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hey guys Got my Problem solved of Net Connect Chrages in my Bill which i had got in my last bill. Please find the details of my Current bill. Thanks Alot Guys. Now i use Internet full-on. Internet On The Go.
And more over, if your buying the Mogul from Sadik Bhai, you will get SPB MOBILE SHELL pre-Installed. so you just have to get the theme installed into it.
THIS iPhone THEME IS FOR 240X320 QVGA DEVICES ONLY!!! Version 2.0 is Here! What's new... - Bigger icons, more finger friendly - Revamped weather page featuring BeyondInvisible's Stardock icons - New landscape mode - More icons Instructions - This theme requires a bit of small tweaking to set up - Copy all files to your SPB Mobile Shell folder on your PPC, then soft reset - You should get something that looks like this, - To manage what icons appear on the screen, just tap and hold any icon to get this menu, - Select "Manage Pinned" to get this screen - Select what apps or menus you use the most, by placing a check in the box next to them. - Now open the SPBMobileShell.txt file on your computer, with any text editor, and scroll to the botttom, where you'll see these entries, Icon1|Calendar Icon2| Icon3| Icon4| Icon5| Icon6| Icon7| Icon8| Icon9|Weather Icon10| Icon11| Icon12| Icon13| Icon14| Icon15| Icon16| Icon17| Icon18| Icon19| Icon20| Icon21| - Type the name of your icons after the bar "|", like I did with weather and calendar, save the file, and copy to your Mobile Shell folder on your device. - Enjoy!!!!
Yes dear, I have installed. Now there are different types of iPhone Theme avalible. The one which i have installed i will guide you for the same:- You need to Install SPB MOBILE SHELL Software will get installed in your Device Memory. Take the backup of the original SPB Theme on your Storage Card. Then Over write it with the iPhone theme. iphone_20theme_202.0_20by_20mtstmp.zip ZAP!!! your done with the iPhone theme. Now just do Soft Reset after coping the iPhone Theme. For any other query please feel free to contact. Thanks & Regards,
Big Mistakes To Avoid in Windows Mobile Development Mistakes are not always a bad thing. Making mistakes is a natural way to learn. However, the cost of such 'learning' in the development cycle can be pretty high. This is especially true for mobile applications, where a programmer battles against so many issues that desktop developers can't even remember any more. There are a number of things that are most harmful for mobile developers to do. I present several of the most common troubles worth reviewing in this article. I start with strategic issues. Different Platforms are Different The very first and probably most important fact mobile developers must remember is that Windows CE operating system is by far not like its big brother the desktop operating system. They have common features and share common philosophy, but there is a big difference in development approaches used for each. This is due to different form factors, resources that are available, supported APIs and so forth. Regardless of whether you use C++, Visual Basic, Java or C#, you will be lucky if the same code will run on both the desktop and on a PDA in the same way. Thus if you're considering the porting of your existing desktop application to WinCE or considering the development of new applications, remember that the mobile operating system is not the same as a desktop operating system. Operating Systems, Devices and Frameworks In addition to knowing that mobile operating systems are different from desktop operating systems, you should also note that there are different mobile operating systems as well as different devices and frameworks. You need to properly plan for the device types and operating system you would like to target. For example, if you have developed an applications for devices using Windows Mobile, then your application might not run good on PDAs with CE.NET inside. This lack of support could cut your target devices in half. Similarly, if your product uses specific features of a specific device, then there may be devices that can't support your application as well. For this reason, you should ask yourself if targeting specific device features is a right decision. Of course, if you are device vendor, such problems are out of scope! For application developer, however, generic code you produce as better for the whole project, i.e. you application will be able to run almost everywhere. Another issue from the same family is the use of various frameworks, libraries and technologies. For example, the Pocket PC SDK contains MFC library but the Smartphone SDK does not. As such, if you want to target both Pocket PC Devices and Smartphone devices, then you need to think twice. Another example can be seen with ADO CE. In addition to many differences with desktop version, Microsoft has decided to discontinue its support in Windows Mobile 5.x. So be double careful there! Application Structure That is enough regarding issues with strategy, now consider the structure of a mobile application. There are at least two polar approaches: to make an application solid -- do you always have the one and only executable or do you divide your application into a main executable and number of DLLs? Both structures have well-known pros and cons. I've seen many projects (very complicated and fat enough to be honest), which used COM objects and huge number of DLLs. I have to state here that such approach doesn't work well on Windows Mobile platform. One executable and few DLLs are ideal though. This is obviously true for desktop systems as well, but there you are in much more comfortable situation with resources. In case of Windows CE application performance will be reduced dramatically. Another issue with DLLs on Windows CE is that if you store resources, (e.g. to support multiple