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Everything posted by ashoksoft

  1. All About Nokia 6265

    yeah.... WAP stopped working in some circles ... but seems to be okay as of now in mum ... !! no guess ... maybe reliance just realized - as usual
  2. Hacking LG RD5130 with Bitpim

    try mailing me at ashok[dot]karkera[at]gmail[dot]com
  3. Hcc Card Sold In Black!

    LOL !!!

    Happy B'day Ganesh!! whooo... XBOX .. now i'm drooling
  5. 7135 Outside India

    dude ...!! Try to see if you can register your ESN with ur local operator there ... many US operators allow that ,,, if yes ... the process is straight and simple ... and can be done legally else you can clone cheers ashok
  6. Hcc Card Sold In Black!

    Even faced the same issue at the WWE @ Karamana in Trivandrum. They told me that the HCC was out of stock and not available!!! Made a phone call to Supernova from the WWE, and the moment a chap saw me talking to someone about "HCC" and "availablity in the specific WWE" ... Miraculously .. the chap found an HCC at printed price!!!
  7. Nice post mate!! old stuff. .. but consice and in a single place now
  8. Yulong Cdma + Gsm Dual Network Phone

    a little earlier .... between march and sep 2007 we can see a lot of stuff with Rim enabling CDMA and GSM tech... but again therez a small glitch ... the GSM slot is locked to Reliance GSM network!!!!! (thatz the current line of action being planned) ... chaps in the ASC's for UT starcom can certify that to you cheers ashok
  9. All About Nokia 6265

    I still doubt it ... coz the reply states about the "SURF" Application!! the chaps who responded back seem to be reffering to browsing on a Java enabled handset like the old 2030 or 5130 on SURF!!! beware !! cheers ashok
  10. Recording From Tv Tuner Into Computer

    use WinVCR - if u do not get the link ... PM me ... I'll try to upload it after 14th (once I'm back in Mumbai) cheers ashok
  11. Lg2030 As A Alphanumeric Terminal

    Go in for a second hand Kyocera 7135 - ur best bet!
  12. AT Commands & SMS Software

    I've already made one such app ... including some parts using the FBUS Activex library ... if you have a Nokia 6255, 6235 and have a USB cable or a 2112 with A SERIAL Data cable.. please PM me / contact me .. Kshah .. I'll try to call you once I'm in Mumbai, so that I can discuss about something that I worked on sometime back .. cheers ashok
  13. AT Commands & SMS Software

    well mate ... I guess u could send accross a 2112 and a data cable for 2-3 days ... and I could just try coaxing it to reveal something cheers mate ashok
  14. RIMweb Meet - Trivandrum!

    Hiya pals, Time for yet another meet ... this time in the capital of Kerala!!! Trivandrum! The RimWeb team has come a long way since its inception, with 2 meets in Mumbai, a meet in delhi, and a Kyocera UserGroup Meet again in Mumbai. Wondering what happened to the other cities ... These meets let you to know people from a wide range of backgrounds (and many of them can assist you in case you want help in their field of expertise) - whom you might never meet otherwise, moreover you get to play around with handsets, discuss techie stuff and dance to the tunes .... Most of the meets are on a "go-Dutch" basis ... which means each member pays for his own eating / drinking !! so dont you think it was time, to have a meet in other cities ??? Place : Trivandrum Date : 05th November, Sunday Time : Evening 17:00 {5 PM} Location : Coffee Beanz, opp Womens college Vazhuthacaud. We would be having a meet of Kyocera, Telson, Audiovox, LG, Samsung and Nokia Users .... a few laptops can be seen I guess ... but well if you want anything get your own CD's cheers ashok!!!
  15. RIMweb Meet - Trivandrum!

    We'll have it soon ... if everyone finds it kewl ... we could have the next one in DEC ... If in the first week, I might not be there ... but well the meet can go on !!! I'll be in Goa from 9th to 13th ... but I do not think we have many members here from Goa ... what say ??? cheers a s h o k
  16. Map Your Location

    done !! one more ~
  17. RIMweb Meet - Trivandrum!

