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Everything posted by raghugs

  1. I don't have alternative Reliance CDMA handset.
  2. Thanks for your detailed reply. 2) My existing number was working in the SIM 6) Yes, it says enter 9 digit PIN Number. Point to note here is, the SR was registered mistakenly by me before registering the MEID. I have asked them to raise SR once again yesterday after registering the MEID.
  3. Hi Hitesh Thanks for your interest in helping me. 1) The other mobile which call this number receives that response. 2) I don't have much idea, but was told it was for OTA activation. 3) PrePaid
  4. Hello Everybody We have recently registered a Blackberry MEID in Reliance. *228 is asking 9 digit code. Reliance guys are saying the HCC activation has been discontinued two years back it self. One of the reliance back-end guy suggested to raise a SR in Web World. I have tried that yesterday evening, still it says switched off.
  5. Hello Everybody Is it possible to activate 99Rs MobileNet pack via SMS/USSD or via online recharge. I don't want to visit Reliance Webworld for each and every month to add GPRS Pack. I am residing in Bangalore/Karnataka
  6. Hello Everybody Is it possible to legally register a foreign mobile phone's ESN in an Indian operator? If so, what is the procedure and how much it would cost ?
  7. If you pay 1.5k then one guy would register your mobile phone's MEID in Reliance and even remotely program your mobile phone.
  8. It appears PGPortal would take fast actions only in RCOM I have raised a compliant regarding excess amount refund in Airtel on 01 Aug 2011. The complaint has not even been forward to Bharti Airtel yet.
  9. Hello Everybody I sold my HTC Droid Incredible mobile phone and the buyer asked me to make it compatible with Reliance network. I have given my HTC Droid Incredible's MEID number for registering in Reliance network. I hope i have to input the AKey that i receive from Reliance in my mobile phone. I hope i have to update the PRL in mobile phone for Reliance network. Now the buyer of the mobile phone can use his HCC to transfer the mobile number from his old handset to HTC Droid Incredible and can activate it via *228 na?
  10. Yeah, Tata Indicom Karnataka told me that we don't have that information and is managed by 3rd party authority and he told me that he sent an email to them. When i contacted them later, they told me that they refused to provide that information saying that it is encrypted data and we can't provide it. BTW Can anybody PM me trusted AKey provider contact number?
  11. Hello Everybody It appears Tata Indicom Karnataka is or at least in my area, they are not objecting activating foreign mobile phones in their network. I have some contacts with higher officials in Tata Indicom. Can you let me know what i have to ask or how can i approach them ? Should i flash Tata Indicom PRL before approaching them? How i can associate a mobile number to my mobile phone without inserting T-SIM, RIUM card in it? As my mobile phone don't have SIM card slot, i hope not having SIM card slots in CDMA mobile phone is commonplace in abroad. The people i talk to in Tata Indicom are not having much knowledge in uploading ESN/AKey into their back-end n'all.
  12. Hello Everybody As some of you might have already known, i bought a HTC Droid Incredible mobile phone unwittingly. I want to use the mobile in Tata Indicom network anyhow. The mobile phone don't have sim card slot. Please someone gimme a candle.
  13. Hello Everybody Thanks for your replies. I thought, i might need to change my mobile phone's ESN to register in indian CDMA operator. Now, i got clarified that i just need to register my mobile phone's ESN/MEID within indian CDMA operator. So, Is Tata Indicom a hard nut to crack in respect to foreign ESN/MEID registration and activation? Is it easy in Reliance CDMA ?
  14. no one in the world can change ESN legally(*), you can get registered with Reliance cdma, its a best and easy way . Hi Hitesh What is the procedure to get my mobile phone's esn registered with either Reliance or Tata ?
  15. So are you people trying to say that there are government authorized agencies to change the esn msd of the foreign CDMA mobile phones ?
  16. Is it very difficult to register ernet Meir in India operator?
  17. I have a HTC Droid Incredible mobile phone with Verizon ESN. Is it possible to make the mobile phone to work in Indian operator without hair-lose ? Or anybody in rimweb doing this professionally ?
  18. Then by what way many sellers are professionally selling high-end foreign CDMA mobile phones in India?
  19. I have a Samsung Metro TV M519 mobile phone. I mainly purchased this mobile phone for using it as modem in emergency situations. I have installed latest version of Samsung NPS in Windows 7. Few months ago, i migrated my normal SIM to OMH SIM Card. Since then, i was able to access the (EVDO) internet perfectly in my mobile phone. But, I am always receiving "Error 691: Access was denied because the username and/or password was invalid", message when ever i try to connect to the internet from my Laptop using my mobile phone as modem. I have used Samsung NPS to create the dial-up connection in my Laptop. I have enough account balance, and i used my Tata Indicom "My account" username and password, still it didn't work. I have also used "internet" as username and password, still it didn't work, i used many combinations of username and password suggested by Tata Indicom customer care like omh@photon.tatatel.in etc etc, but still they didn't work. Now Tata Indicom is saying that, there is no issues in their end and the problem is in my Mobile Phone settings. And they are now suggesting me to visit a Tata Indicom outlet to resolve the issue . That is currently not possible from my end for unspecified reasons, and i don't think there is much can be done in my Mobile phone to resolve the problem, I tried contacting Samsung Customer Care, but they are always unreachable. Here is the OMH Profile settings stored in mobile phone. Profile name : OMH, Home URL : http:/da.tataindicom.com, PPP Digit : #777, PPP user name : (Blank), PPP Password : (Blank), PPP Auth Type : (Blank), Proxy : Enabled, PRoxy IP Address :, Port : 9401, Proxy ID : (Blank) Proxy Password : (Blank) So, rimweb is my last resort to resolve this long standing problem.
  20. Samsung Mpower TV S239

    The keys in Samsung Metro TV is small and are not individually laid, so it is little difficult. But may not be as hard as Mpower TV.
  21. Samsung Metro TV at a glance!

    @ me_saket Chances ate there as it was not at all showcased well in their websites from the beginning.
  22. Samsung Metro TV at a glance!

    @samsung123 In my experience, Samsung Metro TV keypad also is not better. The keys in the keypad are doesn't have depth and there is not much tactile feedback. Other than screen size and keypad, i don't have any problems in Samsung Metro TV.
  23. Samsung Mpower TV S239

    Hello Everybody What are the downsides of Samsung MPower TV when comparing to Metro TV? I was able to observe following negative points about this mobile phone. Inferior Camera Media player won't play in Background Some java applications may not work Is the keypad backlit available for Menu buttons?? Is Keypad inferior to Metro TV? (It is already bad in Metro TV) Are they any more negative points about the mobile phone when comparing to Metro TV?
  24. Samsung Metro TV at a glance!

    @ Karthik R I think both of us are in the same boat of boasting the Samsung mobile phone only based on the specification. Isn't it ? Or do you have that mobile phone ?
  25. Samsung Metro TV at a glance!

    @samsung123 Even if you have not interested in look at alternatives i would suggested Samsung MPower TV S239. Samsung MPower TV S239 costs 4.5k, but i bought Samsung Metro TV for 6k I was disappointed in my purchase decision after seeing this mobile phone. It has better screen, better Battery, QVGA resolution, comes with EVDO support, OMH enabled and what not for a very sweet price. Learn more about this mobile phone at http://in.samsungmobile.com/mobile-phones/samsung-mpower-tv-s239 You can easily buy Samsung MPower TV S239 for Rs 1000 to 1500 lesser than Samsung Metro TV. Only let down is poor quality camera and doesn't support backgound music playback.