My friend, Broadband the world over is almost always unlimited. Programs like kazaa, overnet, Mirc, torrent wouldnt have been hugely successful had there been no unlimited broadband. My bro in UK has 1 Mbps unltd adsl from aol u.k. for 25 pounds (rs 2100) per month. My sis in Hongkong has 3 Mbps Unltd Adsl from Netvigator for about 200 Hkd (rs 1200) per month People in Japan are getting 30 Mbps from yahoo broadband and here we are in india still dreaming about 256 Kbps that also limited !I think the mindset of the service providers in india needs to be changed and we consumers should not settle for anything less than Int'l standards. Companies like VSNL and reliance have acquired whole international underground fiber-optic networks like Tyco Global networks, and Flag Telecom. There is no reason for them not to provide high speed unltd broadband. I think a player like google in Email is needed for broadband in india and the rest will be history.
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