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Posts posted by vishalmcp

  1. i agree with u gyanesh..... now-a-days no one has time to keep on calling CC & fighting with them.... everybody wants peace of mind & i think if it comes with little extra cost its not a bad deal as u said...... If u ask me Reliance is lacking behind coz of its CC.... all of them are useless..... Tariff wise Reliance is nowhere behind..... Network also is good may be some areas might have problems.... but they have the worst CC.....

  2. The following could be one of the best ways for Mukesh Ambani to move forward

    1) Convert ISP A license to UASL license(without bundling spectrum)

    --> It'll ensure Infotel can launch voice services immediately on their own spectrum

    2) Launch nationwide wireless IPTV services with femto-cell integrated set-top boxes

    --> DTH is a hot thing right now. IPTV being superior platform can deliver more HD channels with unimaginably superior realtime interactive features

    --> Integrated femto-cells will ensure each household which has set-top box to be acting like a micro tower for superior indoor coverage

    --> Thus implanted femtocells can be leveraged when Infotel launches 4G-based handsets

    3) Lure the customers with triple-play services

    --> Nothing can be as luring as having a set-top box working as WiFi modem and as micro tower for consumer's mobile's indoor coverage

    --> Nothing can be as luring as having single bill covering your TV channels, mobiles and internet

    4) Launch 4G in full scale as soon as 4G handsets are available in mass market

    hmmm.... Good points dude.... Mukesh should take all these into his considerations..... Lets wait & see what he has planned.
