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RIM Addict
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Everything posted by sumatrix

  1. New Smart Phone From Palm

    Is there any update on this phone?has anyone broken thro it an activated either tata or reliance?an sadik ,is there any update on the import cost of this phone
  2. Invites Thread

    Anyone having a desi torrent invitation pl send it to sumatrix69@gmail.com
  3. Purchasing A New Phone

    I think palm treo 750p would also be a good option
  4. Urgent Help Required

    Am going to post some problems faced by my friends who are using 6265. One of my friends handset just went dead one day.but if he keep the slide closed,it starts workin.and when he slides it open it goes dead.what might be the problem? Another handset is facing a peculiar restart problem.the handset restarts when he uses opera for a duration of ten mins or so continuously.what might be the problem in this case?
  5. Urgent Help Required

    Thanks for the solutions.an any idea or solution for the opera problem?i tried with different versions of opera,they all gave the same prob.an i tried with different handsets of the same model too.they would be fine in the first 3 or 4 uses,but later they wud restart on prolong usage.
  6. Can Reliance Ppc 6700 Be Used On Tata

    can reliance ppc 6700 be used on tata..?if yes ,how?
  7. Can Reliance Ppc 6700 Be Used On Tata

    i successfully converted this reliance to tata.now can u guys give me an idea how to revert back to reliance from the above situation.
  8. Htc Tweaks

    can anyone guide me to the post containing reliance prl fro ppc 6700 or can someone upload it again? i couldn find it anywhere on the forum.
  9. Unlocking Htc P3000 / S720 For Tata

    Can the same procedure be followed to transfer reliance ppc 6700 to tata?? and which prl file should i load??prl 1 or 2??
  10. Can Reliance Ppc 6700 Be Used On Tata

    the official reliance phone does not have a sim slot so putting the tata sim is ruled out
  11. 6700 - Extracting Spc From It

    can anyone tell me whether we can use reliance official handset on the tata network??if yes then how??pl do help me out soon(my other question related to sim contacts has been unanswered)
  12. Accessing Sim Contacts In Ppc 6700

    can we access sim contacts in ppc 6700? if yes then how??
  13. Accessing Sim Contacts In Ppc 6700

    hey guys pl do help me out.. how can i transfer the sim contacts onto the phone??
  14. All About Nokia 6265

    Hi.. Am using nokia 6265.... Whenever i browse the internet on opera mini for some 6 or 7 mins,the phone restarts.. Also using other internet related java applications also restarts the phone when i use it for a long time that's for bout ten mins or so.. Am using opera mini 4... Can anyone suggest any solution at the earliest..?wat might be the cause of these restarts? Givin the cell to nokia care is ruled out since they couldn solve my problem when i gave it to them.
  15. Tatazone And Similar Sites

    is it possible to access tata zone and similar wap sites on ppc 6700 and ppc 6800 as we used to access on the opera mini browser on our nokia 6265 and 6275?? pl reply soon
  16. Tatazone And Similar Sites

    so since it was free i used to use it happily on my nokia set.but not on Ppc its not free.so how to make it free hetal ji. Pl guide me bout that soon
  17. Tatazone And Similar Sites

    hey hetal but unlike reliance r-world,tata zone is free to access.i use it for free and use opera mini to access sites like orkut for free.please guide me..
  18. Htc Mogul On Tata, I Did It!

    from where do we get the SPC?
  19. Bad Esn

    Can a bad esn handset from usa lik moto Q be activated on tata by changin the right parameters?has anyone tried?pl tel me if i can activate moto Q on tata if i get it from usa?
  20. Bad Esn

    so keepin ashok's words in mind can i import a bad esn MOTO Q ? Cos am gettin it at dirt cheap prices . At 5k where as its price is as high as 18k in india?
  21. Music Performance..

    How is the music performance of htc Mogul? Is it comparable with 6265 or some of the nokia models?is it really good.? Also can htc Mogul sprint usa be configured to be used on tata. Pl reply soon guys as my cousin is gettin me an htc Mogul for 280$.. So i need a reply soon guys. If possible within 2 days
  22. Music Performance..

    Guys leav the bit rate. U're not replyin to my original question.i asked can we compare the performance with that of a nokia handset say lik nokia 6265.. Pl answer tis query,THAT WHETHER MUSIC PERFORMANCE IS GOOD.the bass an all..
  23. Music Performance..

    thankf for the reply . lets assume that we're having a bit rate of 128 kbps.keeping this in mind can we compare the music performance between a nokia set and ppc 6800??
  24. Htc Mogul On Tata, I Did It!

    Does this mean that we can practically enable any handset on tata by changin the parameters?
  25. Htc Mogul On Tata, I Did It!

    Can we use tata zone on hacked htc Mogul?also u've told that Mogul can be made to work on tata without solderin the ruim plate by just changin some cdma parameters. Can u pl elaborate the procedure to change the parameters hetal bhai? Pl do help me out