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Everything posted by Mufaddal

  1. Palm Stops Production Of Cdma Pre And Pre Plus

    lol there is neither a problem nor a financial trouble palm have already given official statement on the matter google it
  2. ^^^ BIS service can be activated with tata only and only if tata accepts bb pin no BIS in cdma is authenticated by ESN and PIN which are in pairs so in short tata shud accept ur blackberry esn and pin in their database now tata usually doesnt like to accept foreign bbs , so unless tata accepts ur bb as it is , BIS wont be possible one rimweb member got bb 8830 successfully registered on tata and his BIS also worked , he did all this using his contacts in tata as far as voice/sms goes hat can be achieved on tata though by other means if u want BIS u have to go official route , which will happen only if u have good contacts in tata
  3. ^^^ no even bb is not a problem bb pin is irrelevant for voice/sms bb pin is just ip address in bb pool of bis
  4. Sprint Htc Hero - The Latest Android Kid On The Block

    ^^^ usually it should not matter on reliance my sid is 14655 and nid is 25857 , still my hero is working fine anyways u can try to change ur nid to 65535
  5. Samsung Corby Vs Nokia 5800

    well there are ways to cache google maps for offline mapping purpose i had posted a method long time back
  6. Samsung Corby Vs Nokia 5800

    google navigation is only for android devices right now dont know abt symbian , i have left nokia and symbian since past 1yr i use google navigation on android , and its by far the best , nothing can match it
  7. Sprint Htc Hero - The Latest Android Kid On The Block

    @ashish also when u hear switch off tone at that time dial this ##debug# on ur dialpad go to 1x and tell me what all u see with the values specially of sid and nid @kshah thats not prl its PRI version 1.70_003 may be he missed out to write prl version
  8. Samsung Corby Vs Nokia 5800

    well let me put this way i was a supermod of forum where we first started posting all hacks n stuff for nokia 5800 when it arrived i have known and worked on that handset a lot in short its a peice of **** , released by nokia to test out s60v5 though with lot of firmwre upgrades 5800 has improved a bit , but still it still isnt there if u want a comparative choice and u only and only have two options like 5800 and corby then go for 5800 , coz 5800 is a smartphone with lot of apps , corby is just a feature product but if u want my advise , look for something other than 5800 and corby
  9. Sprint Htc Hero - The Latest Android Kid On The Block

    ^^^ its modem issue try one thing when u hear switch off one just go to ur hero and dial ##786# and tell me what all u see
  10. Sprint Htc Hero - The Latest Android Kid On The Block

    ^^^ this issue has veen discussed sort of one member sumit verma had similar issue , callers use to hear switch off tone after long hrs of been idle u too seem to have modem issue try flashing sprint RUU or if that doesnt work do ##786# reset , after which u will need to reprogram ur phone
  11. Change Your Username

    ^^^ thnx
  12. Unboxing The Beast (A.c.ryan)

    ^^^ lol ur post count shows 0 in place of 1
  13. Sprint Htc Hero

    ^^^ how much time it takes to register to a website ??
  14. Problem In Connecting Qxdm To Sprint Hero

    ^^^ qpst is always needed to configure com ports for taking dumps i had already told u one more trick as well for ur bb , use that
  15. Sprint Htc Hero

    @sunny 1974 seems that u dont read posts and suggestions properly yesterday i posted link to a new site with domain id name .us and not .com read it properly i didnt tell u to go to mobile-files.com i have given link to new site called mobile-files.us lol , ever since i posted that site link , half of rimweb got registered over there
  16. Save Paper Save Tree

    @dkalie lol , a valid point BTW....
  17. Sprint Htc Hero

    @harimahesh i have been using google voice on android ever since it come into service i send free sms thru it btw i myself liked to be a backbencher ...par pata nahi age kaise agaya...lol
  18. Sprint Htc Hero

    ^^^ rather than asking again n again for help y dont u take some pains and do some searching around the forum and google as my freind dkalie says "thoda haath pair to maro yaar" just yesterday i posted link to a new site called mobile-files.us for people like u who want help everything u need is over there
  19. Problem In Connecting Qxdm To Sprint Hero

    did u configure the port in qpst configuration unless u do that qxdm wont show if ur com port 12 is showing diag interface then go to qpst configuration add port and add com port 12
  20. Gingerbread ?

    lol first give us eclair on hero gingerbread is still tooooo far
  21. Substitute To Mobile-Files.com

    but y do u need that when programming a tp2 is so easy
  22. Substitute To Mobile-Files.com

    i always use isohunt.com well if u want to use google translator only then use this site www.diypda.com nothing beats this site when it comes to latest exploits/hacks for cdma they r makers of all esn based radios
  23. Substitute To Mobile-Files.com

    mf files is down as hitesh said the pages u r loading r cached on google servers and they too will vanish in some days i had a chat with one of the mods at mobile-files , though he also wanst sure if mf files will be up n running again anytime soon i tried using proxy ips but nothing works
  24. Help: Htc Hero Messages Issue

    also notice if it gives switch off tone to the callers after long hrs of been idle
  25. Sprint Diamond Battery Reqd.

    it takes 10 days at most same time will be taken from ebay.in as well secondly protection is by paypal , irrespective of ebay.com or ebay.in