Am using Reliance Fixed Wireless Phone LG LSP 350R for using internet.
I hav a Problem that when any electrical intrference / fluctuations occur in the surrounidngs the LG modem automatically removed from the system. am using USB cable (USB to Serial cable convertor -FTDI).. i tried with diffrernt quality cables but problem persisit..also tried by shelding the cable with alluminium foil and earthing , but no way the problem persisit.. only one way to get back the modem is we need to remove and pulg in the usb cable to enable the modem !.Am true this is not any software problem
I am serach several weeks for the serial cable pinout for constructing one to avoid this proble, but i never finded yet..
So am seeking any ones reeponse , how to solve this problem
Thanks in Advance , ur help needed !