, thanks a heap!
  5. Invites Thread

    Could someone spare me a Desitorrent invite, please? nascherei at gmail dot com
  6. Its A Pity

    Did u write to the costomer care or the Chairman's office? Seems you have written to the former ...try the Chairman's office ...at the moment they seem to be VERY prompt in replying - I got a reply in just 3-4 hours! And if sometimes you dont get a mail try sending it again ...emails do vanish, sometimes...
  7. Dth Talk

    1) can we record programming we c on the settop box Unless I'm mistaken, any output that can be "read" by ur tv can be used as input to a VRC or standalone DVD writer, for recording. 2) what will be the quality of the video recorded In general, a STB should enable much better quality, as it is digital. We are currently using Hathway's STB (connected to cable). They claim it gives DVD quality picture and sound. In my experience, it isn't exactly DVD quality output, but its definitely MUCH better than what you would get without an STB. 3) can we also transfer the same recorded video to PC << very imp for me Shouldn't be too difficult! edit :- 4) if the company does not provide HDD bases settopbox can we purchase a better settopbox from market and then install the same!! or we haev to purchase the settop box from the service provider Sounds very doubtful ...esp. since most signals are likely to be encrypted ...but cant really comment with certainity on this one.
  8. Suggest me a New Handset

    LG RD 6500 ...dosen't seem to have LMS. Once again frills without the basics...!
  9. And this in spite of crappy handsets, very poor customer care, withdrawal of basics like call forwarding, withdrawal of 440 voucher, etc, etc. RIM really deserves kudos! LOL!!
  10. :: Protest Against Quota Reservation ::

    As things stand, the upper class male is the most disadvantaged in our society! And it sure is getting worse!! Not just reservations, but in plethora of other ways too. Just look around... Something related I stumled into, and i think every guy should read - http://www.angryharry.com/esWhataPieceofShtisMan.htm
  11. Bsnl Broadband Unlimited Data Transfer Package

    Whatever you do, don't ever get into Hathway's clutches. Absolutely horrid experience. And they are yet to refund my advance (I paid 6 months advance). BB is still very much overpriced, i think. Rs. 500 for a unlimited 256 kbps seems more realistic for home use.
  12. Reliance Handset

    Shouldn't be a problem if you transfer his number to another handset.
  13. Bsnl Broadband Unlimited Data Transfer Package

    Strange... Anyway, besides the Low Id problem, there is no reason why the other tweaks wont work for you. But without a High Id, your connection will crawl. Did u try changing the default ports? And one more important thing - if you are on eMule, I hope ur connecting to the Kademilia server also. If you are on the official eDonkey client, I belive it would be Overnet. Kademilia fetches me lot more search hits than the eDoney network! Haven't used Overnet, so can't comment on it. If nothing helps, it might easier to just dump Sify!
  14. Bsnl Broadband Unlimited Data Transfer Package

    Well, if you are using eMule, it needs full access to these ports - • 4662 TCP • 4672 UDP • 4711 TCP You need to check if these are available. But if you are not using a firewall at all, then I dont see why they should not already be open (unless maybe Sify is blocking these ports or something). One more thing you could try playing with, if you are just not being alloted a High Id, is to change these default ports to something else (taking care that it dosent conflict with other apps). You can do this by fiddling witht the eMule settigs ...and if you use a firewall, then with that too. I haven't had to do that because I'v been getting a High Id without any additional fiddling. I guess the only bottle-neck in my case is the very poor upload speed of BSNL DataOne! Besides this, one more thing I'v found quite useful, esp. if you are in a hurry to get a file is to set the file priority to be set to "Release" instead of the default "Auto" (do it from the incomplete files section). A bit of the file needs to have already been downloaded, before you will see it there. Also mark the priority as "High" in the Transfers tab. And lastly in the Options>Extended, check the "Find best upload limit automatically". Linuxguy, didnt quite get what you ment...?!
  15. Bsnl Broadband Unlimited Data Transfer Package