languages in your application), it may cause significant problems because the application may switch resource handles at runtime. The resulting behavior may be quite unpredictable. Eugene Tilman and I have spent a number of sleepless nights trying to detect why a big application sporadically crashes on a device but works like a charm in desktop emulation. There are different methods for avoiding the need for many DLLs. For example, when implementing internationalization, you might 'translate' resources within the executable rather than keep them in a separate DLL. There are a number of references on the web describing similar techniques. Application Configuration How you configured your application is also important for avoiding mistakes. Again, there are many different ways to configure a mobile application, so we will not dig into specific mistakes. Rather, there are two possible configurations issues you should consider: Registry use and code reusability. There are big desktop systems which use the Registry in much the same way as a database in that it is used to store hundreds (if not thousands) of parameters. For Windows Mobile application such tricks just won't work due for a very simple reason: mobile devices suffer from hard resets from time to time. If a hard reset occurs, you have a good chance that all data in the registry will be reset as well and thus lost. Regardless, maintenance of such configuration storage can be a real nightmare, although it can be done by purchasing additional tools such as Pocket Controller . If your application needs a lot of parameters then consider suitable method to store them -- a method such as XML, binary files or something else. One of the best things in development is code reusability. That's why we all create libraries, frameworks and so forth. This helps us to develop faster, better, ... (you can continue as much as you want to). You have to be careful using such libraries. For example, the MFC framework can cause you problems when used incorrectly on mobile devices. No doubts, it helps a lot where you can utilize it; however, there many classes that are implemented for mobile usage with much less efficiency than in desktop version. This includes classes like CSocket and the WinInet stuff. Additionally, some functionality available through the API are unavailable for mobile usage. But this is not the worst trouble. Such problematic parts of the library are obviously subject to improve. Programmers simply do not use ineffective classes. Hence, Microsoft has decided to discontinue some of them in newest MFC version for Windows CE. For example, the WinInet classes are being discontinued. If you've the bad luck to have used them in your projects, then you will have to rewrite them. In rarer cases, some GUI classes may be dropped, but I believe it should be treated as an accident rather than common case. I/O, Memory, Stack & Co. Finally, there are programming issues that can be the cause of mistakes in mobile applications. I/O operations are the very first point to talk about from a performance and device resources point of view. For desktop systems the normal receipt is simple: read by blocks rather than by bytes. For mobile applications it is not as straightforward. If data is stored on a flash card (SD, CF etc.), then access time may be painfully long. Suppose that data is kept in a flat files with no matter binary or text (like XML). It is a good thing if you can read it all in one shot to memory and then process as needed. In the case of huge amounts of data, however, this is simply impossible. In those cases, you have to allocate chunks here and there. It is a really bad thing that memory allocation strategies may vary from one version of an OS to next one. You can easily test on a Pocket PC 2002, 2003 and Windows Mobile 2003 SE. On Pocket PC 2002 you benefit from big allocations, but on later versions smaller chunks are allocated faster. With Windows CE 5.0 the situation changed once again, because there is no RAM anymore. Storage Cards are still there, but as you see, it might be a particular magic to choose the best method to reach the best I/O performance. Not all PDAs are loaded with resources or have lots of resources available. This fact hits you first of all with the stack size that is available for applications. Many mobile applications uses Dialog-based architecture because it is simple. It is well-known that big allocations on the stack, e.g. BYTE arr[65536], are inapplicable because you have by default only a 64KB for stack. Less intuitive effects can occurs when you have a number of dialogs created on the stack and open simultaneously. It appears that critical number is balancing on the boundary of 3 to 4 dialogs only. If your program tries to pop up more, a Stack Overflow exception will be the best thing you can get. Usually it just crashes at some arbitrary place. The last but not the least thing regarding programming mistakes is in exception handling. Earlier versions of Windows CE did not support exception handling extensively. Now the situation is quite different. Normal C/C++ handling is allowed, TRY and CATCH macros may be forgotten. Exception handling is extremely important for mobile applications, because an environment is less friendly than the desktop. Applying exception handling in the correct way will make your product much more robust, but don't be too excited with it, otherwise you can loose the performance. In Conclusion... You've now seen many of the biggest mistakes! I hope reviewing them will help you to avoid them and thus lead to better decisions in your own mobile applications. With mobile technology growing so rapidly, doing mobile development is getting better with every new operating system release. So who knows, maybe soon mobile programming will become as regular as desktop development.
