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Everything posted by raghugs

  1. Takagism - Escape From Crimson Room & Others

    Hello Even afert dialing that phone number and sending again that papper writen help me, i got that papper again with a skeleton, where is money located?
  2. How To Connect When Rconnect Installation Fails

    Dear Raghugs, Ok your wvdial/libwvstreams version seems ok, can you execute the following command and post the corresponding wvdial.log. strace wvdial 2>&1 | tee wvdial.log Cheers ............................. 31868[/snapback] Hello sorry for very late reply, i found my problem. my problem is my LG LSP 340e phone requiers small delay before sending init string, in KPPP there is options for increasing pre-init delay. how can i set pre-init delay in WVDial without using chatt script? i am asking this because i am using SUSE 9.3 it uses kinternet. kinternet uses smpppd, smpppd uses wvdial. using chat script for it breaks everything that depend on wvdial. so if pre-init delay can be increasable via wvdial.conf it would be nice, expecting your reply
  3. Takagism - Escape From Crimson Room & Others

    hello in blue chamber we found 3 things, one yello capsule shaped thing. one pen and a white papper. we tryed to use the pen on papper, for each click it automatically choosed the letters and completed it as "Help ME" what else we must find? please give hints,
  4. Takagism - Escape From Crimson Room & Others

    hello everybody the code to open the lock of skeleton's legs is 0604 or 0605
  5. How To Connect When Rconnect Installation Fails

    Dear raghugs, Please post your wvdial.conf file and can u tell which version of wvdial and libwvstreams you are using. Cheers ...................................... 31674[/snapback] Dear dacodecz my wvdial version is wvdial-1.54-68 it seems libwvstreams is not installed as a seperate package in my system, it comes with wvdial package, its file version is libwvstreams.so.4.0 here is my wvdial.conf ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Dialer Defaults] Modem = /dev/ttyS0 Baud = 115200 Init1 = AT+CRM=1;$LGPKT=3 Init2 = Init3 = Area Code = Phone = #777 Username = my phone number Password = my phone number Ask Password = 0 Dial Command = ATDT Stupid Mode = 1 Compuserve = 0 Force Address = Idle Seconds = 0 DialMessage1 = DialMessage2 = ISDN = 0 Auto DNS = 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// avaiting your reply
  6. url http://webaccelerator.google.com/ Note for Freedom and Freedom Plus users : disable prefecting feature to stop your bandwidth usage for sky-rocketing
  7. How To Connect When Rconnect Installation Fails

    Dear Raghugs, Which program are you using to get connected is it kppp ? What message do you get when you try to connect. There is nothing wrong with the init string, but kppp and few other programs are notorious for making some false assumption about the modem you have, I have some patch for kppp to nail down the same, but please provide some more information as requested so we can fix the problem. Cheers ............................. 31599[/snapback] Hello i had problems in both KPPP and WVDial, KPPP would stops at initializing modem, but i sorted out this problem fiddling in advanced settings in KPPP, such as preinit, postinit timing etc WVDial shows totaly irreleven error message such as stdin not read/write and $Modem not set, don't think i didn't correctly configured WVDial, because after showing this error message for 4 to 5 times it would connect fine, do you have any solution?
  8. How To Connect When Rconnect Installation Fails

    Hello Everybody I am using LG LSP 340e in SuSE Linux 9.3, i used this init string AT+CRM=1;$LGPKT=3. but i can't conect at first attempt, it takes 4 to 5 attempts, but in Windows it would conect at first attempt, what it would be?
  9. tooooooooooooooooooooooooo many question. ask them here http://forum.seo4india.com/MTNL_BSNL_Broadband-f39.html it may help
  10. Hello Everybody i didn't sharply examined Google Web Accelerator before posting. first i want to inform my fello Relience rconnect users via rimweb. but you can see the time saved when using it in Internet Explorer or Firefox's Google Web Accelerator toolbar and in Performance Statistics page that dictates Google Web Accelerator workings.
  11. Internet Usage Calculation

    Hello Everybody Bandwidth calculation functionality restored for me. it is now 690 MB, i think Relience itself the only ISP showing bandwidth usage. i think i still didn't received above-said sms.
  12. Internet Usage Calculation

    Hello Everybody my billing date is 5th. starting from 29th my bandwidth usage is not updated, starting from day-before-yesterday i am geting following message when checking bandwidth usage, "No details are currently available for your account." does anybody geting the same error i am geting? please inform me,
  13. Internet Usage Calculation

    me too, same behaviour
  14. Internet Usage Calculation

    Hey guys it seems Relience is not updating usage count everyday, atleast for me, it is updating 2 days once,
  15. Internet Usage Calculation

