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Everything posted by Mufaddal

  1. Problem With Nokia 6265

    u can try ...since cdma radio is same
  2. Discount On Blackberry 8830 World Edition?

    make sure u have advance gprs activated on ur phone and not wap
  3. ^^^ password is ogmisthebest
  4. How to Reset Security Code Of Nokia 6275 cdma?

    u can use diego 3.08 to reset security code other tools are phoenix /jaf
  5. People With Bb 8830 Needed

    ^^^ u can load a service book for gprs
  6. itni sari girlfriend paloge to even airtel nahi bacha payega biwi se
  7. Problem With Nokia 6265

    the rm version will be printed at back of handset below battery .. rm version is different for different regions /hardware just search on google for your firmware file ... i m attaching phoenix service manual ...in case anyone else needs it Phoenix_Service_Software_flashing_guide.rar
  8. Vodafone Gprs Settings For Tata Indicom 8830

    ^^^ in mumbai they arent offering unlimited gprs
  9. The New Palm To Look Out For

    treo 755p has 2.5 inch screen and its pretty much comfortable .... so i dont think 2.63 would be that small for web os ... one thing worth noting is that palm screens are more wider . also considering the fact that eos will be a havng a qwerty so in that case 2.63 wudnt be much a problem
  10. The New Palm To Look Out For

    well if palm pre wasnt enough ....see this PALM EOS will be their second to use WebOS after the Pre launches presumably sometime around june 7th . Last we heard of Eos, it is rumoured to be launched on both sprint as well as at&t specs include 4GB storage 10.6mm x 55 mm x 111 mm 100 grams 2.63-inch, 320 x 400 capacitive display Price: $349 before rebates Camera: 2 megapixel fixed focus digital camera and flash / video capture Connectivity: Bluetooth 2.1 w/ A2DP and EDR, USB 2.0 via micro USB Removable 1150 mAh battery (4 hours 3G talk time) Messaging: SMS, MMS (picture and video only), integrated IM client Contact sync with AT&T Address Book MediaNet Cellular Video Email: POP3, IMAP4, and EAS support A-GPS Audio: WAV, MP3, AAC, AAC+ ringtones Video Playback: MPEG4, H.264, H.263
  11. u would have got one in heera panna or manish market
  12. @vikas l mahajan and concon the link posted is for cdma workshop 2.7 full version cdma workshop 3.3 and above are not cracked and probably wont be cracked any time soon as people prefer buying it and getting 1yr free customer support rather than using a cracked copy . the new version seems a lot better and worth buying for people who deal in cdma phones the rar file posted is password protected password is ogmisthebest
  13. Bb 8830 World Edition Dual Sim?

    ^^^ have replied to ur mail
  14. Vodafone Gprs Settings For Tata Indicom 8830

    i m vodafone customer i have advance gprs activated on my number to use gprs all i have to do is go to settings advance options and tcp in apn i type www thats all .
  15. Bb 8830 World Edition Dual Sim?

    to load prl u need qxdm soln to make it work on reliance has been posted on rimweb ... just follow it ..if u have any trouble lemme know
  16. Problem With Nokia 6265

    @sumatrix so i guess i was rite ....the phone doesnt have slider problem and needs to be reflashed . flashing can be done outside nokia care also all u need is a firmware file of nokia 6265 u can use phoenix to flash ur phone ...i have official guide in case u need it only thing is u will need a firmware file i will try to get one just tell me ur RM version if u dont get firmware file then take ur phone to nokia care
  17. have u started the hot sync manager on the comp try uninstalling and reinstalling hot sync manager on ur desktop
  18. i never said that plz dont read between the lines i m talking here abt gsm handsets and abt imei ..not abt imprted phones which we use here on cdma networks .
  19. even i have cdma wrkshop 2.7 ...but its no good but yes u can try with tools lke qxdm and unicdma i think few rimwebians must be having cdma workshop 3.4 ...may be they can help
  20. ^^^ in todays world anything can be cloned in gsm imsi can be cloned if u can clone sim cards which is difficult thing to do see the rule is if two numbers with same imei connect to a network then the network should barr both of them .. secondly many of these chinese handsets have cloned imei btw india is a huge huge market for these chinese handsets ...also u will be suprised to know that many people change imei on several phones for example iphone /blackberry and use it here without any problems or getting barred
  21. well just to add to this in reality imei is not used to trace anyone ...its the IMSI which can trace a user imei just identifies handset ...imsi identifies user thats coz imei is handset specific and imsi is carrier soecific . so even if imei is cloned u will have multiple imsi of whoever is using that imei ..... imei can be used for blacklisting abd barring purposes ..
  22. well people have been able to make treo 755 work with evdo so its not impossible for sure .... the only thing is that by simply using esn amd min wont help akey is imp parameter which needs for evdo along with hdr settings . but as i said people in US have done it so its not at all impossible @kshah which version of cdma workshop u talking abt afaik versio 3.3.5 and above arent cracked or are there any cracked versions ???
  23. ^^^ touch hd would cost u around 500 $- 600 $
  24. Help In buying New Handset

    not yet . no other handset will give u as good internet browsing as mogul . nokia handsets in cdma are s40 and have ok browsers if u ok with opera mini than go for nokia handsets or spice handsets or still if u want u can go for ppc 6700 ...though outdated but still u can get good browsing out of it
  25. Help In buying New Handset

    @chintan mogul is the best option available rite ow ... as suggested by situ u can go for a used mogul or touch ... if budget is ur problem then u can even ask praween ...recently he sent a brand new mogul to rimweb member for 12.5k . or else for ur requirements u stated even bb 8830 is a good option u can use gsm and cdma connections and use gprs from ur gsm connection to browse . though still u cant use relmobileowrld on it . the price at which sadikk is selling it is worth a buy !!