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About sriku

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    Shrinivas Krishnamurthy
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  • Reliance Mobile Handset
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  1. New Lg 6250! Launched.

    Hi All, can anybody tell me that where i can get sync tools for my moble (LGRD6250) Thaks in Advance Thanks ABU Abu, the link was on page 4 already...but here it is again ... click here
  2. New Lg 6250! Launched.

    easy..the nokia...but remember it has a 2 mp camera, better sound, poorer battery life during playback and bluetooth use, good software, and costs more than 10k....i suggest you wait a bit for the next from nokia in the cdma domain....maybe the 6275i, and future models... how about nokia 6275 .... any info about it how can that be compared with lg and nokia n series .....no formula one pls and yeah, no more F1 comments , the nokia 6275 shares the same camera as N70....so go figure.
  3. New Lg 6250! Launched.

    check for pics here How about video recording quality in day mode and night mode, how about FM and MP3 is it stero or Mono. how is the battery back up... is there USB interface available for this handset like in nokia N series or do we have to only depend on bluetooth .... Video recording - have not yet tested this, will do it soon and update here. FM, MP3 - Stereo sound, using headphones(handsfree), sound quality is good. Not as good as an ipod or sony walkman series. The phone' speaker lacks bass, but that is expected because of the size and the external body. Sound via speaker is good enough, but could have been better. No graphic equalizer, and very basic playlist feature. Only a single list of songs, but repeat,shuffle modes are there. USB- Yes it has USB 2.0 capability, and along with the usb data cord and the pc sync software, can be easily interfaced with any computer.(windows only, i think ) Do not expect great night mode pics or movie clips, the camera is not a heavy duty one. It is 1.3 mpixel, without digital zoom. for the price, it is definitely worth it, my battery lasted 3 days without a charge, on vibrate mode with atleast5 hours of FM and about 2.5 hours of talking. And dude, do not mention the nokia N series in the same sentence as this phone....its like comparing narain karthikeyan to michael schumacher...!
  4. New Lg 6250! Launched.

    check for pics here
  5. New Lg 6250! Launched.

    I am unable to access the content folder in the PC sync software after connecting to the phone . I am able to synchronize phonebook,memo,etc . but i am unable to tranfer mp3 songs,images ,sounds etc. Both the arrow keys < > are disabled in content tab. getting the msg - cant open internal memory .Please anyone help me out. I recommend first taking some pics and storing in the internal and external memory. Also transfer some mp3 to external memory on the phone, then access the sync software. If you hit the "Multimedia" button on the left panel of the LG Desktop tool, you access a tab which has a top-menu bar. This menu bar has a Connect and Disconnect button. Hit the Connect button and you will see the contents of your internal and external memory listed.
  6. New Lg 6250! Launched.

    I have taken a few pics from the phone camera, they can be seen here I have tried transferring mp3's and pics from the desktop to the phone and back, the process is smooth enough, and the sync software is well made. The phone cannot display images of resolution greater than 1024*768, sometimes only upto 640*480. Also the pixels per inch must be 72, any higher and the image might not be displayed. In order to change the resolution of your digital camera images, I recommend using GIMP, an open source image manipulation program. Open Gimp, hit the Image menu, and select the Scale option, set the width and height to 640 and 480 respectively, also set the pixels per inch to a lower number(i use 72 to 95 depending on the complexity of the image). And save the image. Gimp can be downloaded here I have not encountered any trouble while using the sync tool for mp3's or images. I will try and debug your problem...
  7. New Lg 6250! Launched.

    hehe, forget all that, I found the PC Sync software on www.lgmobiles.com - its here its awesome...allows transfer of images, mp3's, contacts etc...internal/ext memory details....nice little application, good look and feel... I found this site from some other thread in this forum...! Joining here was a good decision...
  8. New Lg 6250! Launched.

    One more issue, can someone tell me why certain jpg's are not being displayed by the phone, while other jpg's are...? What is the funda behind images on the phone..? are there any do's and dont's while transferring images from pc to phone?
  9. New Lg 6250! Launched.

    Hi guys, I am now able to transfer images (jpg) from my comp to the phone's memory. The images are stored under the DCIM folder, while mp3's are stored under user/mp3 folder. The transfer speed from external memory to internal memory is pretty good. a 6 MB mp3 took less than 30 seconds...(i set Roobaaroo as my mp3 ringtone ) Will update with a pic from my phone's camera soon. -S
  10. New Lg 6250! Launched.

    I purchased this phone a week back, and am pretty stunned with a. its battery life (3 days on silent mode with heavy sms use and abt 4-5 hrs FM use) b. the camera is really good. images are stunningly clear at 640 by 480 pixels c. the mp3 sound quality is definitely less than an ipod or a sony ericcson walkman series, but still very good I have even been able to send and receive emails from this phone, although I have one little problem. I haven't been able to figure out how to store images from my computer to the phone's memory chip(via a card reader), Probably because the photos must be stored in a specified folder in the chip...I've now moved a photo from my internal memory to external memory, perhaps this will force creation of that folder in the ext memory chip, and hopefully tonight i will be able to share pics from my computer. Will update with my findings.