    The RIMWEB Meet @ Trivandrum – Nov 2006 Members who attended : ashokjp – Administrator ashoksoft – Super Moderator greens – Moderator gladson – member gladson’s sister (grace) The meet was an awesome experience for me personally – hope the others would share their opinion themselves. We met at Coffeé Beanz as we had decided earlier… nice place with a semi-east Indian eatery look .. the layout and ambience was as good as any café coffee day !! (where we generally have our Mumbai – announced / unannounced meets). The handsets that came over included a Nokia 6565, a Nokia 2255, a Kyocera 7135, a LG and Nokia handset from greens! Other than the usual – know each other round where we realized that ashokjp was a engineering student, Gladson was a SAP (ABAP) coder .. and the infamous “me” – partying  ….. Greens is interested to become a forester !!! Tarzan I guess  - and as we feared he appeared in a GREEN shirt !!!!!! whoooooooo Grace (not a rimweb member) seemed to be a little bugged by the handset discussions going on .. hehe, and somehow she fits my fraternity (but unlike me – she goes regularly to school I guess… yeah she is a KV student!!!) SOME PIX Kerala!! The members at the meet ... Outside the cafe after the meet Now after all that info …. We discussed about 1. WAP on the 6265 – well for me that was a first time. It was pretty easy to navigate thro…. We logged into Rimweb too …  2. Earphone adapters and recording options to record calls .. Some were thoroughly impressed by my 2.5” to 3.5” converter cable a excellent device that can be used on LG / Kyocera and many Nokia handsets too … which lets u connect your normal walkman / stereo headset to your mobile (so now I get a pitching sound on my Kyocera 7135) 3. Prices of handsets in various cities (GSM and CDMA) … and options to get other handsets on RIM  4. I was also bugging them about my experiment with the LG ESN on a Kyocera 7135 after which I was able to receive LMS on my Kyocera (which proves that handset detection is majorly based on ESN!!) 5. Some tools for the Kyocera and SMS from PC using Nokia handsets – AT or Fbus 6. A discussion about setting up a accessory order link, where the functioning is based on faith!! – we trust you! Where u can request for a accessory / product which is not available in your city – or is plain cheaper in a different city, someone residing at that city will get the same and courier it to you! Even if the parent web site keeps 10% of the transaction charge – it could be helpful for many!! 7. A private chat by me and greens – about toll free number services etc … We had quite a blast … and the eatery was quite reasonable … considering our previous meets in Mumbai!!!! Hope we can have more such meets around – in other cities also … Other than Delhi, that too under an initiative by RajanPERT – no other cities have had rimweb meets….. [Kick aside Mumbai and Trivandrum] … Frankly speaking – guys you can have a lot more personalized discussions from such meets … you get to meet new people, you learn a lot about what they do .. you tend to even discuss about things – Which cannot be discussed on a forum or be communicated around other than orally – Samajdar ko ishara hi kaafi hai!!! Hope to see more cities in action!!! cheers Ashok
  18. Reading The Sim Card

    There is no limit for programming compatiblity! you can have anything since the communication for both messaging and voice is thro attention codes itself! so any language can do [that allows accessing ports and communication ... ] (till where i see). Pricing I can confirm once I'm back in mumbai (13th) cheers ashok
  19. gimme a lil more time (probably a few days ) I'll try to get u in touch with someone who has been in Security systems and Credit card security design... hint : he played a vital role in chip n Pin system used by modern credit cards (in europe ) lemme search for sometime cheers ashok
  20. Share ur RIM Numbers...

    Right now - I'm away from a dedicated connection ... once I'm back in Mumbai (around the 13th) I'll send a message to a DAPO list that I will Make on my mobile cheers ashok
  21. Reading The Sim Card

    U can go in for PCIMCA based GSM modems with Voice capablities .. they are as good as a phone - excluding the actual display etc and well the last one i used worked perfectly esp to send and receive text messages cheers ashok
  22. well for a start... if it is for security systems ... as anujit pointed out .. nothing beats the Rf cards (and some organizations have HD air cards - using which an employee can be tracked anywhere inside the office premises in a matter of seconds - something like a simple oneway pager ) getting back to the question... If u intend to use Mag strips from A/V cassetes superimposed on a card then all you will need would be a normal recorder head and a encode/decode circuit. If you are making a security system - I would discourage that .. coz it can be duplicated too easily! but well u can have a block also - if duplication happens - Provided u sit and code for a while. You will need a database with 3 tables in out temp when the card is swiped a registry is made into "in" and if a copy of the card is swiped the registry denies entry as it is a duplicate (since there is an entry corressponding in the "in" table). When the person moves out of the security block, the registry is moved from "in" to "out" - the temp will hold the values if duplication is recognized. Data storage - on an avg credit card sized card, on a HD VHS tape of similar length - raw data of about 512KB can be held. If it is funded by SIDBI, i guess a pro-kit can be arranged. Cheers ashok
  23. RIMweb Meet - Trivandrum!

  24. Free Sms Sending Software?

    6235 rocks... yeah PC would be needed. Software is not EASILY AVAILABLE. U can make it, or buy it .. PS : If you are really intrested in investing a little, I guess u will find a lot of them softwares around cheers ashok
  25. Problems With Messages

    LoL ... Dumb blokes there ... know crap about their strong and brainy dreams!!! READ MY SIGNATURE (IT SPEAKS VOLUMES!!) I called up reliance the other day, told them with a lot of politeness that a Kyocera 7135 supports LMS whether they accept it or not ... and well the did not accept it! I sent a mail ( a copy of which I sent to arun also ...) for those uninitated ... I'm pasting a more understandable version here I called up the customer care and told them about the feature. "Sorry sir, but we have documents to confirm that your phone does not support LMS." I was apalled ... I mean, I'm having clear proof about the stuff here .. and u are denying it flat on the face! and even after 3 weeks of sending this mail, I've not got a reply... so what did i do ??? I got myself a second hand (damaged) LG 2340. HCC'ed my number to that handset. Cloned the ESN + other params manually on a Kyocera 7135 [Do not ask me the details, as it is against the rules here .. u can try it out ... ] and whoopz... I seriously do not understand how do I get messages which reliance states cannot happen!!! and hey the message size is more than 163 chars so now i confirm that there are a lot of nuts sitting there who think... they know it all ... but are really not the right ones to be there !!! cheers ashok