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Everything posted by dr.faramroze

  1. [Android] Mods-build.prop Tweaks (CDMA only)

    Better to nand backup the ROM before granting root permission to this application. This app will edit values in build.prop file but new lines cannot be added. The app only supports and recognizes platform tweaks and build tweaks but not model/carrier/frequency band values. EVOing on RCDMA using Tapatalk
  2. EVDO Speed Is Too Slow As Like 1X

    Thank you for a reliable input. Point cannot be overlooked. Then this means I should try out EvDo speed at different neighbouring sites. EVOing on RCDMA using Tapatalk
  3. EVDO Speed Is Too Slow As Like 1X

    *228 does not select language and hangs up as not activated. *22898 ivrs does select language but says " your phone could not be activated". Enquired at web world and the guys showed their status as '1x, EvDo,calling and sms working properly' No flag at any service or HLR. Phone latched to network properly EVOing on RCDMA using Tapatalk
  4. EVDO Speed Is Too Slow As Like 1X

    Today I got my sister's Nexus S 4G from US which I got MEID and EvDo activated last week. Once again *228/*22898/*228001 did not work and had to put MIN manually. 1x started after I removed all Sprint settings from QPST. Using root explorer I wrote HDR username/pass as in APN. 1x works as it works, connects to EvDo and it works at 130-160 kbits per sec. It is confirmed that the phone joins EvDo network then why is the speed so low? Is any other parameter needed? EVOing on RCDMA using Tapatalk
  5. You can send the rooted one. I can try. EVOing on RCDMA using Tapatalk
  6. Does the phone not support data on RUIM? If yes then which operator by default? Or this phone does not provide data on RUIM (roaming mode)? Ok. I will see if it can be done. Phone is rooted or not? Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
  7. I support your view. For regular 3G internet use a 4.3 inch smartphone will suffice, but the juice gets ****ed in few hours not safe during long distance travels. The second handset (always kept) needs to have outstanding battery performance. CDMA call quality is good but not with entry level sets. After using a new gen phone, candy-bar phones seem to take us backwards in times. The reason why I don't consider swapping with newer smartphones is mainly the battery, phablets don't give active 3G use more than 3-4 hours mostly unusable for business trips. Larger smartphones are very difficult to manage, as mentioned here, just the pride of owning one. Manufacturers assume smartphone owners use their shirt pockets so no belt holsters for a 4-4.3 sized smartphone. Other plus of an average sized smartphone is we don't feel the urge for a laptop or pc because most of it is done in smartphone. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  8. I didn't get you. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  9. Help: Samsung Galaxy Nexus S (CDMA) Not Switching On

    You also find this useful. Authorised Seller of ORT-JTAG in Ahmedabad Chirag Patel Location:AHMEDABAD Email: INFO@CHIRAGP.COM Mobile:+919825888826 Sonork:100:1577436 MSN: CHIRAG7_9@HOTMAIL.COM Mehboob:- MS Mobile Valsad I spoke to him regarding your phone model if repairable on JTAG, he has replied "yes" for your phone. Can send him an sms with your phone model at 9099191111. http://www.gsmindia.in/forum/gsm-updates-and-news/63314-ort-jtag-samsung-sph-d720-nexus-s-4g-boot-repair-full-support.html http://www.ort-jtag.com/blog/?e=33 If the repair personnel does not have latest JTAG pinfinder http://www.jtagfinder.com/x/node/5 http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f665/samsung-sph-d720-problem-plz-answer-me-time-1493349/ D720 JTAG procedure
  10. Help: Samsung Galaxy Nexus S (CDMA) Not Switching On

    Yes you are right. There is a complete JTAG/eeprom flash package which only needs to be configured according to the pinouts. I think if you say Samsung Galaxy Nexus S 4G Sprint (D720) no one will realize the model and the procedure. We may have to mention the GSM version of this model. The flash and boot strap files are available online for RIFF box for this phone. People are doing this work and they have been successful also. You are correct JTAG/RIFF box/Samsung BOX can start a dead phone to boot. Once booted another file is flashed on bootloader mode. If the phone does not boot in system reboot mode (Normal OS) then the repair guy needs to flash stock firmware also from bootloader mode. You may have to carry your restoration pack to the next repair guy you visit. Another Address: Satyam Mobile Repair 9825354912 079 26306274 Skylon Building, Gulbai tekra, Ahmedabad
  11. HTC EVO Design CDMA - RUIM of TATA & MTS Not Working