How to create a today plugin using (Embedded?) Visual C++: http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/w-p/ce/p....php/c9269__1/ VB Mobile Outlook stuff: http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/...cle.php/c10773 http://www.bokebb.com/dev/english/19...94927485.shtml http://www.developer.com/ws/pc/article.php/3556186 Lazarus is really interesting FREE TOOL FOR RAID ON LINUX, WINDOWS, MAC I've been working with delphi many years. When i first found Lazarus i got impressed. I cuold recompile the same app i did on windows and make it run on my HTC, just changing 4 options on the compiler, without change any line of application code. The only thing its that the apps get lot of space, i mean "Hello world" takes 9Mb. This is because the exe carries many debuging compiler options inside the exe. People of Lazarus is working on to decrease the size. Or you can take them out, i'm trying to. Other way you can use an EXE compressor, it will remove all this directives and get smaller app. If someone is interested just have to download the Win32 Lazarus IDE and ARM cross compiler, on the same page of lazarus project. One last thing i have also compiled the same apps on the linux ide and works great. YOU SHOULD TRY IT. LAZARUS Project http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/ Downloads http://sourceforge.net/project/showf...group_id=89339 IDE Win32 http://downloads.sourceforge.net/laz...6&big_mirror=1 ARM Cross Compiler http://downloads.sourceforge.net/laz...9&big_mirror=1 One last think, ITS FREE
Here are few more list of links I have collected about mobile programing:- Mobile PractiCEs: How to deploy the .Net Compact Framework and SQL Server Compact Edition http://www.mobilepractices.com/2008/...ework-and.html Tcl on Windows Mobile: Introduction http://www.kocjan.org/tclmentor/1-tc...roduction.html CodeProject: Implementing a smoothly animated ListBox. Free source code and programming help http://www.codeproject.com/KB/list/SmoothListBox.aspx Shell, GWES, and User Interface http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa932172.aspx Mark Prentice http://blogs.msdn.com/markprenticems/default.aspx Windows Mobile Pocket PC Smartphone Programming: Windows Mobile Pocket PC Smartphone Programming http://windowsmobilepro.blogspot.com...martphone.html Alex Yakhnin - Implementing Gestures recognition in .NET Compact Framework. http://blog.opennetcf.com/ayakhnin/P...3cbe77688.aspx CodeGuru: Creating Custom <em>Today</em> Screen Items href="http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/w-p/ce/pocketpc/article.php/c9269/ Developing Screen Orientation-Aware Applications http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms839354.aspx Writing Mobile Games Using the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa446533.aspx Building Graphically Advanced Applications with the .NET Compact Framework 3.5 http://expression.microsoft.com/en-us/dd279543.aspx PythonCE http://pythonce.sourceforge.net/ Deployment Patterns for Microsoft .NET Compact Framework http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa446503.aspx CodeGuru: Pocket PC http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/w-p/ce/pocketpc/ Windows Embedded Blog : Windows CE Kiosk Mode - Part 11 http://blogs.msdn.com/mikehall/archi...03/447386.aspx Mobile Development http://blogs.msdn.com/raffael/default.aspx Windows Mobile Development http://www.christec.co.nz/blog CodeProject: Pocket 1945 - A C# .NET CF Shooter. Free source code and programming help http://www.codeproject.com/KB/mobile/CfPocket1945.aspx Windows Mobile Team Blog http://blogs.msdn.com/windowsmobile/default.aspx User Interface http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/de...l/ppc_yapi.asp Alex Yakhnin http://blog.opennetcf.com/ayakhnin/default.aspx >CodeProject: Pocket PC and Smartphone 99% .NET MAPI. Free source code and programming help http://www.codeproject.com/KB/mobile...martphone.aspx Windows Mobile: How to run a method when device wakes up/ comes back from sleep mode http://jajahdevblog.com/jasmine/?p=32 Adding Compact Framework Design-Time Attributes, or More Fun With TextBoxes http://blogs.msdn.com/bluecollar/arc...textboxes.aspx CodeProject: Windows Mobile: Implement kiosk mode. Free source code and programming help http://www.codeproject.com/KB/smart/CF_kiosk_mode.aspx Creating Self-Updating Applications With the .NET Compact Framework http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa446487.aspx Starter Kits http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/win.....;/bb264330.aspx Code Samples for Windows Mobile http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb158662.aspx CodeProject: iPhone UI. Free source code and programming help http://www.codeproject.com/KB/mobile/IPhoneUI.aspx .NET Compact Framework How-to Topics http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms172482.aspx Dvorak Soft Input Panel http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms881221.aspx SourceForge.net: SyncMLDotNet http://sourceforge.net/projects/syncmldotnet" Channel9 Wiki: HomePage http://channel9.msdn.com/wiki/defaul...loper.HomePage CodeProject: TouchPictureBox, Slide Pictures with Fingers http://www.codeproject.com/KB/mobile...ictureBox.aspx Satter Ramblings: Kiosk Pattern http://www.hageeks.com/2007/04/kiosk...cd=1&gl=us
NSBASIC It's been a while since I've looked at this but it seems they just came out with a new version. This also allows on-device development. http://www.nsbasic.com/ce/
Pocket Programming Language... ... Don't forget PPL, it allows Desktop Windows and device programming, and you can develop on the device itself. http://www.arianesoft.ca/ Free "lite" (essentially unregistered) version available. I've been messing around with the Pro version for quite a few months now. It uses a C-style code (but not exactly C) and is interpreted. The Pro version lets you compile to a standalone .exe app. Lets you make normal WinCE API calls. Includes a game engine, etc etc. Under continuous development, and the developer is very responsive on his forum. Check it out.
