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Everything posted by Greens

  1. Why Does My Rconnect Become Dormant Always

    Please note your'e charged for the dormant period also. Usage is calculated from login time to logout time.
  2. Motorola C131 Accessories

    It seems Motorola C131 is no more available in the market. Its looks are appealing but not in the case of build quality or anything else.
  3. Hutch Is The Best For Me

    Corporate Special plans are always there, and reliance has a quite a lot of corporate connections with these special offers. So you will enjoy those benefits still you were the particular company employee, so it can't be counted for general public.
  4. R I C Interviews

    Is your source of these articles from Reliance Infocomm's internal magazine for employees.
  5. Effective R-Connect Speeds

    Folks, Any software to increase the speed.
  6. Handset Warranty / Insurance

    Accidents aren't covered by warranty. So you have to try your luck with the insurance company. The procedure goes somewhere like this. 1. Go to LG authorised service centre. 2. Get the handset repaired. 3. Pay the bill and get the bill copy. 4. Visit RWW, get a claim form. 5. Fill up and send this to National Insurance Company. 6. If your'e lucky and the claim is accepted, you get the money you paid minus Rs.150.
  7. Phone Replacement / Servicing

    Buddy Reliance has nothing to do with spares, except accessories which is being sold at Webworlds. LG is the manufacturer and service provider for RD 2030.
  8. Connecting normal phone to FWP

    Why don't you go for a FWT? Where you can connect them to cell socket. Moreover Reliance is now offering FWT'S free for PCO'S and you get a handsome comission with them.
  9. Reliance Infocomm offers new price plan http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/630911.cms TIMES NEWS NETWORK[ THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2004 12:42:47 AM ] KOLKATA: Reliance Infocomm on Wednesday unveiled a new entry-level price plan for RIM pre-paid subscribers. RIM pre-paid users can now buy a trendy Nokia 2280 data-enabled CDMA handset for Rs 2,999.Earlier, RIM pre-paid users paid Rs 6,500 for the Nokia 2280, which came pre-loaded with 20 recharge coupons of Rs 324 each. Now, pre-paid users will pay less for the Nokia 2280, but the handset will be pre-loaded with one recharge coupon worth Rs 324. Along with the Nokia 2280 pricing, Reliance also unveiled new price plans on a range of LG handsets for its pre-paid users. Users will pay Rs 3,499 for an LG RD 2030 handset and Rs 4,499 for the high-end LG RD 2130 phone. Both LG handsets will also be pre-loaded with one recharge coupon worth Rs 324. All three CDMA handsets (Nokia 2280, LG RD 2030 and LG RD 2130) will carry single recharge coupons with Rs 200 talktime and 30-days validity, respectively. Interestingly, RIM pre-aid users will be able to buy the new LG RD 2230 for Rs 3,99, which will also come pre-loaded with one recharge coupon worth Rs 324. The feature-rich LG RD 2230 comes with a Hindi user interface, internal antenna, phone book and storage of up to 300 entries, polyphonic ringtones and the R-Connect option.
  10. For sure it's going to change. So anyone can guess how it's going to be done. For the first right prediction I offer a special gift. 93 will be the starting numbers all over India. The questions is how reliance is going to change them effectively with little confusion and at the same time existing users can retain atleast some of their numbers in sequence. Waiting for the right guess!!!!!!!!!
  11. Bad Quality of Key Pad

    Usually original one's are of good quality. But rates are very high. Duplicate one's doesn't last long, rates are cheap. So ask before buying, for a minimum period of guarantee.
  12. Clear Voice & Voice Privacy

    I Enquired with the helpline. 1. At present both the features are not supported by Reliance network. i.e., Voice Privacy & Clear Voice. 2. It's advisable to keep Voice Privacy in STANDARD MODE & Clear Voice in OFF mode.
  13. Expect the numbering scheme of reliance upgraded to 10 digit starting with 93. Much more, Loyalty bonus for prompt payers, Conversion of postpaid to prepaid, Lower entry schemes.
  14. Location Based Tracking

    Location based tracking You're relaxing at a rejuvenating spa and you're woken up by the buzz of your cell phone. The call's from your boss. And you say `I'm at the Doc's place'. While you are safe in the knowledge that your boss would never know where you are, he/she can pinpoint your exact location. Not a surrpise though, with the advent of location based tracking technology! Presence detection seems to be the most sought-after services in wireless technology. Phones carrying Global Satellite Positioning Chips and another technology called Triangulation* , can pinpoint a mobile-phone users' whereabouts by bouncing signals to establish an exact set of co-ordinates. The location based tracking was basically targeted at children using mobile phones. Since it was thought to be a good way for parents to keep track of their kids rather than phoning them constantly to find out where they are. The mobile-phone networks believe the location-based tracking services - which allow firms to target specific customers when they enter designated locations will become a major marketing weapon in the future, thus offering customers a whole new experience.. However, those in favour of tracking opine that the technology needs to be handled sensitively. * Triangulation- The process of pinning down a caller's location using three or more radio receivers, a compass and a map. Links: http://www.3glocate.com/ http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/story/0,3...1133025,00.html http://www.mobilein.com/location_based_services.htm http://www.guardian.co.uk/mobile/article/0...1101730,00.html http://www.wirelessinternetmag.com/news/01...search_svcs.htm NV Priyanka Content Team -- BSNL Portal -- Intelligroup Asia Pvt Ltd content@bsnl.in
  15. Cheap Handsets / Poor Quality

    I don't think reliance has compromised on quality. Mostly silver colloured handsets tend to get more scratched then their Black coloured plastic coloured counterparts. Example Motorola C131. Even the platic is of dirt cheap, Motorola C131 doesnt gets scratched easily.
  16. Best Handset

    Folks, RD2230 has got much more facilities like group messaging.
  17. In short, WLL is a policy of Government, CDMA is the technology used for that.
  18. Ndtv News On Reliance's R World

    Quality of video should be improved. Otherwise it's not a pleasure to watch it.
  19. New Look

    Old is Gold. Anyways, Change is the only constant thing in the World. Let's get used to it.
  20. Cloning / Hacking A Cdma Phone

    And moreover it harms more than doing any goog in the short run. May be in the long run it helps to close the loop holes in the system. The recent Sasser virus is a good example, as an average computer user I have suffered a lot because of that.
  21. R-connect Charges

    http://www.relianceinfo.com/Infocomm/html/...y_reckoner.html I hope this will clarify R Connect Monthly rentals (Rs.200).
  22. A Small Gift From Reliance !

    Those gifts were given during collection mela, all over India. According to the bill amount various gifts were distributed.
  23. World Class Customer Care

    Cellphone users are being besieged by unsolicited SMSes and calls http://www.businessworldindia.com/may1704/news16.asp
  24. It's Marketing Gimmick. I think we can tolerate with that. Earlier roaming means, when you come back you recieve a hefty bill at the end of the month. So if we compare that it's very lite. Moreover while roaming, outgoing call rates are charged at home tariff.
  25. A Small Gift From Reliance !

    It seems gifts are presently offered in Kerala Circle. It may be, to create a 'FEEL GOOD FACTOR'. I booked my reliance in Jan 2003. I didn't get anything, except monthly bills.