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RIM Addict
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Everything posted by manishag

  1. Icici Bank

    but SBI is offering the services with the Balance of Rs 1000 they do have all sort of facilities like Core Banking ATM, Internet Banking, NEFT Money Transfer. and they have the widest network you can find SBI ATM even near a small Village where as ICICI Bank is available in big cities only. Apart from that SBI charges nominal for the services where as ICICI charges are very High. And then they do not offer good services at all
  2. Icici Bank

    in the past I have heard that 1 big scam was caught in ICICI in which it was found that majority of there market investment is invested in ICICI itself after that it was a rumor that ICICI might get close
  3. Yes in prepaid Idea My Gang is the best plan available it offers you Local Call @ 50 paise to all operators All India SMS 10p and STD Rs 1.3
  4. thanks dear for the suggestion. i think idea charges rs 20 per day in pre paid while it charges 500 per month in post paid. earlier idea used to charge only rs 5 for pre paid. they raised the rates in december last. right now i use dolphin post paid for unlimited which comes to about rs 349 a month.is anything cheaper than this with any operator. i am told corporate connections offer unlimited gprs only for 99 a month. anyone here can get me one such plan? Airtel provides the unlimited GPRS on Postpaid for the corporates for few corporates it's Rs 99 per month and for few its 199 per month. idea provides unlimited GRPRS @ 99 for the corporates. you can check in your company if they have corporate connection or else take the connection with the help of some of your fren who si working in company where Airtel/Idea provides Corporate plan
  5. Vodafone Schemes

    I do agree there are very less call drops with Reliance. I am facing 2-3 call drops on my way just because in underground area no signals are there and one area i cross falls under high security zone so may be network jammers are installed there. but rest is fine. where as in GSM there are unlimited call drops are there. today i faced the call drops in reliance at my home i called at CC and they took the request and assured me that problem will be rectified in 72 hours and in evening i recieved call frm Reliance guy that they are visiting my place tomm eve to check the network. where as whenever i called Vodafone to check the network problem in office they never bothered about that despite of the fact that we were having Vodafone corporate connection when ever we called we have to tell them the exact cordinate and time when call dropped. really Vodafone ****** and Reliance Rocks. Idea is also very good in Customer support yes they do have problem of network coverage in the past but now they have improved a lot. in Vodafone if call at the Customer care then 1st you have to wait atleast 30 mins for the CC rep to come and then if you call 3 times in a single day for then they will barr the customer care access from your phone and doesn't bother weather you are postpaid customer corporate customer or prepaid customer. i know a guy who was the senior signatory in Telecome Retail Chain and they even barred the CC access from his no for the 2 months And it's a known fact that Vodafone people follow the most unethical practices in India. for example in Chandigarh they always give preactivated SIM cards to the retailer. it's not only in chandigarh it's the common practice of Voda across india. In the past when it was found that 5 lakg Vodafone Connections were activated with 6000 Id Cards. Haryana CEO of Vodafone arrested 2 times in 1 year of fake activations.
  6. Vodafone Schemes

    i found that in reliance there are barely any call drop. i use to face 7-8 call drops in 30 mins on Ring Road delhi in case of Voda fone and Airtel then i switched to Reliance and i Face only 1 call drop on ring road in 30 mins
  7. Idea Cellular Rocks!

    idea always have best plans like there new post paid plan Talk 275 which has Idea to Idea 5000 mins free and other local calls 50p per min
  8. it`s totally wrong gprs edge is never better than r-connect i am using r connect from 2003 and checked airtel gprs edge on n91 nokia it gives 80 kpbs from late night 2am to 8 am morning after that speed slows to 20 -25 kpbs same on airtel usb modem also , so please don`t fool all the guys as i can challenge wireless network gsm gprs /edge can`t be faster than cdma or tdma networks ya it's true if you want the internet on move go for reliance Airtel Data Card are worst they are highly unreliable. speed ****s if you have download a mail with more then a mb attachement then forget that you will ever get success. in reliance situation is much better.
  9. Vodafone Schemes

    don't go for the vodafone services they are the most unethical service providers and they have lots of hidden charges. also Network is worst if you complain about the network you have to give them the exact location no just the gali no etc they ask exactly in which room your call dropped it's .................... better for IDEA or Airtel in case of GSM and Relinace for CDMA at least these players are least unethical
  10. how can we block the calls to non RIM in 525 plan. is there any charges to use this facility
  11. Credit Card Payments

