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punbros last won the day on July 20 2009

punbros had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

3 Neutral

About punbros

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    iF i CaN't HeAr YoUr HeArTbEaT, yOu'Re ToO fAr AwAy

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    IB Pun
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  • Reliance Mobile Handset
    Not a Reliance user
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    GSM Handset

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  1. The All New Rimweb!

    There are three buttons in the homepage. "Register for Free" which takes you to the registration page, "Browse as a guest" which just redirects you to the forum and the last one "Enter forum" which brings on the login page. All those links are hard coded and it doesnt check if the person is logged in or not. Anyways, I have changed the last bit to go into the forum index itself. Please let me know if the login issue persist. Changed back to show homepage when you enter rimweb.in now....
  2. The All New Rimweb!

    " Forum Guidelines View New Content Can you move these links to the Search field row ?? Move Bread-crumb navigation below google ads.. Centralize google ads and change the color of google ads text. Thanks.. Thanks for the suggestions... we will look into the matter but please be patient for the changes to take place (in-case we liked your suggestions ofcourse) Rest assured, we heard you... Others members as well as you can shoot more suggestions to make things better here.... BTW the google ads are already centralized. Please hit Ctrl + F5 to refresh and check.
  3. The All New Rimweb!

    While most of the design aspects are default, I have made some changes here and there like logo, google ad, members rank and so on but basically just a small tidbits... I formatted the google ad area a while ago to separate it from the other board links... I hope it doesn't look cluttered now... As for looking header area not looking professional, as said, we have just added our bits but it remains default mostly...
  4. Rimweb Turns 4 !

    Many many happy returns of the day! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  5. Rimweb Turns 4 !

    Congratulation to all the winners...
  6. Anti-virus

    Kaspersky! it rocks...
  7. Lets Ask Arun

    We will be working on the login form in coming days... thanks for the mention
  8. Lets Ask Arun

    I'm not sure whether any other admin has added .aac to the list of recognized files after seeing your post, but I notice that it is possible to attach .aac files now. Sorry dude... I added .aac into the list but somehow forgot to mention it here...
  9. Lets Ask Arun

    We used a third party script to display the details in the homepage for which it was causing loads of "Internal Server Errors" (which many members reported) issues leading up to the time we deleted them. We did all we could to resolve the issue but we weren't successful in it. Yeah it was of great help for us and for everyone. We searched around for the new version of the script but all in vein. Anyways, if you come across something similar, please let us know and we will have it a look. Or may be you guys can help us create one? Until the search is still on......
  10. Lets Ask Arun

    Seeing the amount of daily participation and looking into other factors... I see no reason why we should have a shoutbox... I will veto it just my 2 cent... Thanks for coming up with suggestion though.. keep it coming... who knows, we might like it for future if not for today...
  11. Lets Ask Arun

    The thing you were refering to was for the default skin... I have edited it to look different than members information... Suggestions are always welcome mate as it helps myself, ourselves and RIMweb as a whole... keep it coming dude...
  12. Forum Software Upgraded to 2.2.1

    Let us know if it doesn't work for you still.... all well here too..
  13. New Forum Skins

    thanks buddy...
  14. New Forum Skins

    Just a simple one bozz ... enjoy...
  15. New Forum Skins

    Yeah... I agree... hahahha