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Everything posted by ashoksoft

  1. Sms On Windows Mobile 6.1

    Hmm Q1 : Just go to Start > Programs > NueTools > NueThreadedSMSControl and disable the threading 2 : Gotta check that .. I've disabled all those boring popups .. message sent.. message delivered etc cheers karki
  2. Lil' Pug Brings Trouble To Vodafone

    an idle brain is a devils workshop PETA and AWBI chaps don't seem to have any work ... Arun if you are reading this post .. .please add a disclaimer on the front page of rimweb.in saying " No animals were harmed in desiging and maintaining this website. " for all you know - suddenly they might pounce here saying that some random color on the webpage is actually some animal bs ! awww ... where are we headed .! duh!
  3. Ruim Conversion For Ppc 6800

    I guess any Radio ROM will do - as long as RUIM if available is enabled in QPST
  4. Htc Tweaks

    Will post the details once i'm back from my ride on sunday. Will be un available for the most part today and tomorrow ... I was able to get touch flo working on the 6800 - but nothing really that impressive re anyway try Hetals ROM he's got the TouchFlo in it cheers karki
  5. Htc Tweaks

    it sure is not empty ... i just downloaded it back !
  6. Htc Tweaks

    Ok .. some stuff i updated for saurav http://rapidshare.com/files/111084339/saurav.zip.html Group SMS Wanna message a whole group of people ? or hey ... do u want to message selectively to a category of people in your outlook - use this. Auto SMS Reply If you miss a call or if you disconnect a call - this utility will promptly SMS the caller with a reply that you set ! very useful for bikers and business men - esp. the ones who sit in conferences all day hehe cheers karki
  7. Htc Tweaks

    The registry is pretty much the same for Smartphone / ppc at least for the patches described here . In the PPC 6800 we get a delivery report for each of the recipients in such situations this helps a lot - especially for DAPO customers who send SMS as if there is no tomorrow cheers karki
  8. Htc Tweaks

    R-World and R-Connect For people who are unable to access R-World and R-Connect Step 1 : Open QPST or EPST, enter SPC and in M.IP Settings change to "Simple IP only" Step 2 : From Hetals post above install HP_Rel_MobileWorld.cab HP_Rel_Settings.cab and Reliance3.sa.CAB Restart the phone cheers karki PS : Special thanks to Guruji Hetal bhai
  9. Htc Tweaks

    @HetalDP Yo big man, Thanks a zillion - Eased out a lot of work cheers karki
  10. Check out my post mate Find your way using the HTC P 6800 http://www.rimweb.in/forums/index.php?showtopic=13024 cheers karki
  11. Htc Tweaks

    Working on the R-World and R-Connect Settings. If anyone has other queries other than these - do post them we'll try to get a cumilative solution This is for all HTC users - GSM / CDMA / any model and version - so please mention your specific handset make and model with your post. Thanks Karki
  12. Problems In Lg 3000/3100 With Mic.

    Been using a RD3000 since december - absolutely no complaints - guess I was lucky
  13. Start > settings > Connections > Connections > Tasks > Add a new modem Connection Screen 1 Name for the connection : Anything Select a modem : Cellular Line Screen 2 Number to be dialled #777 Screen 3 user name : your mobile number without zero in the begining password : your mobile number without zero in the begining domain : leave blank Click finish Delete other un-necessary connections Cheers karki
  14. In bitpim - the latest version just say auto for port and "Other CDMA Phone" thats it cheers karki
  15. Suggestions Needed..!

    Can you please elaborate : What features are you looking out for in the handset? My choice might not be yours cheers karki
  16. Htc S720 Doubts / Suggestions

    @Saurav : here comes support Group SMS : Use group SMS (attached) SMS Sync with PC - SMS cool itself is what I had used but I had tweaked something - let me reinstall it - will check and let you know. SMS on call reject - attached Phone book can be backed up on the storage card using PIM Backup http://rapidshare.com/files/111084339/saurav.zip.html cheers karki
  17. Htc P3000

    You can use your fingers too ... but the phone is really not designed for fat fingers (I'm looking at my fingers ) cheers karki
  18. Any Taker For Lg Vx9900.

    Two points to copperco
  19. Confirm Identity Of This Company

    And this is a public forum ... remember that other company ashok .. what was its name ... yeah mantra online or mantraway haha ha
  20. Hp-mogul-clean-20273-a

    @Tanveer Issue resolved in the other thread right ? hehe cheers karki
  21. Htc P3000

    he must be talking about the on-screen one.
  22. Htc P3000

    Could I recommend you the HTC P 6800 - it does read Word and Excel 2003 as well as 2007 files very well ... no issues at all. Cheers Karki
  23. Lg Rd6130 Data Cable

    Don't think so ... at least not directly - but I guess you could fiddle around to see where in the FS are the games being stored - use bitpim, and then try to overwrite one of the games cheers karki
  24. Great Archving Software

    The same archiver can be used to give excellent - but proper compression to existing ARCHIVE files like zip, when CORE releases are launched we have the application in a multipart zip - recompressed to RAR and then to KGB. Though the extraction time is way higher - the compression factor is equally good. Alternatively the ARZ format is pretty kewl cheers karki
  25. New Moderators! Now Hetal Too!

    At last Welcome Guruji ... Arun heres a wink cheers karki