I brought my 6265 for 15500 a couple of days back... my previous handset was LG 6130. The LG handset had totally collapsed due to rough use on my part and I was considering stepping up in any case. I did not read this forum before... I just looked at the reliance website where they were showing off all those handsets... and picked this one... went and brought it. Might I suggest that they have a link called "user reviews"...
My primary motive was the video recoding facility... and as I have that and it works well enough for me... I am happy.
The one minor setback for me is that I can set only one alarm... 6130 allowed for three and I had set them... mon-sat mornings, mon-sat evenings, and sun mornings. but maybe some workaround would be there.
One sad thing is there do not seem to be any "modding" phorums for this peice.