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Everything posted by nishsuxx

  1. News Snippets

    Amazon Fire Phone, 32GB (AT&T)The only smartphone with Dynamic Perspective, Firefly, Mayday, and more $199.00 – $649.00 So i reckon this a Amazon' mobile catalog with usual smartphone features ? I wish you failure.
  2. LG G2 LS980 Sprint CDMA/GSM

    Ferrari in garage is overstatement ! You mean the original stock is good for nothing ? I dont think so tim ! More time is wasted in reading / upgrading and fixing than what you would have ever gained for slight tweaks here and there. And all the best with Jtag.
  3. Sprint HTC One - Working With OMH SIM

    Happened with me as well, when phone was downgraded to 4.1.2 from 4.4, camera stopped focusing. It was later upgraded to 4.3 and everything went back to normal. For the tint in the camera, I reckon its a hardware issue and not something that can be fixed via software.
  4. LG G2 LS980 Sprint CDMA/GSM

    Rather, as advised several times on the forum(s), for imported phones do not upgrade your OS/Radio etc if its working fine. We have phones which do not have warranty etc. So its best not to fiddle with something which is working. But i know some people who just cant live without upgrading software, then you see posts like .. please help me with Jtag provider etc. As a mantra - "Dont mess with something which is working fine ! Use Itch Guard" I got a G2 on ZV8 - only change done was change RUIM mode, rooted / OTA blocked, and living happily ever after.
  5. +1 Can you please paste the Deactivation request you sent so that other can use the same "terms/words" which get things working. Thanks.
  6. The photography thread

    Same concept "Lonely Man", Different Treatment.
  7. The photography thread

    Filawerz from my side as well. Canon 1100D + Kit Lens
  8. News Snippets

    This popup was expected... but not on a Monday morning
  9. The photography thread

    Resort @ Vembanad Lake Canon 1100D + Kit Lens
  10. For those who are "worrying" Aap definitely uss category main nahi aate hoo !
  11. Bhaiya.... This illegal unlock things was a recent thing and did not survive long. So this is not going to change the prices extremely according to me. Agree with Baba Zeee (wich i always do) that $ rates have hurt the importers sentiments For those who are worrying about CDMA business shutting down ... start using world phones like Razr, G2 etc .. So the day (if) when Code Division Multiple Access is killed like a dog on street ... you`ll just have to pop in a new sim
  12. Suggest a non touch phone around 5000

    +1 for these handsets
  13. The photography thread

    Good old Droid X Processed in Light Room. I enjoy processing as much as clicking
  14. The photography thread

    LG G2 HDR and Panorama
  15. For me personally : DSLR : Nikon >> Canon >> Rest Digicam: Canon >> Nikon >> Rest
  16. Even i saw his deal on DD and want to buy exact same model for some time now ... but dint jumped on this coz its a new seller. Here are the details for HP offer: http://h41112.www4.hp.com/pdf/HP_INK_ADVANTAGE_Offer_Details.pdf "This Offer is valid on purchases made between 1st January 2014 to 30th April 2014" Will try to reply point wise to make is concise - I purchased T3 (1100D) + 55-250mm + 75-300mm bundle from Amazon around 2 years back.... - I exchanged 75-300mm with 50mm prime + some goodie at JJ Mehta shop and that is an amazing lens - I played around with 55-250mm for a long time and its an amazing lens as well especially for portraits (yes not kidding), amazing bokeh. See attached image taken from T3 + 55-250. I sold 55-250mm sometime back as wasnt using it much. - I would have bought D3100 but there were no bundle offers with same when i was buying - Many will say that buy 600D or something similar but "I feel" most of them dont even know how to use any DSLR to full potential.Start with a decent cheap kit and then buy equipment as your taste develops - When you start with photography then your taste might change with time ... I used to love Macro before i had DSLR, now i really like Landscape and general Street photography - You might also need lens filters / tripod etc as you develop your skills .. so keep a budget aside for that as well - Last month or something my DSLR just died on my. It took Rs 8290 to get motherboard replaced + service charge etc .... so "sooch lo" Ask google uncle for help and you`ll get more answers... Edit: I said this to my friend as a joke - "These days i am only using my DSRL to take photos of second hand phones"
  17. Personally 5. HTC Eris - Droid X - E4GT - Sprint Nexus - Verizon Nexus For family and resale ... more than 100
  18. Movies That You Loved (Or Hated) - Part II

    For me Borat was more "badder" than Bad Grandpa
  19. Official phones with warranty are a bit alien concept for me now ... havnt owned any in last couple of years... I only know Bad ESN
  20. The only Oomph factor for me is that this will start pushing down price of the whole S4 - S2 trail on Ebay .... Yehhh !
  21. LG G2 LS980 Sprint CDMA/GSM

    How many times more this announcement will be made ? Great effort nonetheles
  22. I got this from XDA some time back .. dont have the link
  23. LG G2 LS980 Sprint CDMA/GSM

    For those struggling to get data via RUIM... One of my friend .. keegenohp [ name alphabets reversed to hide identity] was having same issue ... he had programmed phone initially via NV mode and everything was working ...but no data on RUIM But this sunday afternoon .. both of us were bored and had nothing to do .. so began investigating that what have we done different that data is working on mine and not his on RUIM.. and suddenly I Had What Alcoholics Refer to as a 'Moment of Clarity' On my G2 i didnt do any change and just changed the NV mode to RUIM only ... keegenohp on the other hand, had already done NV changes along with data dump akey etc and was later trying by changing to RUIM only mode... keegenohp being a smart guy he is ... had an original EFS backup of the phone [before he did any finger in it that is] ... So he restored it back and voilà!... Data started working on RUIM along with Call and Text of course.. So here is the path for all those Neo`s struggling to find the access code to Xion mainframe. PS1 : Sorry for long reply mods ... contents for the reply can be CRUD ... and freely distriburted under GNU GPL PS2: Sunday afternoons !
  24. LG G2 LS980 Sprint CDMA/GSM

    No you dont, on G2 every reliance OMH sim is "Special" Screenshot: