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Hyd Ladka

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Everything posted by Hyd Ladka

  1. There's another way out, install RConnect ver 2, & untick the option Launch IE
  2. Hai friends, Here is Latest S/W version details of Nokia GSM. Get Updated

    Happy birthday amtrag Enjoy
  4. New Virus Alert

    Presently people are having a big problem with a really intelligent worm virus in Yahoo groups.This virus usually reaches a mail box some way and then tracks the ids with the word "group" and send mails with subject lines usually of a forward which is already present in you mail box. This virus is intellegent is becausee of two reasons - It sends mails with virus to groups by searching for the word "group" in its address book or inbox id's - It takes the subject line of any mail with "FW:" in it and sends it across to the groups and the sent mail is not even seen in the sent items box. Suggestions [generic for any virus infected mail box] 1) Do not open the mail which has attachments of size 180 K to 189 K. 2) Do not download the files which has unknown exensions like mim , mhx , bhx. This is a simple way of preventing viruses from spreading to other mail boxes Forward it to all your friends, to avoid spreading of Virus and Worms!! . Here is the Remedy for that. All the Best.
  5. Setting Up And Optimizing The Kyocera 7135

    Hai friends , Some Apps to keep the thread Going This is an Intresting App, But afraid to try it out. Will you Plz try it for me. & This is a good app which turns your screen into Graffite writing Area. This is to view TEXT files on your kyo.
  6. New entry level LG RD 2630 & LG RD 3330 !

    Hey Friends, Confirmed that totally 4 Models are Getting Released, They are RD 2630, RD 3330, RD 6500, LSI 120. Will post more details soon about them.
  7. Latest s/w versions Of Lg Phones

    Latest available Version of RD 7130 is Ver 17.
  8. R Connect Troubleshooter

    Hey dude, First chk out which Chipset the Cable has, Mostly found ChipSets are Prolific & u can Find the Drivers Here If the Problem is Still there, just Buzz me.
  9. Kyocera 7135 Unable To Calibrate

    Just Follow the Process & finish it to the END, & Dont Forget to Tap on Don't Show me Again
  10. How To Re-set Security Code Of Nokia

    If Your Phone isn't Locked, Then u can check it under Service Menu i.e. *3001#12345# , If locked only ASC can help You. All the Best
  11. Nokia 3125

    Get it from Here http://www.relianceinfo.com/webapp/Infocom...nnectsearch.jsp
  12. Latest s/w versions Of Lg Phones

    Hai Friends, Got an Update for LSP 350R LSP 350R--VER B04 General Information : It has been observed, the outgoing voice from LSP 350R, to BSNL and GSM phones are low, and by increasing the Mic volume to “3” the outgoing volume becomes acceptable. The new software change the default Mic, Volume to “3” Get Updated...R U Listining vishal
  13. Whats New @ Reliance Mobile World ( R-World) ?

    Hai Friends, Here is The Latest R World Applications Compatability Chart for All Handsets.
  14. Nokia 7710

    Hai all, First of all, this is CDMA Section of RIM Handsets.U should have requested in Genral CHat & Chk out this Page for More Info & u phone is Series 90, so Any apps for Series 90 will do for N7710
  15. 5340 And 5130 Data Cable Same?

    Yes, they are Same.
  16. Invites Thread

    i too want to check it out yaar AshokJP.Can u send me one @ pro.gyani@gmail.com
  17. Pcsync'ing Lg 5340

    Yes it Would & will Work, It will Work even if it is a USB-Serial Converter or a Direct USB Cable Which has No converter.
  18. Data Cable Matrix

    Hai Friends, Check out this Chart for Data Cable Compatibility. Hope Useful..
  19. Reading Mms On The Web

    http://mms.relianceinfo.com/mms/common/cop...html?l=en-US&v= Check out this Page for More Info on Charges
  20. Ringers For Kyocera 7135

    Better Upload the Files in MP3 files Yaar,& not in Palm Format, others may also use them. & that's a Good Collection yaar.
  21. Reading Mms On The Web

    Yes u can, if u get an MMS & if u Dont have MMS Support on the Handset, an SMS is Recieved giving u a special password for each & every Message.And it can be recovered only once. Here is the Format u get on the Mobile. Reliance MMS URL:http://mms.relianceinfo.com/mms/do/Legacy/ FROM:9193xxxxxxxx PASSWORD:42289uerrh
  22. Mobile Phone Carrier Code(s)

    Hi, 93xxxxxxx is Common all over india, after that changes from Region to Region. Here in A.P. These are the series we have 939xxxxxxx 934xxxxxxx
  23. Some Software's For The Kyo 7135

    Hai friends, Here is Novii Remote Delux , Which is the Latest Available & will Work for Kyo 7135 & i know how do u Want it , Just Download the Extra CodeBase from their Support Site for More Devices. Keep Posting All the Best
  24. Ringers For Kyocera 7135

    Hey Friends, Time for More.. Baby Laugh Nokia Message Remix Sad Baby Remix Hutch Idea More Coming Post U R Tones Too.
  25. Firmware Version Of 7135

    Hey friends, Managed to get into DEBUG Mode(Rainbow), but my phone is not getting Detected by the PST, not even in Normal mode i.e. Service Interface as well as DATA Logging Mode(DM Mode)..checked the SYNC Cradle with palm desktop Softwrae & its Working Fine Syncing the Data.Help me out Guys..Got stuck upgrading PDA Software..but had updated phone software with ease.