At Kerala its available for Rs.4,499 from webworld. The only nearest service centre is Chennai. Webworld guarantees 1yr free service. A great phone for the price! But not recommended for heavy use! Best suits for women who can take care this phone like a baby! Wrap and protect her with a good case, soft touches or better use stylus always. Never think of dropping it down... that moment will be its final verdict!
My rating would be as follows (in comparison with my samsung touch qwerty phone):
Style: 8 out of 10
Feminine: 9 out of 10
Masculine: 2 out of 10
Touch response: 8 out of 10
Display: 7 out of 10
Wap Browser: 4 out of 10
Quick POP Email Access: 8 out of 10
After sales network: 3 out of 10
Home screen infos (Today screen): 8 out of 10
Touch keyboard: 8 out of 10
Battery backup: will post it later after checking.
Signal Strength: 10 out of 10
Value for money: 10 out of 10