    yes you can use the Balance Transfer Option. most of the banks provide Visa Money Transfer Option using that you can pay the Visa Credit card Bill through your saving account. Bank charges Rs 20 to 25 per transaction for VMT In case of HDFC Saving Account you have to activate the Third Party Transfer in Case of SBI saving account you need to enable Transaction Rights for your net banking account. for Citi Bank Credit Card SBI credit Card and Barclay Card you can pay the Credit Card dues directly from HDFC net banking without enabling the Thrid Party Transfer. it takes 1 wokring day to process the amount also this service is free.
  12. Decline In Price Of Lg Rd3100

    ^^^ My dear friend, should it mean that Reliance retailers are doing SOCIAL SERVICE for the customers ? Regards. no retailer is doing the social service. they have the margin of 50 to 70 rs on average on the Handset upto 3K if they sell at the price proposed by the Reliance. if they sell the Prepaid No they get Rs 100 to 125 extra over and above the margin from the handset Web World guys keeps all the margin with them but other retailers pass some margin to the customers. they pass the margin when someone bargains and other retailers next to them is also passing some margin to the customers. in case of Retail Chains they are getting additional margin of the Distrbutors so you can bargain more on the retail chains like HotSpot and Go Mobile, phir bol, Sbhukisha. yes these retails chains offer variable pricing and they do provide the bargaining facility to the customers. most of the time they have gave a big loop hole for the to bargain. means most of these stores specially Modi Groups Chains(Go Mobile,Hotspot,Phir bol) are next to each other. some times they you can see two HotSpot or two Go mobile in 100 mt Area like on Vikas Marg on 500 m lane you can see 6 Go Mobile and 5 Hot Spot. and none of the store have any co-ordination. means if enter on one of the go mobile store and tell them that the Go Mobile next to your store is offering me this much price then they will give you the Handset even on 0 margin. because boys get incentive no volumes not on profits or margins. so you can bargain wisely and get the best deals from these stores. infact you can get some goodies over and above the 0 margin Handset. in case of mobile store they have very good co-ordination between the stores so there is no chance of Bargaining on Mobile store or on Cellcom
  13. Decline In Price Of Lg Rd3100

    i got the Reliance Rd3100 with life time Validity and RUIM for 1690. i got it from HotSpot -1(near Subway) Vikas Marg. don't go to go mobile they are having few fake stocks too
  14. Quality Of Customer Care

    blocked in what sense. i mean access to CC or something else if access to CC has been barred from your no then you have to give request from some other no. in case *33 giving engage tone then try dialling 0113033333 from your post paid no. connectivity to this no is better then the *333
  15. Quality Of Customer Care

    every operator has positive and negative sides. in case of reliance you have to talk to one customer care it's not circle specific. in case of other operators if you visit outside your circle you have to face lots of problems. they can't give you full support of you are in some other circle. Also to get rid of the sentence you just need to ask "Is your system upgraded so that i can tell you the problem. if not then tell me after how much time i should call" you will get better support. i always ask them same thing. in case of reliance another good thing is that you don't have to wait for long to get attended by the CC rep. most of the time it's less then a min. also *333 is for post paid customers and *369 is for the prepaid so no wonder that prepaid users are not able to call on *333 and also CC don't block you for calling at helpline evenif you call 50 times a day but in other operators if you call more then 3 times in a day your access to CC will be barred for next one month and it's true for Airtel and the Vodafone. this is there policy. so it's like that neither they will solve the problem and restrict you to place the complain. and there is no way to get unblocked before 30 days unless untill you talk to very senior person like avneet or victor in vodafone.
  16. Quality Of Customer Care

    well i do agree overall RIM CC is much better then other operators. in Vodafone 1st they will never ever understand your problem. and always gave you funny solutions. same thing is true with the Bharti. and you have to wait for atleast 5-10 mins to talk to CC rep.in Idea you have to wait for 4-5 mins but you will not get funny solutions most of the time they will give you reasonable solution. I can tell you one of my experience about Airtel BB that i am facing from last 2 years. in my Airtel BB my bill never gets updated on there website. and after complain to Appellate it gets updated in parts I have never seen the complete bill on the website. every month i need to log a complain. if I call at customer care they ask me to reboot the machine after that they reset my password. if i complain at appellate they do nothing just delet my id and re create it ( they take 2 week to do this) in case of Vodafone and Bharti if you call more then 3 times on the customercare in a day then they block you access to customer care for 1 month. it's really pathetic. in case of Reliance and Idea atleast they don't block your access to customer care even if you call 10 times a day.
  17. Quality Of Customer Care

