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Everything posted by merryderry

  1. Does Freedom Plan 650 Have Unlimited Surfing

    i feel your pain bro... as they say... wat to do?
  2. Does Freedom Plan 650 Have Unlimited Surfing

    i use freedom 650, and just got my 2nd bill, so i can set some things straight. 1. 1GB IS 1024 MB for sure i used up 1063, and they have clearly (in the bill) stated extra usage 1063-1024=39.00 MB extra. charged at 5 bux/MB, i have to shell out 195 bux xtra. 2. data transfer IS upload & download (bundled) they always tell ya its only download (even in the webworlds and CC). but i run (thx to rimweb) RAS graph & stat that preps reports on usage. my download for the period was approx 700 MB, and with upload added, it came a little less than what they billed me for, so... hope this proves helpful to neone thinking of takin 650... ***WHEN WE GONNA GET REAL BROADBAND?????***
  3. Rconnect Not Working Since Morning

    hi i had exactly the same problem. the error msg read 0691: access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain. phoned cc and they corrected the problem. first they deactivated the modem, then reactivated it. you will get a sms for each of the above two... ***note: problem corrected 2 days after complaint, still occurs sometimes, have to dial twice b4 connection is successful***
  4. Standard 19200 Bps Modem Installation

    is yr modem registered as 19200 or is it connected @ 19200? 1. control panel->phone&modems->right click yr lg modem, properties->under'modem' change max port speed to 115200 (36200? why??) 2. check yr installation of the s/w (uninstall and reinstall) 3. is yr data cable ok? this is all i can think of rite now...
  5. Any Gamers Using Rconnect?

    i just got rconnect and was planning on using it for online gaming... but i started getting pings of 11000ms. i looked over the dormancy thread, tried pinging and the app posted by deepu... nothing works the pings come down to 5000ms, but thats far from playable. any ideas? mayb i'll just have to go back to *sigh* surfing the net...
  6. Any Gamers Using Rconnect?

    yes, but i dont think isps in india even know the meaning of the word 'latency'. usually isps go out of their way to identify game traffic and route it efficiently. but not in india, as yet. we will get there one day though!! man ive waited so long... heres to something faster than 'bored'band ***where else in the world did kids boast about their 8 KBps "broadband" connecn... in 2004 ????***
  7. Any Gamers Using Rconnect?

    glad you find my pain funny lol j/k i cld actually play with my mtnl dial up @ speeds of 3-4 KBps. i get better speeds on reliance of 6-7 KBps but it the lag that is the problem...
  8. i got rconnect *only* to play americas army n counter strike. once on, my ping zoomed up to 11 seconds. not ms, i mean seconds! thx for the app in advance deepu, coz if it works im not getting up from my comp for a very long time.... umm ok im back, my ping has dropped to 5000ms. but im not celebrating yet are cdma phones inherently unsuitable for gaming?