    Hello Vishal and Everbody else. it seems for RConnect Data Exchange's unbilled usage count is updated when i logout and login again(if i have realy used above one MB within that). or it is updated when i logout from Relience billing site and disconnect from internet and conect again and login again to Relience billing site, i don't know exactly but when i checked my usage first time it was 312 MB but after some time i checked again my usage and this time it was 317 MB, i want just to inform you that Relience is updating our usage more than once in a day,
  16. Internet Usage Calculation

    Hello Everybody RConnect Data Exchange feature works for me, eventhough it may in infancy i am soooooooo happy that Rconect is geting transeparant, in RConnect Data Exchange my usage as of yesterday was 312 mb. and i must strongly correct one misunderstanding between some forum members on RConnect Data Exchange. AFAIK RConnect Data Exchange feature is not intended to show you your usage after you cross your bandwidth limit, it shows your exact usage of Rconect as of yesterday, if anyone get 0 as the result, these may be reasons. 1 > you have plans other than Freedom / Freedom Plus, 2 > your must update your handset or Phone's Firmware, 3 > you have just started using rconnect (you didn't crossed even 1 day)
  17. Internet Usage Calculation

    Hello Everybody i am using Rconnect since last 2 months on Mandrake 10.1 (fulltime) and Microsoft Windows XP / ME (occasionly) My rconnect plan is Freedom, i am happy with Relience service and tarrif and even billing also, but i can't successfuly keep up with the results of rconnect bandwidth usage against my calculated results. so far (fortunatly) my calculated results exeeds Relience Rconnect calculated results, for example my 1st month usage results in 900 mb something, Rconnect caculation results endded up as just 600 something MB, and in last month, i used carefuly and highly suspected that i would surpass 1 GB bandwidth limitation. but Rconnect showed that i used only 800 MB, this mismatch in results is caused by DU Meter's ethernet usage calculation, combining 3 operating system's results in one is tuff work. is there any good universal method? or is there any good software for calculating bandwidth other than DU Meter and Online eye pro (it is not working for me) for windows? thanks in advance
  18. Hello Friend i have LG LSP 240e FWP, i am getting 6k in avarage, your speed is astounding to me, could you please tell me from which city you are using your phone?
  19. Linux Driver For Prolific 2303

    Hello Manivannan why didn't you follow the instructions given in the folowing url? if did you follow the instruction from that url then chances for failing is http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/R...tom-kernel.html this instruction is tailored to your specfic version Redhat distribution. i given the link in my previous post itself, i think you can still try the instruction above from the above given link. or if you wan't to buy Linux CD follow the links below http://linuxbazar.com/other.html http://www.roseindia.net/linux/
  20. Linux Driver For Prolific 2303

    Hello Manivannan it seems using the driver from Prolific is not easy, i giving this instruction with knowing it would work or not, but as far as i know it won't do any harms to you. it it is'nt work your time would be wasted. 1 > install kernel-source package, then go to /usr/src/linux/drivers/usb/serial rename pl2303.c to something else, download the zip file, then go in to and copy pl2303.c from /disk/Redhat_9/ paste that file into /usr/src/linux/drivers/usb/serial then go to this url and follow the instruction on rebuilding kernel http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/R...tom-kernel.html i have another easy idea, even i am also using that, that is why don't you buy/make a serial cable for your phone?
  21. Linux Driver For Prolific 2303

    Hello i told you know please go here http://koti.mbnet.fi/lonnberg/pl2303x.html
  22. Linux Driver For Prolific 2303

    Hello why don't you use rconnect cmdline? it would automatically find correct port. to check in which port it connected in linux, in redhat's cap menu find system-log-viewer . login as root and open /var/log/messages using gedit or kedit, you see similar line, "pl2303" not attached to . there the port number would be listed, if even after specifiying correct port didn't solve your problem then go to the site i specified in my previous post
  23. Linux Driver For Prolific 2303

    Hello manivannan all new versions popular Linux Distribution would automatically load driver for Prolific 2303 USB-to-Serial adapter, to check if your distribution loaded the driver automatically do the following, login as user root, then type this without quotes, "lsmod" see if pl2303 loaded, if no then issue the following command, modprobe pl2303. check if it works, else you to this site, http://koti.mbnet.fi/lonnberg/pl2303x.html Raghu GS