    well connectivity is resolved a lot. most of the time wait time is few sec only or max 2 mins. but CC rep are still dumb. they don't want to resolve the issue. i asked the activation of itemized bill for my fwp they said it's not possible over phone. you need to visit to Web World. i tried next day guy took the request and activated it by next day. same thing for the ebill i requested for the ebill for my fwp they activated it over the phone but when i called to activate it for the mobile they said that i have to visit the web world.
  18. 11 Mobile Phone Agents Arrested In Up

    RIM PREPAID GSK after entry of 99 CAF
  19. 11 Mobile Phone Agents Arrested In Up

    i know dude. this practice is common because many distributros provide 99 CAF which they have to sale it wth in 30 days from date of entry as 99. so they sale lots of connection with fake ids. for small dealres this practice is common but what about these retails chains like HotSpot Phirbol and GoMobile. only chains from modis follow these practice.
  20. 11 Mobile Phone Agents Arrested In Up

    dude this modi family is itself fraud. HOTSPOT is activating the fraud connection just to show the nos. but atleast they activate it when they gave it to customers. but the go mobile and the PhirBol keeps the pre activated sim cards for all brands weather you want reliance or any other GSM. just go to the outlet and take the pre activated sim cards. though there director were warned by the operators no to follow the wrong practice but who cares as long as you are getting the good margins
  21. Microsoft has officially launched the public beta of its WorldWide Telescope, a rich web application that brings together imagery from the best ground and space based observatories across the world to allow people to easily explore the night sky through their computers. “Users can see the X-ray view of the sky, zoom into bright radiation clouds, and then cross-fade into the visible light view and discover the cloud remnants of a supernova explosion from a thousand years ago,” said Roy Gould, a researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. “I believe this new creation from Microsoft will have a profound impact on the way we view the universe.” - According to the press release from Microsoft. http://www.worldwidetelescope.org/
  22. Cheated By Abn Amro

    frens i need the suggestion for the following incident I am using ABN AMRO credit card. in month of feb i issued one cheque towards the payment of credit card bill. but in month of march i recieved a letter from ABN AMRO that cheque returned and reason for bounce was SIGNATURE DIFFER. I issued another cheque to the ABN AMRO just after recieving the letter. after recieving the 2nd cheque ABN AMRO presented both the cheques in my bank for clearance and both cheques get cleared from my bank. they recieved the payment from both the cheques. after clearance of cheque i recieved the call from recovery agent and he said that i have to pay the credit card bill. i told him that how can he call me for payment. after that i didn't recieved the call from ABN AMRO but today i again recieved one letter from ABN AMRO and this letter says that my cheque returned (the same cheque which was returned earlier too) on April 3rd 2008. though my statement says that cheque has already been cleared on March 26th. so suggest me what should i do in this case.
  23. Hdfc Bank Business Credit Card....

    i am using the HDFC Gold Card. so far good service only once faced the problem in billing because of ICICI gateway. get resolution for that without any trouble only problem faced was that resolution took 15 days time. rest no issue so far
  24. As usual Airtel is trying to fool the customers. if 50p is the call rate then Rs 400 it self equals to 800 local mins. and they are saying that Dial a postpaid is available for no extra charge is also a false statement. because you can get the post paid connection either FOC or max at rs 250 if you take is from local market and there is scope for bargaining in market. but if you use dial a post paid service you will be forced to pay Rs 500 and no chance to bargain. in fact i took the post paid connection in delhi. Airtel Guy came at my home and did all document work for me. and apart from that i got the no FOC. I got all this because i called the local store of mobile store.
  25. Cheated By Abn Amro

    frens finally ABNO AMRO responded me when i give the appeal in RBI banking omb.. this time they send me the copy of the returned cheque that they recieved from ICICI Bank and they have returned all the charges that they have put on me. I am in doubt that what should i do. because ICICI bank debited my account on behalf of that cheque before they have returned the cheque. for me it seems that two private banks are trying to cheat the customers