does this thing work on Reliance HTC MOGUL 6800.
Any time dear.
Dear Friends, ever time i start my MOGUL, i am getting the following error:- Filesys.exe Cprog.exe and then my handset gets real slow. Please help. waiting for your reply.
Yes sir, i needed to do HARD RESET, now the things are fine.
I have installed:- HP_Rel_MobileWorld-NP.cab - (Reliance Mobile World Connection) (Volume Based Plan without Proxy - Volume Based Plan for Emails and Pure Socket Connection)
right sir, thanks for the support.
sirji, can i activate Reliance Netconnect plan. Reliance guys are telling that its only for Datacard & USB modem. According to you can we activate Reliance Netconnect plan in our handset. please guide.
i did the following setting. no lets see. will update.
1) I normally use it for web surfing on the go, as i am into marketing so in am always on the go. 2) Check emails 3) chat with friend when i am out for whole day. i know i am asking too much and you would probably as that "then y didnt you go for BlackBerry" can u help me.
Sirji, then please guide me the right way to use, it would be thankful to you. waiting for your valued reply.
yes,you said it true.
(Source:- HTCClassAction.org) What is this all about? The latest SmartPhone and PocketPC devices from HTC (High Tech Computing) are supposed to be the most powerful devices on the market. And in theory, they are indeed real powerhouses of mobile technology. There's a catch though: HTC has neglected to include the necessary drivers needed for the devices to come to their full potential. What does this mean? This means our really expensive HTC phones (the TyTN II is about $700) are grossly underperforming. In fact, in many things, these devices operate even slower than HTC's (and competitors') two years older models - see the videos under navigation for demonstrations, especially the TomTom video (TyTN II vs Magician) is a terrific example. The drivers (small pieces of software that govern your device's hardware) in question are responsible for all drawing operations. This means absolutely everything having anything to do with putting something on your screen is affected. This includes normal programs, video playback, games, taking pictures, etcetera. If it's on your screen, it's affected. This makes the devices feel really slow and unresponsive. There is also a problem with the touchscreen driver, which predates the driver issues mentioned above. This issue comes down to your device slowing down to a crawl whenever you touch the screen. This is really apparent when you are playing a video and use an onscreen slider to adjust the volume, for example. When doing this, the video will as good as halt. You can compare the experience with running your Windows computer in "safe mode" with the default "VGA driver". Which devices are effected by this? At the time of this writing, to the best of our knowledge, all HTC devices based on the MSM7200 and MSM7500 chipsets from Qualcomm are affected. None of these devices seem to use the hardware acceleration provided by it's ATi Imageon based technology, or the QTV or Q3Dimension technologies. These devices include, but are not necessarily limited to: * HTC TyTN II (MSM7200), also known as: o HTC Kaiser o T-Mobile MDA Vario III o AT&T Tilt o Vodafone v1615 * HTC Touch Dual (MSM7200), also known as: o HTC Nike * HTC Touch Cruise (MSM7200), also known as: o HTC Polaris o O2 XDA Orbit II * HTC Wings (MSM7200), also known as: o HTC S730 * HTC Titan (MSM7500), also known as: o Sprint Mogul PPC-6800 o Verizon XV6800 * HTC Vogue (MSM7500), also known as: o HTC Touch P3050 (this is not the normal HTC Touch) o Sprint Touch o Verizon Touch XV6900 * HTC Libra (MSM7500), also known as: o HTC S720 * HTC Iris (MSM7500), also known as: o HTC S640 As this affects all HTC devices based on the MSM7200/MSM7500 chipsets, you might reach the conclusion that it is a problem with the platform or chipset. This is however clearly not the case, as HTC's competitors have no trouble getting all of this working right, and fast! Update January 23, 2008: Several readers have informed us that the HTC Athena (X7500, X7501, Advantage, T-Mobile Ameo, Dopod U1000) is suffering from the same issues (lacking drivers). However, HTCClassAction.org can neither confirm nor deny that this is the case at this time.