    Solution for this will follow soon. Working on it. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  12. Movies That You Loved (Or Hated) - Part II

    Saw English winglish with family. A movie with minimum sound and visual effects. Everything was edible except the French character and his attraction towards a married woman of Indian society. English course does not complement attraction or wrong indulgence. Literature learners need not get attracted to the opposite sex. There is no connection between being modern, having cultural values and learning English. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  13. Help: Samsung Galaxy Nexus S (CDMA) Not Switching On

    JTAG-Repair and Auth Dealer of JTAG MOBILECLINIC Contact Person: ASHOK GARG City: NEW DELHI Telephone: +91-9811158555 Email: mobileclinic@hotmail.com Yahoo: mobileclinic2001@yahoo.com
  14. Help: Samsung Galaxy Nexus S (CDMA) Not Switching On

    Well Known JTAG Repair Centre in Mumbai Wonder Gallery Manish Market, 1st Floor, Shop Number No.27, Palton Road, Mumbai 400001 Ahmedabad Exclusive RIFF JTAG Service centre Patel Mobiles Anant Patel 370 Azad Chawk, Nr. Police Line, Amraiwadi, Ahmedabad - 380026, Gujarat, India Ph:- 9898552381
  15. Help: Samsung Galaxy Nexus S (CDMA) Not Switching On

    For Mumbai residents, a centre on the second floor building adjacent to Manish market. Will confirm details soon. They give back dead Android phone fully working in 1-2 hours. Jtag is very well done at Heera Panna in Haji Ali and Indraprastha shopping center at Borivali. Three out of ten wayside mobile repair guys conduct JTAG. The only drawback is after JTAG is it shows Jtag done on bootloader screen on some phones. Before that try to make a gold card image and see if it boots. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  16. HTC EVO Design CDMA - RUIM of TATA & MTS Not Working

    Did you check bhai. Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2 Using root explorer method here will add spns-conf editing. Write Reliance override settings in spns-conf. Edit Carrier in build.prop. reboot. 1x is guaranteed to start. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  17. Help: Samsung Galaxy Nexus S (CDMA) Not Switching On

    Jtag resurrection Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  18. Now Epic and Nexus S does not need qpst for writing usr/pass. If the phone previously has ev/1x settings of Sprint, should be removed and made blank. Edit apns-conf and manually edit Sprint apn with Reliance mdn/mdn or net/net. Apn shortcut may not be available, use anycut>activity>apn. Write new apn and save. Reboot. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  19. [Android] Mods-build.prop Tweaks (CDMA only)

    Yes sometimes it is not working because of some ril changes. It is also Rom related. Download prefixer by 253 below from playstore. Make manual rules for i/c and o/g calls. It will work. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  20. I got a EVO LTE activated for evdo by calling CC, they sent NAM and later dictated the apn settings. Apn=rcomnet Username= blank Password= blank Apn type= internet Authentication= pap Never heard of such a setting for hybrid mode. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  21. Review: Samsung Google Nexus-S 4G From Sprint - Curvy Babe

    Yes flash SU.zip from recovery. If not rooted then Gnexs toolkit. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  22. Help: Samsung Galaxy Nexus S (CDMA) Not Switching On

    Simple unbrick tool is available for GnexS 4G in nexus s 4g q&a on xda. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  23. Review: Samsung Google Nexus-S 4G From Sprint - Curvy Babe

    Even I got official 4.1.1 JRO03R update at first go on my friend's ns4g. But there are some bugs like operator name, 1x icon, higher level of auto brightness and a few more. AOKP BUILD 4 is full of tweaks and completely compatible with Nexus S. You can try AOKP. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk
  24. Thanks Sougata.. But "amar choice tumi jano" Tapatalking from my hTc Droid Incredible 2 on MTS Huawei phones have 32% market share in US. This is a reliable phone what Sougataji has recommended. G300 is still more sophisticated. Many updates are released from time to time and software support from developers. Sent from my EVO 3D on Reliance using Tapatalk 2