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Everything posted by ashoksoft

  1. Vanity Phone On Your Wrist

    messaged u mate!
  2. Think Different

    Was having a chat with one of my firends, who happens to be developing applications for Reliance Mobiles. I asked him, if it is possible to upload our own applications to the mobile in such a way that I can execute it from someplace (like in R-World), he then told me that the application has to be registered with Reliance and that reliance was allowing developers to test their applications thro DADP (not quite sure... third party info). He also confirmed that you "CAN" access files from the local filesystem provided the path is well defined.. Now guys why dont we get cracking this .... LG RD2030 has about 4 MB storage space, sufficient for 1 MP3 song at least, why dont we try out making an MP3 player in J2ME ? Well, I on my part will try on this... and also keep u updated about this... Comments and help greatly accepted ... AshokSoft
  3. Sierra Wireless Card

    wait ... and if u think u cannot .. .go for the sierra ... it is worth every penny!

    Happy birthday mates : Jacob(31), jigish(39) Cheers Ashok
  5. Progbies

    Dude ... U need to spare me till Sunday... coz I will make a long DETAILED post on this Sunday! Just checked my mails now!... and seriously lots of them .. .and not even sufficient time to read them. (Just back from office ... munching on some corn flakes) Cheers Ashok
  6. All About Rimwebians

    Rajan liked the guy called bhutes ... but when he had the operation ... to become sexygurl things changed~! (remember Micheal Jackson ... he was a man too ... till he tried some wierd experiment and landed somewhere between a chimp and an alien..... Remember bobby Darling ? same story here)
  7. How Did You Bump Into RIMweb for the first time?

    LOL SexyGurl! bah! Somehow, ur company seems to be filtering google search results too! and forced u to get onto rimweb! happens .... Cheers Ashok

    mkkapur(37), Pankaj Verma(29), onkar.gokhale(26), tilpankaj(31) Cheers mate ... enjoy ur birthday ! and hey if there is a party around ... guess I am invited! Cheers Ashok
  9. All About Rimwebians

    And I find it fun to bug the poor penguin .... ooopss... LinuxGuy!
  10. Best RIM Tariff For you?

    Guys ... lets put it this way ... we organize another meet sometime by DEC, and decide on whatz the best plan of action (in the mean time) I am making a prototype.... lets see what the outcome will be ... Cheers Ashok PS : Arun and Rajan, u might get a few buggy offliners on sat / sunday!
  11. Crippled 6255

    Patience my boy ... the day is not far when handsets will no longer be on the networks monopoly... already u can use RUIMs on other handsets ... Reliance will need to provide all the options for handsets it launches (at least on such marvels like 6255) Or else wait for someone to fiddle and screw their happiness Cheers Ashok
  12. A Gsm Trick For Nokia 6600

    and u know the reason why ? well I presume it is since the naming conventions in the handsets search field is not intended to accept long gaps (rather termed as "SINGLE TAB") u can acheive this number other wise, on ur computer, u can generate the text file by giving "ALT+009" then giving anything "1" in this case ... trust me it can be for all anyone cares "ashok" in the middle, but u need to start the device name and end it with ALT+009 Cheers Ashok

    Happy birthday : ttmwsoft(18), umeshd(38), ketan(43), somraj_in(29) Cheers Ashok
  14. Create Cheap Website

    For a start, u can try to use a WYSIWYG engine like frontpage... or dreamweaver, where u just need to add contents, and the code is automatically generated (as easy as typing a word document) once that is done, u can try to host the pages on a free web site! like http://www.cjb.net cheers Ashok
  15. Mmc Card Compatiablity Fornokia 6255

    dude ... this has already been discussed over and over... Tanveer, one of our co-rimwebians has used a 1GB MMC card on his 6255. Please search before asking questions / posting ! Cheers Ashok
  16. Sierra Wireless Card

    My best guess would be to close the connection by converting it to prepaid, and once that is done, u can be sure that no extra bill is gonna pop-up Cheers Ashok
  17. Success! LG LSP 340E & Bitpim

    What is bitpim ? Bitpim is a software which allows your Qualcomm based Phone's FileSystem to be read, and in some cases modified... as in the case of LG RD2030. what it does? It allows u to upload ringtones / wallpapers, view the filesystem (play with the jads and jars of Java apps from Rworld...) and lots more!!!!!!!! How to connect phone to computer ? Use a Serial Cable... NOT USB one since Bitpim does not currently support USB communications (yeah they have started partial support... which does not work for me!) Using a RS-232 Convertor did not do the trick for me! Will there be any danger in using it ? Depends .... if u want to try a new car, and do not know where to apply the brakes ... u will end up in a lot of trouble... Same is the case here .... if u are not the experimenting kind ... do not fiddle around too much... u might even screw up the phone for this lifetime... on the other hand use it as proven... U will be happy with the results! cheers Ashok
  18. Who Send This Pm

    @StaticElectricity : (Others might not really understand this post... coz it was a personal conversation) Isn't this the same un-named member (yeah static, the same guy who was printing something...).... or apna member 0 ? Just check .... Everyone or is it an automated Birthday messenger? Some feature of IBP ? or some Mod / admin playing the prankster ? Cheers Ashok
  19. Reliance Charged Me Without Using - R World

    A complaint to *333 (also state that u want a Case ID), and when nothing else works out, a complaint to the CMO's office can yield the best results! I have got a refund of Rs. 3.00 a long time back (I am on prepaid..) had faced some issue, and got the resolution coz they had wrongly billed me stating R-World, and I told them in my handset the R-World key itself was partially damaged, and also to get to R-World I need to enter a password (LG RD2030 with Lock mode : Always).. Cheers Ashok
  20. Nokia 6155 CDMA

    I had contacted Reliance CMO (before i took the TWC) cause I could use the RUIM with one of my other handsets ( a china unicom handset), I told them that I had a Gtran handset, which I had gifted a friend, but he has gone to the states, and the handset was with me... but without an RUIM. They sent me a mail saying that I can still get a blank RUIM by going to the Hira Panna Web World (near haji ali) on a said date. I could not go there cause I was in my office... I have even informed Munna that we could get Ruim's that way Cheers Ashok
  21. Html Signatures

    U want any better styles ? a sleeker design ? something like Puneets? well I will make a few more tonight... I can also host the image, so all u will need to do will be to insert the [ i m g ] tag in ur signature Cheers Ashok
  22. Sierra Wireless Card

    It is not in at DAKC wala web world... usually they have it all .. Cheers Ashok
  23. All About Nokia 6255

    BUT MOBIMB is vouched and tried / tested by many others ... including me ! ask munnamobile too .. maybe there was an issue with the version of mobi used Cheers Ashok
  24. Html Signatures

    hey annish how about this : Cheers Ashok PS : u want a better look / feel / pic whatever .. just tell THIS IS A TEMPORARY PIC ... SO THE CONTENTS MIGHT NOT BE REALLY CLEAR
  25. All Kind of Softwares

    httrack is amazing mate .... used it for quite a long time now... Features are amazing : Resumable web page downloads multiple sites simultaneously it is 100% legal ... instead of viewing one page at a time and saving it ... u are saving a number of pages together.. HttTrack is the best anyday. .. and on Linux IT ROCKS (at least it does not crash after about 1000 web sites being captured) cheers Asohk