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Everything posted by sliver1


    Happy Birthday Kamal ji

    Many many happy returns of the day doc.

    Wish you a many many happy returns of the day Amit
  4. Must Have Android Apps For Your Smartphone - Part II

    THEMER Themer is more than an app. It will transform your homescreen to something that is beautiful, functional, and designed to fit the way you use your phone. Just choose one of our many free themes from the in-app browser and press apply. We have sports, sci-fi, nature, minimalism, movies, music, and games. Dozens of themes to choose from and more added daily. Based on the Android theming website, MyColorScreen.com, Themer does all the hard work for you, setting up wallpaper, widgets, and icons in one click. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mycolorscreen.themer
  5. Hi babaji may I have the ipod please. I want to use it in my car with my sony xav-701bt.

    Many many Happy Returns of the Day Rajan ji.

    Thanks a lot Rajan sir, Amit, Nikme, Hitesh ji, Shreesh and Dipan ji for your good wishes.

    Many many happy returns of the day Arunji
  9. Yes. Even in verizon galaxy s3 it was fine till MB1. The MD3 messed up data and signal was low. Now MF1 is relased. Havent updated my phone with it fearing that i might lose data.
  10. Must Have Android Apps For Your Smartphone - Part II

    Can you please post the xda link for Modified Drive link App. It will be useful. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1837847
  11. Must Have Android Apps For Your Smartphone - Part II

    I have been using Sony XAV-701BT since 6 months. The drive link app from play store does not support full mirroring. Its only limited to google maps, stock music player and phone functions. There is one modified drivelink app available in xda. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1837847.%C2'>
  12. Samsung Galaxy S3

    1 click Root, Unlock, Recovery Tool with casual!! Only for Verizon Galaxy S3 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2332825

    Belated Many Many Happy Returns of the day Parin Bhai.
  14. Collect Your Freebies !

    Thanks Hitesh sir.
  15. Collect Your Freebies !

    Got a big surprise. Received my Gillette Fusion Razor today. Had placed the sample request almost 1.3 years ago. Had even received a mail that it had been delivered.
  16. Congrats:D Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2 Thanks Nik Today i called the shipping guy, by tomorrow it will be sent out. Ok Gurugopal ji. Eagerly waiting to lay my hands on it.
  17. Android Updates For Your Phone

    OTA Update I535VRBMD3 on Verizon Galaxy S3 SCH-I535 with Full Changelog Annouced http://donandroid.com/jzo54k-i535vrbmd3-verizon-galaxy-s3-update-to-release-soon-1158
  18. You can lock gallery by using applock app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.domobile.applock&feature=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDMsImNvbS5kb21vYmlsZS5hcHBsb2NrIl0. Alternatively use a file explorer like es file explorer and rename The whatsapp folder as .whatsapp. This will hide the folder and its contents will not be displayed in gallery. When you want to view the folder just go to Myfiles, menu, settings and check the show hidden files option.