I'm under the DAPO post-paid plan. And i have an LG-RD2030 handset.
Recently, I dropped the phone in water, and of course the phone is damaged. When given for repair/replacement, apparently they say the cost of a new handset is Rs.10,500. Generally, Insurance takes care of Rs.7000, which leaves me with Rs.3500 to pay. Unfortunately, they said this is a case of "deliberate misuse" and hence insurance is not applicable in my case! So for a new handset i would have to pay Rs.10,500! Repair is going to cost Rs.5000 to replace the PCB.
Now Outright Payments for handsets are listed as Rs.2999 for the LG-RD2030 on the Relianceinfocomm website, so why do I have to pay Rs.10K for the same instrument?? Cant I simply buy the new instrument and have it programmed with my old number?
Any ideas about what I should do?
Thanks for any info.