hey guys ,
i have a 2865 and wanted any input about how to use his phone to the maximum of its capabilities...where to get softwares...themes ..codes..new fw ..etc for this model ,,
if you hav any info please share it ..
hey guys ,
just last night i switched from my old nokia to the new nokia 2865. it dint take long before i was informed that i was not responding to sms from my friends and business associates from mumbai. The weird thing is they started to sms me on my other relaince number and the sms would reach just fine.(its a nokia too ).. I am receiving delhi sms all ok . the majority of the numbers are from mumbai Orange network but what i fail to understand is howcome everything was fine before i switched handsets and secondly howcome their msgs are reaching my other reliance phone .
if someone has a solution or any advice i would be very thankfull
hey guys ,
i was wondering if anyone has successfully used/using the gmail app on their phone . i hav a nokia 2865 and tried downloading it via wap from http://gmail.com/app ..it downloaded and installed but before it could log me in it crashes giving the reason of a dud certificate ..
please advise...
p.s - are there any other cool apps like this for my phone which use wap and could be usefull ?..
Thankyou so much ...i repeated the process and everything has resumed to its normal state . Must have been some issue with the first HCC process .
Again thankyou so much !!