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Everything posted by hyper

  1. Free Sms

    some good sites... http://www.excell.to/ http://www.1rstwap.com/ interesting reading :- http://www.indianchild.com/free-sms-gateway.htm http://www.smsjunction.com/
  2. Free Sms

    well... theres a java app throgh which u can use ur ICQ account to send free SMS's///but u cant load java apps on ur phone na??
  3. Scheduler PC Sync

    go into the settings.. it need to be activated. go to syncronization---> sync configuration. now see that there is a similar 2 way arrow on schedule & its set to sync with LG Desktop. if this does not work yet. then add ur schedules to outlook express & set the setting to syn with outlook. maybe this will work.
  4. Lg Rd 7230 Video Camera Phone

    i personally dont care about the radio. i would love speaker phone though. i hope this can be resolved through a software upgrade. ..can it? by the way .. theres a small button below the volume up-down. whats that for???
  5. Lg Rd 7230 Video Camera Phone

    what? no its states clearly on the brochure 256MB memory. i am surprised at this. but it does hold lots of pictures & conatcts. but still, this would mean it has more memory that even the O2 XDA II & even the upcomming Nokia 9500 & 9300 (GSM). this would also mean it has the most built-in memory in any phone available till date. (maybe theres one motorola 3G GSM phone that has the same) if it does have this much memory, i think its a total waste of memory. you could run this memory with a good operating system & could have really used this memory to full use. & if i'm mistaken..then 32MB is also a lot & still a waste of memory. but then again at this price...its a good deal.
  6. Lg Rd 7230 Video Camera Phone

    yes i totally agree with lokeshsapre. this phone is really good & plus the good memory. from the brochure it seems that this phone has a 256MB memory. good enough for tons of photos & contacts & calender entries. plus its small. plus its sms typing is better that gtran. i only hoped that it had a features like the 5130. some features are much better in the 5130. also it yet has the same contact recognition problem like the 2030, so u have to store a persons numbers with a 098******** & also in this format 009198******** i hate this.....but, thank god for LG DESKTOP sync software
  7. PC Sync Software for LG7130

    anyways i fugured it out now... thought i'd let u know.. when u lead LG Desktop1.0 sync software (www.lgmobiles.com) u get a folder LG ELECTRONICS on ur program files. there are 2 files called LGRD2030Connector.dll & LGRD7130Connector.dll now , with this u can sync 2030 & 7130. if u want to sync 7230, just rename LGRD7130Connector.dll to LGSHX2Connector.dll & ur set. i've now successfully syncd my contacts to my 7230.
  8. PC Sync Software for LG7130

    i have a 7130.. i used the LG desktop to sync the conatcts. now ive bought a 7230 pre-paid & i want the same contacts on that also. if i sync it using the LG DESKTOP1.0 or lite. its give me an error saying LGSHX2Connector.dll not found. can anyone help me sync the 7230??
  9. Lg Rd 7230 Video Camera Phone

    even i've been trying to buy the LG 7230 since the last few days. but unfortunately none of the reliance webworlds accept american express cards. the 7230 also has one more thig thats better than the gtran.... SMS..... am i right? plus its smaller & thinner & lighter.
  10. All about LG 5130

    yes, i've used the LG 5130. fully... its really an amzing phone.. any questions on it.please go ahead & ask. i've used it & sold it & bought a LG 7130 now. am yet looking for a 2nd hand LG 7230. i also need another LG 7130 or a 2nd hand Kyocera PDA. I dont mind a G-Trand also actually(but this is my last choice)
  11. Wap access to Yahoo & MSN

    heres one.... MSN messanger on ur reliance phone.. http://start.e-messenger.net/wap/
  12. Lg2030 Refurbished

    can u please tell me which webworld. also can u tell me if they have the LG 7130?
  13. i want to create my own background on paint & then convert it into dat file from a jpeg. can anyone tell me the dimensions of a background?
  14. heres a few more good ones... all in a zipped file.. plus i've also added the midi to dat file convertor in the zipped archive.. ENJOY !!!! hyper_ring_dat.zip
  15. another good one... tomorrow i'll put up many many more... i'll make available soon... petntatonic.dat
  16. i love this one... & it sounds good too.. its a sony ericsson default ringtone.. SE_ring.dat
  17. Unicdma Probs.

    can u please email unicdma to me as well. thanks a ton... gaurav_v@hotmail.com
  18. Toshiba 2032 Pocket Pc Phone

    do u suppose that i can get me esn & min written onto this toshiba WM2003 based phone. cause its available in bombay for approx rs.20000 now. this is a good price. can u help me with on thing though. on this phone, is is possible to hold the phone directly to your ear to speak(like the O2 XDA II) or do you need a handsfree always?
  19. Firmware Upgradation

    i just sent my RD 2030 to LG for a software upgrade & now i have S/W: RD203F15 PRL: 2 i dont find anything different at all. i only think that the R-World has been improved.