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Everything posted by aalok

  1. ^ they (webworld guys) cannot give you MIN no.. you need to get it by yourself.. if your existing no. is on RUIM, better to extract the MIN from RUIM itself.. then ask the webworld guy to transfer the no. on the current MEID.. just get it done.. Internet WILL never work out of the box, as its imported handset.. Regarding EVDO, you can follow post & if you want 1x only, PM me, will give you all the details..
  2. Non SMS Stuff

    USED vs LOVED While a man was polishing his new car, his 4 year old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car. In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times not realizing he was using a wrench. At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father..... with painful eyes he asked, 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?' The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times. Devastated by his own actions...... sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches; the child had written 'I LOVE YOU DAD'. The next day that man committed suicide. . . Anger and Love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life & remember this - Things are to be used and people are to be loved. The problem in today's world is that people are used while things are loved. Let's try always to keep this thought in mind: Things are to be used, People are to be loved. Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character; Watch your character; it becomes your destiny....
  3. Smart Solutions - DIY

    lolz .. +1 to you doc..
  4. is your blackberry 8330m of SPRINT make..?? i had faced this problem in sprint 8330m & banged my head for the solution.. sprint blackberries never accept *228. instead of doing *228, get the no. transferred through the reliance world (webworld) & manually punch MIN no. in the handset.. your phone will become active.. * Thanks a ton to Genius, Tushar bhai, Hetal Bhai, for this solution..
  5. Tsunami Hit Japan!

    It is really wonderful to see the attitude and hopes of the Japanese people even after such a destructive and massive earthquake and Tsunami.
  6. Is HTC Wildfire CDMA available in India?

    discussion on mentioned handset already here
  7. RM.. you rock, as always.. bought 3 different mail IDs, different addresses..
  8. World Cup 2011 : Cricket Season

    hibernated.. her cellphone switched off since yesterday..
  9. World Cup 2011 : Cricket Season

    DEEPAWALI manao bhai logon...
  10. ok.. i was under the impression, that range check error is there in MEID based blackberries.. but it seems like all blackberries are having this problem with CDMA WS 2.7.. as doc (genius) has pointed out, it can be done with QPST/QXDM, but its risky.. you have to take the call.. best of luck..
  11. blackberry doesn't require any code for this.. all you can do is to connect your blackberry through computer (its presumed that you computer is having blackberry Desktop Manager installed), check RIM Virtual Serial Ports in Device Manager, run BDM, then rum CDMA WS 2.7, use the highest available port out of two (lets say, ports available in Device Manager are 19 & 20, then take 20), click on connect.. your phone is now connected.. just doing this doesn't allow you to use mobile internet for browsing on the phone.. for that purpose, you have to write the RW dump given by Dhiraj Sir..
  12. Sprint Samsung Epic 4G - The Beast Is Here!

    data worked only for some 2-3 hours.. i switched off data @ around 12:30, and tried to switch it on again, but it failed.. in menu > settings > wireless & networks > mobile network, it states "turning on" but fails.. sir, i never got a chance to see evdo working on my incredible purchased from tarun sir.. although, evdo was working perfectly well earlier on my samsung mpower txt.. it seems there is some configuration issue.. please help in rectifying that..
  13. World Cup 2011 : Cricket Season

    aaj "dusshera" tha.. "deepawali" saturday ko hai..
  14. Sprint Samsung Epic 4G - The Beast Is Here!

    thank you so much dhiraj sir... 1x data started working.. now have to fight for evdo, as evdo is enable on my mdn from backend... sent from my AnDRoid-6300 using tapatalk...
  15. Sprint Samsung Epic 4G - The Beast Is Here!

    Follow this thread http://mobile5.in/forums/index.php?/topic/307-configuring-netconnect-data-plan-with-optional-evdo/page__pid__1316#entry1316 thanks doc.. before doing that, just need to clarify, i had already done for "Generic Rworld Password for Data" and data started working flawlessly after that.. and before doing that i took the complete dump of NVItems.. now, do i need to write original NVItems before writing the Netconnect values or i can do it over RWorld one.. am a bit confused.. please guide..
  16. Sprint Samsung Epic 4G - The Beast Is Here!

    slipped this beast for not having this feature and settled down with former one, droid incredible.. but am pretty sure, that this can be achieved.. slightly OT : how to configure netconnect plan, i.e., using MDN as U/N & P/W..
  17. while writing "00-All-Data-CW27.txt" with CDMA WS 3.6, it fails to do so, reverting with info "00-All-Data-CW27.txt" is not a valid NV-item backup file am not able to use data since saturday. till saturday it worked fine on my droid incredible. Now whenever i try to switch ON the data, it keeps on "Turning On...", but never turns on.. help me friends.. i've a netconnect plan on my connection, eventhough i wanted to go for this RWorld plan, just for the sake of Data.. if netconnect plan doesn't work.. help me friends & gurus..
  18. tried it with stock froyo.. worked perfectly.. +1 to you mate.. million thanks to you & all the friends who helped me out in choosing my first android device..
  19. FUP of 5 GB @ 3.1 Mbps (downlink) is there and after that unlimited @ 1x. Please check this. Its mentioned as "Silver Plan in Postpaid Unlimited Plans"
  20. thanks for the quick help mate.. will check & report asap as right now am fiddling with skyraider sense on incredible..
  21. have been playing around with Incredible for 15 days or so.. till date am not able to do call conferencing Call key doesn't appear anywhere.. am on Stock 2.2, Rooted with S-Off, Baseband, I think this is a ROM issue, though, this option was also not there in Cyanogen(mod) 6.1 Also, market not working on the device. have read that there is some problem in android market on rooted device.
  22. Happy Holi !

    Wishing a happy & colorful HOLI to all the family members of RimWeb.. Have a happy & safe holi..
  23. data is not working on official blackberries too which are not having BIS/BES, on which internet used to work only through opera.. i am not able to surf using opera on my official blackberry 8330, which i was using earlier.. any workaround for the same..
  24. Samsung Galaxy POP CDMA

    This would be FOURTH. Third is Samsung Atlas i500.