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Everything posted by neerajkaushik

  1. LG RD 5340 Launched !

    BitPim does not have 5340 in the list.I dont know how it works becuase in my case it did not.I tried various other number but this software does not detect 5340 at all.
  2. Relaince people are looters .they are looting peoples money.This is what reliance has done to me I had purchased a ACER Laptop and with that I got an coupon which mentioned that if I pay INR 3600 rs I will get LG RD 5340 Handset + Free activation + Bundle usage package worth 3600 and that these 3600 rs accounts to 3 months advance rental. Bundled 3 month package include 1)120 hour/month usage(60hr peak and 60hr off peak) 2)200 local sms per month 3)voice rental of joy 149 plan(worth rs 174 / per month) The same offer is advertised on both relianceinfo and acer.co.in for reliance info its address is http://www.relianceinfo.com/Infocomm/Rconn..._promotion.html On 25th of June,2006 I visited reliance web world (The forum , no 23 & 24,on hosur road,Koramanagla ,Bangalore ,Karnataka) and inquired about the same offer. They told me yes if I provide them the duely filled coupon and some other required proofs like if proof and address proof , I can avail the offer. I decided to go for it and that’s where I asked troubles to hit me. I paid 3599.99 rs + passport copy + duely filled coupon +address proof and I was given a LG RD 5340 handset and a free activation kit. Then I was told that to get the bundled package I need to contact customer care .I did so and called customer care ,who in turn told me to visit web world .And this thing happened 4 times .I was ping ponged to and fro from web word to customer care. Finally one of the senior executive told me to visit web world and make them talk to us. I complied and visited the web world and made them talk to customer care. After a week’s fight I was told that my plan has been changed and I will get a message for it shortly. I got the message and thought I am done. But no that was not the end. Despite at least 50 calls to Customer care and 20 personal visits to web world I found out that I was still there where I was 1 month before. I was totally annoyed to see the bill (Attached with the mail as an attachment) Which shows that I will have to pay 315 rs as monthly rental and also for the local SMS’s. I assume that because I have already paid 3 months advance rental I must not be charged for plan rental for 3 months and because my bundled package include 200 free Local SMS I must not be charged for this as well. Now I contacted customer care and who quite helpfully forwarded my complaint to respective department , who also quite swiftly called me and told me that I need to visit web world again to tell them that they have not updated my data. They asked me to tell them my complaint number i.e. 38326196 (my complaint number is 38326196) and also show them the proof of paying 3600 rs which I did. Just to listen that they can’t help me out. They asked me to contact someone in Karnataka reliance office and provided me the phone number of the lady called Anuradha kaushik.I called her and the lady was kind enough to at least listen my problem despite officially being on a leave and she made a conference call to forum ,koramanagla web world guy. Who promised to call me back after 5 minutes and those 5 minutes are yet to come. Now I have become a table tennis ball ,which is tapped by customer care to web world and web world to customer care without any resolution .After more than 50 calls to customer care and more than 20 in person visits to reliance web world (The forum ,koramanagla, banagalore ) my problem remains unresolved. I am cursing myself for being trapped by reliance and throwing my Airtel connection .Web world guys are least bothered about customer and its problems once they have pocketed the money. I remember how swiftly they worked on the day I purchased the phone and paid them money ,they all were so co operative and once they got their money they don’t bother any more. I agree 3600 rs is not a big amount but still the kind of agony I have faced for this amount is very expensive for me. Koramangla web world in forum is nearest web world to my location in ITPL,bangalore and that is 30 Kms at least and I have visited them more than 20 time which means more than 1200 km of traveling (60 KM per visit * 20 times) and result NIL