    Abhay,I hope you have checked out the availabilaty of the required ports for eMule. Setting the correct port forwarding in your firewall may get you a High ID. "Good torrent" is primarily defined by home many seeds the torrent has (though that need not be the only criterion). Also, from my experience, it would be VERY worthwhile to have at least a few SEEDS (complete sources) - I'v been at least stuck on 3 torrent movie downloads ...stuck at around 98.6% for eternity. And when its for BIG files like movies, its really frustrating. So make sure you select the right .torrent file when there is a choice. And if the torrent is really fast (sometimes even goes upto 30 kBps, in my case), then keeping more than 1 torrent may actually prolong the effective download time! Concorrent downloads may only be advisable if the torrents are slower than you max download speed.
  16. Bsnl Broadband Unlimited Data Transfer Package

    If you are correlating the requirement of getting a public ip with optaining a 'High Id' in Emule, then yes I'v always been getting a high id. Sometimes (rarely) speeds in eMule reach 22 kBps ...but fall again, fast ...most likely because I can only upload at around 7 kBps at the max. In general with any P2P application, you should share AT LEAST as much as you take. After all, we are getting stuff only because someone else is sharing! No doubt torrents are probably the fastest way to get stuff ...but no way you can compare torrents with the eDonkey network! You simply wont get even half the stuff that eDonkey has, through torrents. Personally, when Im looking for something I try to find it on torrents, next mebbe on Gnutella; and then on eDonkey... Moral - Don't consider BSNL DataOne or any other asynchronous ISP service if P2P and/or upload speed is important for you.
  17. Bsnl Broadband Unlimited Data Transfer Package

    Well, not just for servers, but even if you want to run P2P clients, BSNL ADSL s**ks big time. I hardly get about 7kBps upload throughput, max (on my 256 kbps connection)! And with that kind of upload, P2P networks, esp. like eDonkey, etc, severely cap you downloads!
  18. Windows Tips-n-Tricks

    Using the on-demand scanner everyday can cause your HDD to wear out sooner. Also, know that more often than not the scanners for on-demand scanning and real-time scanning are different ...though they may use the same database! Usually the on demand scanner catches more malware than the real-time scanner. Also, sometimes the real-time scanners of some AVs cannot scan archieves ...whereas the on-demand version can. It differs from AV to AV.
  19. Besides that, its good to remember that scanning utilities require heavy disk acess ...and if you use 2 simultaneously, both would need to access different areas of the disk causing very heavy and inefficient disk accesses. This will reduce the life of ur hard disk. Also, processor overload may cause additional delays! Because of this and other reasons, no way is it reccomended to use 2 scanning utlities simultaneously. In fact its best even to avoid using the PC for other purposes ...esp. disk intensive ones. Hence, it may be best to schedule ur scanners to run when ur away from the PC saving both time and HDD life ...though your interaction may be required if malware is found ...depending on your settings.
  20. My Experience With Cops

    Yes thats right. It means "At home by 7".
  21. Surging Network Problems

    Similar problems here in Poona. At this rate RIM is going to loose its reputation for good network reliablity very soon!
  22. My Experience With Cops

    Jeez! This is one more of the absurd laws we have in this funny country! What if the female is a terrorist/murderor/anti social of any other kind? Then the law has to while away its time till daybreak ...while maybe she makes a quick gateaway?! With the gender divide narrowing, women are nowhere less competent at commiting all sorts of crimes! Those who think otherwise can only be amazingly naive! Besides such laws are blatently discriminatory against men! If his law holds, we must have laws where a female officer cannot arrest a male ...and also a male can be taken to an ALL MALE police station, etc!
  23. Surging Network Problems

    Have experienced this ocasionally here in Poona too, at my residence at least. Happens at night mostly ...no network for anywhere between few seconds to maybe 5 mins or so ...maybe more ...but thats what Iv noticed. Sometimes it happens frequently for few seconds ...but thats enuf to drop a call or get a network error while sending an SMS.
  24. 460.8 Kbps Connecting Speed

    100 Mbps is the theoritical max. ethernet card speed! So your comp can go upto that speed ...but no ISP in India provides anything even close to that!! Only the actual download speed you get counts (ie. 15 - 17 kBps, in your case).
  25. All Kind of Softwares

    Try Quintessential Player ...its AWESOME! And lighter than Winamp.