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Everything posted by Mufaddal

  1. New Bb 8830 Help

    thats not gps it uses cell tower triangulation and gives u approx location
  2. thats what i am saying these vendors are using MEP code caculators and issuing unlock code all they have to do is feed IMEI and MEP and it calculates code based on an alogrithm btw u can read mep of ur blackberry by going to BB ENGINEERING SCREEN without need to use MEP reader anyways i have got contacts of few dealers and am trying to get codes from them for as little as 0.99$ , lets see
  3. by default 9630 will work only with reliance gsm sim it wont work with other sims so u will have to unlock if u buy unlock code from outside , they charge 20$ if u say ur operator is indian , coz they count them in premium unlock codes but truth is with reliance MEP and IMEI once can generate code using alogrithm i have provided unlock codes for reliance 9630 for free to many people , hence saving their 1-2k but at present my suscription for unlock codes has ended and i have to renew it by paying 25$ .
  4. 1st HTC EVO 4G on RIMweb - Check Out The Pics!

    GOD!!!!! why dont people read even first couple of pages
  5. Storm Problem 9530 - Verizon

    unless phones detects sim it wont show u unlock code box
  6. Storm Problem 9530 - Verizon

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-KtyYMcYQM BTW U NEED TO HAVE SIM IN STORM
  7. New Bb 8830 Help

    dont rely too much on bb gps its a hit and miss for flawless GPS performance android or windows mobile are perfect
  8. Need Help To Setup Mobile Hotspot On Incredible

    you have two option - root ur phone - wait for ota which will come in some weeks
  9. Firstly Reliance doesnt support MMS service so forget that secondly u can just buy any imported blackberry and activate data on it as per my thread after that u can send pictures / AUDIO etc etc either via IM or via mails with 1x you can do almost the same with any imported bb what u can do with official bb
  10. 1st HTC EVO 4G on RIMweb - Check Out The Pics!

    ^^^ half of thread is about that still u asking
  11. Free Blackberry GSM Unlock Codes!

    yes its possible u can do it urself just google how to get spc from 9530 , so many pdf are floating around net
  12. Verizon HTC Incredible - The Beefed Up CDMA Nexus 1

    i have latest version of swype it takes time to get used to , but its awesome and future of touchscreen text input
  13. Sprint Hero Bricked, Need Help To Save It

    if u have run sprint ruu then u might have semi bricked hero there is a guide on xda to boot the phone past htc screen thru adb , search it and try that though u might have to do it everytime u reset ur phone
  14. Activation Key List In Nokia 6275

    u are using sim card with 6275 ruim has its own akey and prl so akey of handset wont matter are u trying to activate ur handset ?? contact reliance people
  15. Blackberry Hidden Engineering Screen

    there is lot many options in there sadly i dont use bb anymore , so i cant explore
  16. Free Blackberry GSM Unlock Codes!

    its better not to ask codes for phones that can be easily unlocked with mfi like 8830/8100/8300 use unlock codes for newer phones where mfi wont work
  17. How To Unlock Phone Memory in Nokia 6275?

    using diego tool u can get ur unlock code
  18. Blackberry Hidden Engineering Screen

    http://escreencalc.tk/ i found this online calculator as well fr those who dont have mfi
  19. Verizon HTC Incredible - The Beefed Up CDMA Nexus 1

    this is an overstatemnt lol how much of data u are going to use anyways on a handset for mails and IM u dont even need evdo 1x is good enough , u cant feel difference between 1x and evdo when u use mails and IM as far as browsing goes , 1x is ok , though evdo will be twice fast only advantage i see of evdo is atleast u can get calls when data is on , unlike 1x where calls come busy
  20. Review: Samsung Juke

    good review though i am too lazy to read full details , just skimmed over it , good coverage of all aspects of juke
  21. Review Of Palm Pixi

    doesnt matter if its running on esn or meid mode the steps i mentioned wont brick the pixi/pre , as sometimes phone needs to be reset to fix some apps or issues , no phone can do without reset so its all safe just donot use offiicial sprint webos dcotor to update pixi/pre
  22. thnx doc , but can i programme both the numbers by sitting here in mumbai.. i mean for the (UP east circle) number if i call *228..from the handset sitting here in mumbai, doc also pls include me a link on how to program the handset for nam 1 and 2. thanx and regards yes u can programme reliance and tata both sitting here but for tata u will have to contact someone in tata store in UP
  23. Some Questions For Pre Users....

    ^^^ if u used chinese roms there will be first use app ( you can get it from preware also) just use it and log in ur palm profile or create one
  24. Some Questions For Pre Users....

    yes pre plus will work with reliance