To send a sms using a reliance (huawei) usb modem you need to give the following command in a terminal like hyperterm in windows or minicom in linux.
AT$HSMSSD=<destID>, <length>, [ack], [format]<CR>
in simple words
e.g. if you want to send the message "hello world" to phone number "12345678" and you dont need and acknowledgement and the format is ascii the command would be
hello world
the second parameter is 11 because there are 11 characters in the message.
You can write a simple script in linux to get this working.
Here is the direct translation of the chinese text
DestID: Reception Short Message Terminal numbers, ranges from 0 to 9, *, #, the effective length of 32;
Length: short message to be sent by the length of the English, the effective length of the range of 0 to 160 words
Festival For Chinese, effective length of the range of 0 to 70 Chinese characters;
Ack: that the need for the success of short messaging confirmed. 1 is a need to recognize; 0 no need for confirmation;
The parameters for optional, and if we do not enter this parameter, using AT $ HSMSSS choice of the Senate
Format: that the short message encoding formats; 1 for ASCII coding; 2 encoding for UNICODE, this
Parameters for optional, and if we do not enter this parameter, using AT $ HSMSSS choice of parameters.
Msg: information specific content.
Have fun