i didnt knew about it. so i though this thing is new.
What you can do There are several things you can do to help get this issue resolved: Stay civil First off, stay civil. Below here are suggestions to contact support personnel. These are not the people responsible, they may not be up to date with the latest developments, and may not even vaguely understand what you are talking about. Being rude does not help. Contact HTC and let them know you are unhappy about these issues Some HTC support personnel have stated that they are aware of the issue, but they need more reports of these issues to be able to get the issue up in the support hierarchy, and dealt with. So please contact HTC by phone or e-mail (phone is probably better)! If you have a branded device, please also contact your mobile service provider. For some tips on things you could tell HTC (and your provider's) support to further our cause, please see our What to tell HTC page. Just asking for drivers will probably not help. The phone number to call in your area for the HTC Support Hotline can be found here: HTC - Support via Hotline. To contact HTC by e-mail, go here: HTC - E-mail Us. Contact your mobile service provider and let them know you are unhappy with these issues For those that have a branded phone (i.e., your phone says "T-Mobile" or so instead of "HTC"), please contact your mobile service provider (T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, etc) and tell them you want these issues resolved. If many people do this, the mobile service providers themselves are likely to complain to HTC. If we can make that happen, there's a good chance HTC will fix the drivers, ad the mobile service providers are their biggest customers. For some tips on things you could tell HTC (and your provider's) support to further our cause, please see our What to tell HTC page. Just asking for drivers will probably not help. To do this, just call your mobile service provider's support line. Make videos of the issues One thing you can do to greatly help the cause is making a video of the issues as you encounter them, posting these on youtube and sending the links to us. We will place a link to these videos on this page, which further helps show the issues. Sign the petition Petitions in general don't really help, but at least it's a way to show HTC that there are more than a few people upset by this issue. Sign the petition Spread the word Spreading the word is a very useful and easy way to help out. Spreading the word will get more people to contact HTC and their providers to get the issue resolved. You can spread the word by simply telling people, linking to this site from your own site, linking to this site from your signatures on forums, submitting this site to news sites, everything helps! On every page you can also find a Slashdot button. If you press the plus icon on that, it will help get this site onto Slashdot, and get more publicity. There is also a Digg button to help us get to the frontpage of Digg. Write reviews Almost two thirds of consumers read product reviews before making a major purchase. Sites like Amazon and Epinions let you write a small review of a product to let other customers know about your experiences. We would advise you to find these kind of sites and write your own honest review, from your own actual experience. Do not simply state what this site states, just write what is applicable to your use. Please also take care to make it a well written review, a poorly written review just bashing HTC will not help anyone.
Dear RIMWEB Users, can any of you help me in this. I have my own companies Domain say as "ABC.com". > First i configured by adding new account. > Now here i will put my companies Email Id & Password says as "zaran@ABC.com" & Password as "******" > after that i selected Imap. > Then entered Incoming Mail Server, I entered "ABC.com" > And Outgoing Mail server as "ABC.com" > And then email starts rolling in. This is where the main problem starts. Emails are able to come in but, when i make a new email and send it, there is a error it says:- Systems Administartor The message was not sent and has been moved to draft floder. The server returned the following error message: 550 not local host engineer.com (the email id, to whom i has send the email[xyz@engineer.com]) not a gateway. The following recipients did not receive the message: xyz@engineer.com. But there i one more thing on which i would like to bring your attention is that, when i send email to any of the ID within my domain say as "amit@ABC.com" the mail are successfully send and received by the user. Confusing Please help, I have HTC MOGUL 6800. Thanks & regards, Zaran Dhulla HTC MOGUL 6800 dhullazaran@gmail.com
Sadik Bhai, Just updating. If you have thats fantastic. Looking forward for the things.